Its U

I was too shocked.. I was wondering if i heard right.. Bet?? So this was all because of a bet?? He said he liked because of some stupid bet??

My thoughts were interrupted when Kai looked at the person and said

"Not now man! you ruined the perfect moment!"

That had me.. I pushed him way and started running away.. I din't know where.. I just ran where my legs took me.. I din't wanna go home 'cause i din't wanna worry my grandparents.. I din't even realize that tears were already streaming my face.. I stopped after running for sometime.. I din't even know where i was and i din't even care.. I cried my heart out.. 

How could he be such a jerk?! How could he do that to me?

I went back home and locked myself in my room.. After that i never went to the park again.. I never even stepped out of the house for rest of the summer..

Kai tried calling me twice which i obvoiusly ignored.. He never made an effort to visit me nor did i care..

That summer ended and i took  a decision not to fall for anyone again.. Never again to trust my heart.. I started keeping myself away from romantic stuff and guys..

**end of flashback**

Sulli finished telling everything and she din't even realize that tears slowly started falling from her eyes until Taemin wiped them away..

She looked at Taemin, "Taemin.. Can you hug me?"

Taemin nodded silently taking Sulli in his arms who started sobbing hard..

She din't even realize Taemin was crying too silently.. The thought that the person he loves is hurting because of someone else it hurt him even more..

He hugged her tighter and sulli  wrapped her arms  around Taemin waist..

They stayed like that till Sulli stopped sobbing.. Taemin loosened his grip around Sulli and quickly wiped his tears away before Sulli could see..

"Thank you for listening to me and sorry for wetting your shirt", Sulli said seperating herself from him.

"Hey.. what are friends for huh?" he said smiling and ruffling her hair..

"And about the shirt.. I'll send it back to you so that you can wash it and give it back k?", he said and winked at her..

Sulli smiled.."Yah! Lee Taemin.. I'm not gonna wash your dirty clothes"

"Dirty huh? you made them dirty", Taemin pouted making Sulli smile..

Sulli was really thankful that she had a friend like Taemin.. Little did she know how much he was hurting on the inside..

Taemin left after some time.. Sulli took a warm bath to calm herself down.. She slipped into her pyjamas and went downstairs to have a quick dinner and went back to her room wanting to cuddle inside her warm bed with the covers..

Sulli POV:

I am gonna make sure i won't let Kai near me.. I'm not falling for his tricks.. Never again.. Taemin is such an awesome friend.. I'm glad i have him.. He never fails to make me smile.. I felt so safe in his embrace.. He was warm just like his smile..

Sulli drifted into her sleep..

Taemin went back home.. He took a quick shower and slipped into his bed.. He lost his appetite.. 

Taemin's POV:

I have never seen Sulli cry like that before.. She was so fragile and vunerable.. I felt so bad that i couldn't do anything to comfort her until she asked me to hug her.. When i hugged her I felt my heart break into million pieces because i wanted to protect Sulli.. As mine.. I wonder if she still has feelings for him? That bastard!.. I'm gonna make sure he is not going near Sulli..


YAYYYY!! Double update today!! short i know :DDDD

So thats about Kai.. More Taelli coming up XDD

Keep reading..

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my awesome subscribers.. Saranghae~ <3

until later guys :)


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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD