It has been a week of awkwardness being with jonghyun in school, good thing their friends are with them the whole day,,they spent the whole day together with friends but they never talked yet,,,,and now it's about time to go home as he promised to his uncle and his mom to be in his step brother's house again but then he doesn't know if he can rely again to the person who made him cry...

He slowly step out from the car...aron and minhyun decided to accompany their friends to go home or just dropped them by,,,,Ren glance to his bestfriend and then to aron.... the two gave their friend a smile and a nod..

"minhyun~~~~ the blonde sang with a frown,,,,

"owh come on ren, you can do it,,,just go in,, we can't go with you inside,, we have to go....it's our anniversary and we have a date, don't ry to ruin it, sorry,,,please go inside...i'm sure jr is waiting,,,minhyun said walking to his friend and cup the face,,,

"That's~~~~that's my problem,,,if jonghyun is inside,,,i don't know what to do then.....ren confessed locking his eyes to the ground...

"of course, he's inside im sure because this is his house...minhyun said with a laugh,,,

"aigoo, princess come on,,,jr won't just grab you and pin you on the bed, he still have respect on you,,go inside now,,,,jr is harmless, believe me, tell me if he bites you, i will kill him with my hands,,,,aron joked,,,

Ren smiled,,,"arasseo,,i know it,, now you go,,just leave me here,,,,i'll do my best,,,,,he said and pouted, he slowly opens the gate,,,he looked back and waved to his friends, the couple waved and step inside the car,,,they drove away,,,Ren sighed and look up to the house from the gate, collecting all his confidence, he was hoping that jr won't just pop out of nowhere in surprise to him....He took the steps towards the main door...peeking his head inside as he opened it slightly,,,,the whole house is silent, no people around the living room, quiet, no trace of noise anywhere, he sighed in relief until an old voice of a lady called his name...

"princess!,,the ajjuma called from upstairs with the broom and a dust pan on his right hand..

"eo...de,,,ajjuma~~~ he mentioned, his face was red, he was startled from that call,,,,,

"princess, you're back,,,,the ajjuma run towards the blonde who still standing at the door,,,

"ahm de,,ajjuma,,,,ren response smiling awkwardly rubbing his back neck....

"owh,,,young master is not home, he had to go to the company,,,i think he'll be home late or maybe not, he usually spend the night at the hotel,,,,,the ajjuma informed,,,,

"Eo jinjja! ren exclaim,,his mood had brihtened up. he admit, he felt the relief knowing that he won't see the guy today,,he just need to unpack quickly and sleep early so that he won't bump unto the guy tonight....

''de...owh,,have you eaten already? i can prepare you a grilled beef,,,,the ajjuma said...

"ahhh no...just prepare instant noodles for me,,i'm still full so noodles will do,,,,thank you ajjuma,,i'll wait upstairs,,i'll just unpack my things,,,,ren instructed and immediately run upstairs to his usual room,,,he close the door quickly and lock it,,,he sighed and opened his suitcase and unpack his things in quickest move,,,,

i just 30 minutes later,,,,his things were all settled to its place.."aigoo...what am i doing? why am i rushing?.,,,,he mumbled while catching his breath,,,,

"Princess here is your noodles, there is no instant noodles so i had to cook, sorry for waiting you out,,,ajjuma called after three knocks on the door,,,,

He opened the door and smiled to the old lady,,,,letting her to come in,,,,,ajjuma layed the bowl of noodles on the study table.."thank you ajjuma,,,,,he thanked and took a spoon of the soup...

"Aigoo, are you done unpacking? ajjuma asked...ren nodded while eating now the noodles...."you're fast, and you look tired,,,,you can't even catch your breath when you opened the door,,,,ajjuma commented...

"ahhh ani,,,,i just want to sleep early,,,,ren said as he sip the left soup on the bowl.....

"aigoo. princess are you that hungry....you even eat too fast,,,ajjuma commented again and took the tray with the empty bowl...

"Aniya,,it's just time to take my medicine,,,ajjuma,,you can rest now,,,i'll sleep early,,,,he told,,it's already 6 pm and so he is worried if jonghyun will come home now....

"Okay,,,rest well. i'll just inform young master that you came home already,, he's waiting for you everyday,,,he even sleep late at night...i'm sure he can breath properly now and stop worrying about you.....ajjuma said and left the room...

"Ahh de,, good night ajjuma,,,i'll just talk to him tomorrow,,,,he said and close the door, locking it again....he breathed heavily and flopped on his bed..."what are you doing now choi minki,,avoiding him? you can't avoid him forever,, you live in the same house you idiot....he mumbled while slapping himself...

He closed his eyes and soon he really fell on his dreamland.....



On the other hand, jonghyun is sitting on his father's office in their company, thinking about ren actually,, his mind was full of ren even though he was on the meeting a while ago and until now, ren's face is stuck on his mind...

He look up to the ceiling,,,"is he home now? he mumbled...he glance on the side where the clock is located....its already 5 pm and the meeting had ended early,,,,he stood up and decided to go home,,,,,

it's quarter to six when he arrived home...He unbuckled his seatbelt and he lazily loosened his necktie as soon as he stop the engine at the garage,,he burried his face to the steering wheel..he shut his eyes and keeps thinking random things like what he will gonna do if he sees the blonde inside the house,,,will he hug him since he cant touch him when in school? will he grab him and kiss him, what if the blonde will just get angry more at him if he do those things,,,he shook his head and lean his head backward,, eyes still close,,,he really misses the blonde,, if ren ren just knew how he was suffering right now,,it is more hard now that he could able see the blonde but then he can't touch him than not seeing him...

It was already 10 minutes and he didn't notice he fell asleep in the car...it's already five minutes before seven when he woke up from his nap...and it was pretty dark outside already....He opened the door beside him and stepped outside the car,,,he took his bag and walked exhaustedly,,,being a student as well responsible for the company already at very young age is too tiring for him but he needed to take care of the company,,everyone put their trust to him, though he is pretty young but he is too smart and wise enough when it comes to business,,,he learned to run a business at very young age,,his father trained him well...

He opened the main door and ajjuma approach towards him with excitement,,,,,"young master,,why you came so late,,,,? she said,,,

"owh,, that thing, i atually arrived home before six but i slept at the garage..i didn't notice it's almost seven already when i woke up,,why? something happened? he explained and asked....

"Owh nothing,, it's just that,,princess is already sleeping i think...ajjuma announced....

"Ahhhhhhh,,he lifelessy nodded....ehhh!!! de? princess? ren is,,,home? he exclaimed,,,his half opened eyes were opened fully...

"de,,he came home at four or five i think..im not sure because i just saw him standing at the door....ajjuma told...want to eat, i'll prepare the dinner,,,take your shower first,,,she added and walked through the kitchen....

He looked up the stairs and stared at the pink door,,,he bit his bottom lip,, he was thinking,, shall he go to him and check? or just wait for him to wake up tomorrow morning...the debte to his mind started again....

He took the steps on the stair cases and stood infront of the pink door,,,he took the knob and it took a minute just holding it without twiting it when he decided to release it, he clenched his fist and flatted his palm to the door.."how can i talk to you? will you even talk to me back? he whispered against the door..his hand fell down on his side again, he lowered his head and just chose to leave it for now,,,he went inside his room and took his shower,,,taking the dinner that ajjuma had prepared and went to his sleep....



Ren woke up early in the morning, really early at 5 in the morning,,,,he went outside the room since he can't get back to sleep again,,,he headed to the garden and soak his feet to the swimming pool, playing into the water alone,,,,wiggling his feet unto the water and sprinkle some away from him,,,

He got bored and decided to leave the pool, he took a walk outside until he reached the playground,,,he sitted at one of the swing and swing himself into it,,,,,spending 30 minutes in the pool and more than an hour at the playground is really fast,,it is now 6:30 and the sun starts to greet the world but for him, it will be the start of his crisis,,,he look above and sighed,,,shall i go home? or shall i stay here? what do i do?, it's better if it's school day today but it's a damn sunday, it means i really need to face him, do i? eotteokke~~~he mumbled, whined alone, wiggled and slap his face with his own palm,,,

"AAAhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! he screamed crazily, he look at his phone and the screen is telling him it's already 7 in the morning,,he slid back his phone to his pocket but it vibrated, he check on it again and saw the reminder, reminding him that it's time for his medicine,,,,,

"Ahhhh~~~~ this is horrible,,how could i take those medicine now,,i didn't even bring them with me,,,i don't want to go home yet,,,i'm sure he's awake already, he mumbled and wiggled again,,pouting non stop..you have no choice ren,,you need to go home and face him....he sighed again for the nth time now, he stood up patting his own shoulder and walk home,,,



Jr woke up in the morning, washing up and headed next to the dining area where breakfast is already prepared but no one is there and the food is not touched yet..he look around to search if ren is already awake,,,

"eo young master,are you looking for princess? i think he's not awake yet..i haven't seen his door opened....ajjuma appeared from the kitchen...

"Owh, is that so? just cover the food,, i'll jog first..jr said and left.....

He look at his watch and its pretty late for his jogging time, it' already seven in the morning, he usually jog at six in the morning,,,"Why did i overslept today? he mumbled and started to jog...


Nevertheless, ren who just decided to go home have few steps more from the gate,,,he hopped like a grasshopper, he paused and looked to his left side,,,he tilted his head and furrowed his brows, after few minutes he suddenly remembered that he needs to take his medicine,,he opned the gate and entered cautiously looking around,,,

"Ajjuma,,,please bring my food in my room and a glass of milk please plaese? he told with his puppy eyes,,,,,

''Aigoo, arrasseo,,,ajjuma replied,,,

"Owh ajjuma,,is jr~~~ ahmmm,,,,,ren called out again to asked but he was hesitant to continue....

"Ahhh,,,young mster is out for his jogging,,,do you need somehing from him? i will tell him when he comes back,,,ajjuma said with assurance...

"ahh no,,it's okay, no need,,,,i'll go to my room now,,ren said and run towards his room,,,

His food was delivered and he able to take his medicine, he took his morning shower to refresh himself,,,he had no plan of going out today since minhyun's day today is for his boyfriend aron, baekho is out of town with his family, so he had no choice but to spend the whole day in his room, he is afraid to go out anyway, afraid to see jonghyun actually...

Out of boredom after just an hour jailing himself inside this pink room, he slightly open his door and peek outside,,,he was about to go out when he heard someone talking on the phone,,,,



Jr came back home after his one hour jogging and roaming outside under the risen sun,,,he wiped his sweat and immediately run inside the house,,,

His phone rang when he step to the last case of the stair,,"eo appa,,why? he answered with question immediately,,,

"eo..is ren okay? appa asked behind that call..

"yeah i think,,he's home already don't worry...he answered again...

"are you fine with it? did you reconcile to him now? appa asked with worriednss,

"don't worry appa, we will i'm sure,,,we just need to adjust now,,we will definitely settled this soon,,,thank you appa... tell auntie that we'll be fine,,tell her that i'm serious about his son,,,i will be responsible,,don't worry,,,he said wih his chuckle,,,

He heard a door that had closed,,he looked behind him and immeditely stared to the pink door,,no one upstairs anyway and all other rooms were not use now,,,sungjae had left and ajjuma is down stairs,,,

"Ahm appa,,,i'll just call you back,i have something to do,,,he lied,,,he hang the phone and steps foreword to the pink door,,,he knock twice but ren is not responding,,,he knock another three, still ren is not opening,,,,he stopped, smiled a small one, he rub his forehead and just left him alone again,,,

He left him again,,maybe ren still mad at him, that's what he is thinking right now,,he chuckled, he felt like he is a trying hard man wanting to get the heart of the person who can't give the heart to him,,,



It took a week playing hide and seek, ren keps avoiding the time where jr will be outside of his room, going to school early without the other, taking his lunch with minhyun's house and comes home late,,,And Jr is really sad about it,it was obvious that ren is avoiding to get bump into him...

One day, one afternoon weekend, ren woke up from his afternoon sleep, he felt thirsty all of a sudden,,he sited to the bed to grab a glass of water from his side table but there's no water left on it, he rub his eyes and and walk out from the room with the glass on his hand while still rubbing his eyes and yawning,,,,As he took the first step of the stairs someone cleared his throat and he froze immediately..


...decided to cut it here,,the ending will follow,,,it's a short ending,,just  continution of this,,,wait for it,,,,




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Chapter 30: Omg this story was so amazing that i read it in 3 days now it's over and i feel like i don't know what to do with my life anymore Hhhh LOL but truly speaking this story is just AMAZING I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT THANK YOU FOR WRITING IT
daniellekima #2
Chapter 4: I'm starting chapter 5, and I love this story!!!
worldofdreams #3
Chapter 29: that was so cute and romantic
worldofdreams #4
Chapter 1: that is disgusting, what kind of mother is she? but anyway, good story, i like it alot
Maymas #5
Chapter 29: Waaah really love it i never tierd of reading it
mimi84 #6
very nice story
cominghome #7
Chapter 30: I loved this. Its the best I've read of these two out of the hundreds I've read
rain629 #8
Chapter 1: <3 this is really hot
Complete long fanfics about jren couple are so damn rare. I'll vote for this story because I like ren <3
Chapter 29: Why didn't I find this story earlier!!
Author-nim I really loved reading your story! *starting to cry* I loved every chapter! This story is one of favorites out of all the ones I read!