Its U

Sulli reached her house took a quick shower.. Packed some pyjamas and toilettres.. She was glad it was friday today which means no school for two days and which means two days away from Kai.. But then thoughts of Taemin's out burst that afternoon struck her and she can't help but feel sad.. She tried calling him but he din't answer.. She decided to leave him for now so that he would cool down... She sighed as slipped into some dark blue skinny jeans and black tee.. She grabbed her purple hoodie and headed downstairs..

"Umma i am going to Victoria Unnie's house, we are having a girls night out..", she said hugging her mom who was cooking dinner..

"Okay.. Call me after you reach there safe okay? Take care and don't stay up too late okay?", her mom said concerned..

"Arasso Umma"

"Kaikeh~ Bye", She waved her mom bye and skipped out of the hose to her car..

She drove to Vic's place in her car.. But she decided to buy some snacks on the way..

She reached Vic's place at around 7:15.. By the time everyone was waiting for her. All of them looked excited except amber who wanted to stay home and play video games and spend some time with key..

They are sprinted into Vic's bedroom which had a huge soft plushy bed. They all jumped onto the bed laughing.. They laid on their backs staring at the ceiling..

"Its been so long since we gathered like this.. Now that you guys got boyfriends and everything..", Vic said

"Umma, I also don't have one!", Sulli said and pouted palyfully..

"Yeah but you have Taeminnie"

"Whats that supposed to mean? He is my bestfriend"

Krys noticed the tension in the room she immediately cleared "*Ahem*.. So? what do we  do now?? I got some nice movies.."

"Umm.. yeah we will watch them.. We can talk later we have all night", Luna said immediately changing the topic.

"Okay.. I got some snacks too..", sulli said smiling to which all of them relaxed.. They din't wanna reveal it to Sulli.. They wanted her to find out on her own..

They watched movies and joked around, Spilling snacks and drinks.. After some time Sulli remembered Nickhun's favour...

"Unnie, What do you think of Nickhun oppa?", sulli asked all serious

Vic was taken aback by that question which was out of the blue.. She got back to her senses and blushed a little.. All the other observed this.. 

"*ahem* well.. Why do you ask?", Vic asked.

"Just wanted to know..i saw him stealing glances at you in school", Sulli said and smirked..

"Yeah Unnie, I saw it too.. I wanted to ask you but was waiting for the right moment", Krys added..

"Well...?", sulli asked again..

"Umm.. I think he is a good guy.. Though i never get to talk to him much.. He seems like a good person", Vic said.

"So what do you think about him as boyfriend material?", Luna asked smirking.

"W-what??", Vic blushed bright pink..

"Oh come on Unnie! We saw you looking at him too..", Amber added..

Vic was frozen by the sudden attack.. She took a deep breath "W-well.. I-i dunno.. I went never out with him.. But am s-sure he w-would make a g-g-good b-boyfriend", Vic stuttered and blushed bright red and hid her face in the pillow, earning cheers from all girls..

Well Sulli's work was done now it is Nickhun's turn..

They started talking all random until Krys spoke to Sulli..

"Ssul! Are you okay? You seemed down last few days..", Krys asked

"Huh?? I'm perfectly alright you see...", Sulli said smiling.

"Come on i know something was up.. You've been like this since you met Kai.. Don't bluff me"

"There's nothing up..seriously guys", Sulli tried her best convincing them but failed

"Really? Then what was all the scene in the afternoon about? Why did Taemin hit Kai and why were you so worried?" Luna asked this time..

Sulli sighed in defeat.. Its not like she din't trust them or something.. They are her bestfriends but she wanted to keep her nightmare to herself..

"Mind sharing your thoughts?", Vic asked bringing sulli back to her senses..

"Well I've known Kai since last summer...", Sulli started telling them the whole story.. By the end of it she was surprised she din't cry as she did when she was with Taemin.. 

"OMG! That jerk! My poor baby.. You okay Ssul?", Vic asked concerned.

"Seriously That bastard deserved that punch from Taemin..", Amber said.

"Poor Taemin he must be hurting..", Luna mumbled to herself or so she thought.. But Sulli heard her..

"What? why would Taemin be hurting?",Sulli asked confused..

"Umm.. H-hurting b-because he p-punched Kai.. His h-hand must be h-hurting..", Luna tried to cover up which was successful..

Krys glared at Luna for almost slipping out..

Sulli remembered the fight with Taemin and how he avoided her.. Unknowingly tears started streaming down her face.. 

"Ssul? Why are crying? Are you okay honey?", Vic asked..

Sulli wrapped her hands around Vic and started sobbing harder.. Vic started rubbing soothing circles on her back..

"Shhh.. now what happened?", Vic asked

"T-taemin is a-avoiding me", Sulli said between her sobs.. "T-his is the f-first t-time he i-is so m-mad at m-me"..

"Why is he mad at you?",Amber asked

Sulli calmed down and expalined them the whole episode.. They nodded in understanding.. It was clearly an misunderstanding.. But they din't wanna reveal it to her , they wanted her to realize herself..

"Ssul, Give him some time.. He come back when he's cooled down okay?" Vic said.

Sulli just nodded in silence.. They decided that they had enough for that night and decided to sleep..

Sulli sent a quick text to Taemin

Taeminnie~ Am sorry.. Please talk to me :(

She sighed when she din't receive any reply.. She changed into her pyjamas and tucked herself in the bed cover.. 

I dunno what made you mad? Why don't you tell me minnie?, she thought


double update again yayyyyy :DDDD I makin Sulli slowly slowly realize.. So what ya think?? 

Comment and Subscribe :)

YAYYYYYYYY SHINee won popularity award at 22nd Seoul music awards :DDDD ^^

Onew looks like he lost weight!! :'( I miss his chubby cheeks :( 

Taemin looks ASDFGHJKL as usual XD.. KEY!! Awww ♥♥ I like Jjon's and Minho's outfit :) they look cool :D

My awesome subscribers saranghae ♥♥

Keep anticipating =] until later guys :)

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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD