Its U

Next day Sulli got ready for school, she hated it even more now that Kai is there.. She met taemin on the way.. They decided to walk to school.

"Hey you okay?", He asked concerned..

"Yeah.. am fine."

"You know you can always come to me with anything thats bothering you K?", He said taking her hand and pressing it with his, in a reassuring way which made  Sulli smile..

"Yeah i know.. You are my best buddy..", She said ruffling his hair..

Wish i was more than that, he thought

They reached school and the first half of the school was over as boring as ever.. Second half was free was all the girls decided towatch the guys play soccer.. Minho,Taemin and Nickhun were on one team and Kai,sehun and Luhan were on one team..

Onew,Key and JJong said they will join the girls later as they were busy with the music club..

Luna, Krys, Vic, Sulli and Amber were sitting on the bleachers waiting for the play to start.. They were cheering for them like some crazy fangirls.. Minho and Taemin waved at them which they returned smiling.. They saw Nickhun wave at them.. rather Vic.. Shyly, which again was returned by of them giggling and teasing Vic.. Sulli remembered about the favour Nickhun asked her.. She thought she had do something about it..

"Hey i din't know that Kai was into soccer..", Luna said smiling..

"Yeah.. I wish i was there playing too man! it is exciting to play than to watch you know!", Amber said and sighed..

Kai's name caught Sulli attention.. She din't notice that he was there until mentioned by Luna.. Her eyes automatically went in search for him and she froze when saw him looking at her with a big smile on his face and winking at her..

She rolled her eyes in disgust.. 

"Minho oppa is awesome at soccer.. There is no way Kai's team is gonna win this..",Krys boasted proudly..

"You never know you know.. We never saw Kai play before, so we can't judge", Luna said and giggled..

"Yah! stop acting like some crazy fan girl.. If Onew sees you like this he probably would go hysteric with jealousy.. You know what he did last time at the beach", Vic said to Luna who blushed a deep shade of red remembering the kiss..

Sulli chuckled seeing Luna blush.. "Unnie! you don't want him to kiss you here in public do you?", Sulli ..

"YAH!", Luna pouted.

The game started and both the teams made some goals, but Kai's team was leading which came as a surprise to everyone.. After some time, they made more goals and now it was a tie and one more goal would decide the winner..

Taemin and Kai were struggling for the ball.. Kai was blocking Taemin, which made him even more frustrated.. He pushed him with all his strength, Kai fell on the ground with a loud thud and Taemin made the goal.. 

The girls went crazy.. Krys came running to hug Minho..

Taemin went to Kai who was still lying on the floor.. "You better stay away from Sulli.. I know everything", Taemin glared at him..

Kai only smirked and got up,"What are you her bodygaurd now? Because last time i checked you weren't her boyfriend.. Which is all the more reason i am NOT gonna stay away from her.." Kai hissed..

Taemin wanted to punch the out of him but he din't want to make a scene.. He clenched jaw and balled his fists and started walking away from him when kai said "Am gonna make her fall for me AGAIN.. She is too easy you know." and smirked..

That had Taemin.. He threw a strong punch at his face which made Kai fall back on the ground, Taemin was about to punch him again.. Before the fight got any bigger they guys pulled them away from each other..

Sulli's POV:

I heard Kai's name being mentioned and my eyes involuntarily scanned the ground only to find smiling at me and wink at me.. I was disgusted..

Why did he have to come back? And why here?

The game started and both the teams made some goals but Kai's team was leading.. Which greatly surprised me as Minho and Taemin are both way good at soccer.. Come to think of it my buddy is good at everything.. I smiled at that thought..

The game continued like forever until it was tie.. I noticed Taemin and Kai struggling for ball, but then Taemin managed to make a goal.. I was happy.. I din't know if i was happy that Taemin won or Kai lost.. Then i saw Taemin speaking to Kai.. Oh this is bad...

Taemin started walking away.. I sighed in relief.. But Kai said something that made him punch him.. I started running towards them who were now being pulled away from each other by the guys..


Sulli tugged at Taemin hand guesturing him to calm down.. She grabbed his hand and started dragging him away.. Once they reached the empty hallway she let go of him at sttod infront of him with her hands folded across her chest..

"Care to explain what all that was about?", she asked.

Taemin took a deep breathe running a han through his hair to calm himself..

"I dunno he pissed me off.." he said

"So? you din't have to hit him you know..",she said angry..

Why is she mad at me? She is mad that i hit him?, he thought..

"Okay I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that i hit him OKAY?!", he yelled pissed off and walked away..

Sulli din't understand why he was so mad.. She just stared at his retreating back too frozen because that was the first time he was so mad at her..

After school Sulli walked back home alone because Taemin left early.. She wondered what made him so mad.. She just din't wanna make a scene at school that's all..

She was drowned in her thoughts when her phone buzzed and she received a text message from Vic

Hey Ssul, girls night out, my place at 7, Cya soon.. Saranghae^^


she sighed.. She was in so much need of the girl time.. She wanted to talk to someone now that Taemin is angry with her..

Ok Umma, i'll be there

she replied and slummped her shoulders and resumed walking 'alone'


Never thought my story would cross ten chappies :) Poor Taeminnie is angry and jealous :(  

So what do ya think?

Comment and subscribe ^^ 

P.S i don't hate Kai, infact he is my bias from exo-k XD He just suits better for a bad ..

yeah so saranghae my awesome subscribers <3 :) for all those lovely comments :) they are my inspiration ^^

hoping my writing improved from earlier :)

Hey you guys watched BoA's disturbance MV?? OMG!!! I was spazzing non-stop when i watched it.. Taemin was just so ASDFGHJKL;.. He is all grown up now :') He looked so mature and handsome and y and hot and manly..and.. and.. 

*ahem* okay done with the sapzzing :DDDD 

Keep anticipating for the next chappie :)

Until later guys :)



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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD