Its U

They both jumped apart in surprise only to see Key standing a few meters away from them, with his hands crossed across his chest..

Minho glared at him, Key just shrugged..

Minho : "Wah hyung~! what a timing?! way to be a er hyung!", said angrily

Key: " Yah! you two are always together in school.. I thought we all should spend some time together.. Woah we have a stereo here! its gonna be a party night! YEAH!" , he shouted and smirked..

Minho:"ALL? Party? Hyung?!!! how did you find us anyway?"

Key:"Its not like this is a huge secret hide out! Everybody knows all your hang out spots. I just guessed you will be here today and see? am right. " he smiled.

Krys din't say anything.. Ofcourse she is sad and mad at Key..

Minho: "Who is "all" you were refering to?"

Key:"them" he turned around and motioned the guys to come..

Minho looked over key's shoulder to find Onew, Jonghyun,Luna, Vic, and his soccer buddies Sehun,Luhan, Nickhun.. Wait there is another guy with them. I have never seen him before Minho thought..

Minho let out a frustrated sigh.. All of them are already here there is nothing he can do about it.. 

Everybody waved at him and he smiled and waved back..

Sehun: " Guys this is my childhood friend Kim Jongin.. He is new here.. I thought i'll show him around"

Jongin:"annyeoghaseyo~! I'm Kim Jogin.. But i go by Kai.. Hope you guys don't mind me being here.." He bowed and smiled earning "no" "not at all" from all sides..

Minho:"where are Taemin and Sull??"

Key:" They are on the way"

~~~~~Few Minutes back~~~~~~

Sulli in deep slumber was disturbed by her phone continously vibrating on the bed side table..

She picked it to see Taemin calling.. She picked it up..

"Hello?", she said still sleepy..

"Wake up sleepy head! we have to go out.. I'll be there in 10 mins.. Get ready k?", Taemin said..

"Wait.. What? where?", Is he asking me out? That is no way you ask a girl out pabo Taemin, she thought.

"Key Hyung called me asked us come to the beach. He said we will have a party", Taemin said.

what? right. Sulli what were you thinking? why would Taemin ask you out? He is your bestfriend.. Pabo pabo pabo, she thought and mentally slapped herself.

"Oh.. Okay", sulli said blushing pink in embarrasment..

"I'll pick you up in 10mins k? you better get ready fast, sleepy head.." Taemin said and chuckled.

"what 10 mins? YAH! how can i...",sulli heard Taemin hung up..

Aish! why is everybody stuck up on making me sleep deprived? she thought and got out her bed, put on a black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and grabbed her purple hoodie and went  downstaris...

"Umma am going out.. Taemin is here to pick me up.. ", she yelled for her mom who is in the kitchen.. 

She heard the car honking and hurried outside.. Taemin was sitting in the driver seat in his little black beatle.. Sulli got into the other seat and closed the door and put on the seatbelt..

"Taemin make sure you guys are here before 10 okay? drive safe", Sulli's mom yelled from the door and waved at sulli..

"Yes aunty", Taemin said and bowed a little.. Sulli smiled and waved at her mom one last time as they drove off...


~~~On the way~~~~

There was an awkward silence between them for some time.. Sulli din't like it.. She broke the silence first..

"why are we having a party anyway?", she asked..

"Key says we haven't hung out together for long time so..",Taemin said not looking at her..

"Oh", that is all sulli said..

They drove the remaining way in silence...


When they reached Taemin dropped sulli at the shore and went in search of parking spot..

Sulli walked to where key and everyone were.. She said hi to everyone, went and sat on one of the rocks there while everyone were dancing to the music... Taemin joined them  now..

She was enjoying the cool breeze and sound of waves... From the corner of the eyes she could see some one is staring at her... She felt uneasy.. She got those stares at school.. She is fed up of all boys asking her out and staring at her.. Yeah she got enough attention at school.. Some she rejected politely, some back out on their own thinking she and Taemin are in  a relationship and some Taemin had to handle..

Luna came and sat beside her..

Luna:"Are you okay? you seem to be spacing out.. Is something bothering you?"

Sulli:"Nothing Unnie! Am just sleepy", she smiled at Luna.. Now she could see the guy who was staring at her.. He was still staring at her.. She never saw him before.. Who is he?  she thought..

Taemin noticed Kai staring at Sulli...Yeah he knows Kai as Sehun introduced him.. There is something about Kai, Taemin din't like.. Now he is staring at HIS Sulli.. He wanted to go tell him to stop.. 

Just then he saw Onew hurry to where Luna and Sulli were sitting.. He pulled Luna to her feet and shouted out to Kai.. "Dude she is taken" and kissed Luna full on lips before giving her time to think..

Everybody went "Woah"

Luna broke the kiss to breathe and blushed bright red in embarrased.. "Yah! what was that?"

Onew just smiled at her and said"Been wanting to do that since we got here".. Luna blushed even more..

"Thats not fair", Minho whined..

Pabo Onew thought that Kai was checking out Luna.. How Taemin wished he could do the same as Onew...

In midst of all the commotion Kai just rolled his eyes and thought whatever , went back to looking at sulli..

Sulli had enough of him staring at her.. She got up and started walking towards him..

Taemin saw sulli walk towards Kai..

what is she upto? he thought.



LuNew yayyyy :D Sorry for the late update! Hmm how do you like it? Comments are appreciated ^^ I need them to continue writing keke ^^

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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD