Chapter 3 : What He Really Feels

Ghostly Love

Kai tried to grab her wrist, but she was already out of sight.

Suddenly, he heard a loud laugh from behind. He turned around and saw Yoo In Na laughing behind him. "Omo! This is too funny!" She said while clapping her hands. "You guys should star in a drama together!" She said teasing.

"Shut up you !" Kai yelled.

She soon stopped laugh and crossed her arms. She looked at Kai. "Who are you calling a . I'm not the two timing ." She smirked. "It doesn't matter anyway, I got what I wanted." 

Kai looked at her confused. "Wanted what?" 

She took her phone and showed a picture of them kissing. "Some girls in class were talking about how they couldn't even get you to talk to them. When I told them that we hooked up before they wouldn't believe it. They said that you were too 'in love' with your girlfriend." She put air quotes around the would in love. She started to shake her phone. "Now they'll have nothing to say." She laughed again.

"You...You used me!" Kai tightened his fist. "Now she won't ever speak to me again!"

"And you think this is my fault?!" Yoo In Na put her phone back in her purse and steped toward Kai. "It's not my fault that your weakness is pretty girls and it's not my fault I'm a pretty girl is it Kai?" She asked while poking his chest. She leaned into his ear. "You don't need that ugly Kai. You've got me baby." She said seductively.

Kai stepped away from Yoo In Na. She looked at him shocked, this wasn't the first time he backed away from her offer. Even though it wasn't the first time, it still hurt that she had been rejected again.

"You're wrong Yoo In Na. Kyungmin isn't an ugly , she's a beautiful person inside and out, unlike you. You may look pretty, but you're fake inside and out. I'd rather be with the ugliest girl in the world then be with you." SLAP!! 

Kai took a few steps back from that unexpecting slap. He touched his throbbing cheek, the same cheek Kyungmin had slapped not to long ago. He looked up and saw how angry and furious Yoo In Na looked.

She quickly came back to reality and fixed her hair. "Whatever Kai. I've got ever thing I needed so I don't need you anymore. Bye bye!" And with that she left.


Kai walked all the way to his house or what most people would call it, a mansion. He opened the front door and was greeted by many maids. He took off his room and made his way to his room when a maid had stopped him. 

"Master Kim. You have a visitor waiting for you in your room." She informed.

Kai nodded half listening to what she said and moved her aside so he could get to his room. All he wanted to do was relax and think of ways for Kyungmin to forgive him. As he made his way to his room he noticed the lights were on. *Stupid maids didn't close my lights. Someone's getting fired tonight.* 

He opened the door and found someone sitting on his bed. "Kyungsoo hyung?" He asked confused.

Kyungsoo turned around and stood up. "Come here Kai. I need to talk to you. Oh! And close the door on your way in." He requested.

Kai did as told and walked to him. "Hyung why are you here? You're usually out impressing the babe's with your amazing cooking skills." He said while scratching his head.

Kyungsoo just glared at him. He took a step towards Kai and smacked him in the head. "YOU ING IDIOT!!" He yelled while he hit him.

Kai was surprised by the hit and all he could to was shield his body with his arms. "YA-Y-YAH! Hyung what are you doing?!?!" He tried to asked.

Kyungsoo kept smacking, kicking and punching Kai. "H-H-HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON KYUNGMIN AGAIN!!!" 

Kai grabbed Kyungsoo's wrist and looked at him shocked. "H-h-how did you know?" He stuttered.

Kyungsoo pulled his arms back and gave Kai a quick smack on the head. "Obviously not from you!" He said as he made his way to a couch next to Kai's desk. He sat down and pointed to Kai's bed. "Sit. We have to talk. NOW!" He demanded.

Kai flitched at how mean and vicious Kyungsoo's voice was. He quickly obeyed and sat down in front of him. He looked up at Kyungsoo who was flaring with anger. Kyungsoo was always the gentle one in Exo, but he knew how to fight and he fought rough. "Yes hyun-"

Kyungsoo cut him off. "Why'd you do it?" He asked while crossing his arms.

Kai gulped. "Well. You see hyung.." Kai couldn't get the words in his head to come out of his mouth. "I.I was at the club yesterday with some of the members from Exo and I noticed a girl drinking all alone. I felt bad so I went up to her and yeah that's how it all happened." He said scratching his head.

"Name." Kyungsoo asked not leaving his eyes on Kai.

"Y-Y-Yoo In Na.." He stuttered.

Kyungsoo quickly got up and started hitting him again. "YOO IN NA! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER HOOK UP WITH THAT AGAIN!!!" He yelled while attacking Kai.

Kai kept shielding his body from his hyungs wrath. He couldn't fight back Kyungsoo, it just didn't feel right since he understood why he was getting hit.

"And now thanks to you Kyungmin is crying her eyeballs out! You really out of your ing mind aren't you Kai?!" Kyungsoo asked leaving him with one more smack in the head. He took a few steps back from Kai and started pacing around his room scratching his head.

Kai rubbed his beating head and looked at Kyungsoo. "She's..Crying?" 

Kyungsoo looked at Kai with anger in his eyes. "No Kai she's not crying. She's laughing her off right now!" He said saractically. "Wow Kai, I knew you were stupid, but I didn't think you were an idiot!" 

Kai looked down. * I knew she would cry, but is she still crying now? Is she still crying over me?* Kai thought. He looked up to Kyungsoo who started pacing again. "How'd you find out hyung?"

"It doesn't matter how I found out, it matter that I found out. That Kyungmin didn't just find out, she witnessed it all happen. So there's nothing you can say to make her think else wise." Kyungsoo pulled his hair in frustration. "Aish! Eunji was right! What was I thinking?!? You and Kyungmin should date? If I knew you were going to this I would of never introduced you to her anyway!" He groaned.

Kai looked up with sad eyes. He didn't want Kyungsoo to regret anything that involved him and Kyungmin. Besides meeting Exo, Kyungmin was the one thing that Kai never regreted. 

Kai stood up and grabbed Kyungsoo's wrist. Kyungsoo turned around and looked up at Kai who was facing him. "Hyung. Help me. Help me make things right again." He begged.

Kyungsoo looked at Kai disguisted and pulled his wrist back. "Why Kai? What's the whole point if your just going to keep screwing up again and again? Do you even love Kyungmin or is she just one of the girls you use one day and throw away the next? Kyungmin's probably not the only one tired of hearing you lies. Eunji is too and so am I." He said harshly. 

Kai tried his best to keep the tears falling from his eyes. He didn't want Kyungsoo to give up on him, because without the help of Kyungsoo he wouldn't be able to get Kyungmin back. A tear accidentally slipped from his eys and slid down his face. "Hyung..Please. Don't give up on me. I'm new to this thing called love, but I promise you hyung, when I'm with Kyungmin I suddenly know what it is and I can feel it too." He dropped to the ground and was now on his knees. "I..I..I need her back hyung. Please help me." Kai looked down to the floor as tears slowly rolled down his face.

Kyungsoo looked down at Kai. Kai was one of the strongest members in Exo looking at him crying and looking weak made himself feel weak. Kyungsoo sighed and kneeled down to face Kai once more. He patted the top of Kai's head. Kai looked up and saw Kyungsoo give him a little smile. "Fine I'll help you." He said slowly. 

Kai smiled and gave him and hug. "Thank you hyung!" He said as tears streamed down his face.

Kyungsoo patted his back. "You're lucky you're my best friend and not Eunji. If I was Eunji you'd be saying good bye to your peinis by now." He joked.

Kai let out a little laugh and released from the hug. "Don't worry. I can make Eunji trust me too, I just need Kyungmin to forgive me and trust me again."

Kyungsoo nodded. "I know you can do it. If she loves you as much as you love her, she'll forgive you again." Kyungsoo said and smiled. He saw the desperation in Kai's eyes and knew that he did truely love Kyungmin. 





Hi Hi again^^ I didn't take long to update again~ I'm so proud of myself^^ Do you like it so far?? OMO the whole Kyungsoo and Kai scene made me nervous. No matter how hard I tried to keep it clean it always seemed to look and sound like a :S I hope you weren't dissapointed that it wasn't a though...I don't know how to write those things, but I guess I kind of have an idea of how... Anyway~ What do you think about Kai so far?! Like him? Hate Him? Still waiting for Sehun to come?! Don't worry he'll be here soon! Maybe chapter five *thinking face* Idk BUT HE WILL!! Thanks for reading ^_^

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Hi readers! I'm going to update either Friday or Saturday! PROMISE^^


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Chapter 6: lol
hai sehun. XD
lakaransahrawi89 #2
Chapter 5: lol..funny sehun..
Chapter 3: O__O
Does Sehun come in anytime soon???
I hope so...
So far, I like the plot. It is very interesting... along with Kyungsoo's wrath... XD
Update soon author-nim~
O.O keep it up ^^