Fruit Ninja

Perfect Imperfection


I woke up to the strumming of a guitar and somebody lightly my face. I pulled the blanket over my head and swatted them away. Either it was really early or I was just super lazy this morning. While debating this, people started singing along with the guitar.


“It’s time to get up, in the morning.”


“In the morning.”


“Morning,” a really high pitched voice sang.


“Got McDonald’s breakfast for you,” Niall sang as I started to chuckle. Whenever he said Mc, it sounded like Mac. So, technically, he went to MacDonald’s.


Then, out of nowhere, somebody jumped on the bed and was trying to wake us up. I threw my arm over Zayn and rolled over on my stomach. If I knew anything, it was that Zayn wouldn’t get up after this; he may not even wake up from his sleep.


Somebody kept rolling me back over, trying to get me to wake up. I groaned as I felt someone jumping by head. My eyes fluttered open as I saw a shirtless Liam above me. Whoa- that was all I could say.


I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking all around me. Louis had been the one my face since he was beside me and Niall had been playing the guitar on the other side of the bed.


“Time to get up!” Harry exclaimed, actually quite chipper. Zayn, on the other hand, hadn’t moved an inch. All the guys stood at the edge of the bed and just stared at him.


“Really?” Liam asked.


“Zayn, the bacon is ready!” I shouted.


He then immediately sat up and looked around. “Wha- I don’t smell bacon.”


“We have MacDonalds,” I teased, glancing at Niall.




“No, MacDonald’s,” I corrected.


“Why are you making fun of me?” Niall whined.


“Cause its McDonald’s”


“That’s what I said.”


“No, you didn’t.”


“We have MacDonald’s for you,” Niall said casually.


“See! It’s Mc! Not Mac, Mc!”


“It’s a Big Mac, MacDonald’s,” Niall threw back cleverly. All the boys ‘ohhhed’ as I just smiled and shook my head. He got me- I’ll admit it.


I got off the bed and then went into my room. Here, I saw Fallyn getting all dressed up with her hair done nicely. I decided I should probably do that too, so I walked back out into the bathroom and stripped down to take a shower.


Once I got out, I picked up all my clothes and went back into our room to change. I then did my hair in curls, which looked really pretty actually, and then headed out the door to the kitchen.


I heard a lot of commotion coming from here, so I was a little scared about what was going to happen. It was certainly a surprise when I walked into the kitchen and saw the boys throwing fruit at Harry, Harry with a huge butcher knife, trying to slice all of the fruit.


What was worse? The fact that he was wearing my bra as a hat. I had forgotten I left that in living room last night when I forgot to take it off.


“Wah!” Harry yelled like a ninja as Liam threw an orange at him. Louis on the other hand was pelting him with bananas on purpose. Louis was so mean to everybody but for some reason I found it so funny.


“Harry!” Everybody stopped then turned around to stare at me. “What the- why are you- huh?”


“It made me look like a warrior,” he replied slowly.


“Take it off.”


“Yes ma’am,” he said, ripping it off immediately and giving it to me. I held my bra in my hand and just stared around at the boys. So, they were playing real life Fruit Ninja? A thought then dawned on me as my arm dropped to my side.


“How many of you wore this?”


Lou’s and Niall’s hands went up. “Why are boys wearing bras?”


“Cause they’re comfortable!” Louis shouted at me.


“Do you want me to wrestle you again?”


“Not really!” Louis yelled, grabbing Niall and setting him of front of him. Niall then threw his arms up and turned around.


“Really Lou?”


“I love you man, but she hurts.”


I rolled my eyes and walked over to the counter where the McDonald’s bag was sitting. I pulled out a sausage, egg, cheese, and biscuit and took an orange juice from the cup holder. I then sat at the table and just watched all the boys stand there.


“You wanna try?” Zayn asked awkwardly.


“Do I have to put my bra on my head?”


The guys then chuckled and shook their heads no. I stood up and took the knife from Harry. Was it weird that I didn’t trust him with it?


“Okay, so here we have apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, grapes, and this hairy thing,” Liam tried to describe. Louis started to chuckle and Liam just stared at him.


“Stop being a !”


“Stop putting yourself into these situations!” he shouted back. “And for your information, it’s a coconut!”


I rolled my eyes and smiled, getting in a position to slice some fruit. All the boys grabbed a different fruit and started tossing them in the air. I was bad at the game version, so it wasn’t a surprise that I at the real life version.


“Where’s your coordination?” Zayn teased.


“I don’t have any!” I whined, randomly waving my arm around trying to hit the fruit. It was at that moment that the knife flew out of my hand and zoomed right past Lou's head. Louis glanced over and saw that a butcher knife was stuck in the kitchen wall.


“Excuse me, I need to change my pants,” Louis said casually excusing himself and walking calmly back to his room. All the boys stared wide-eyed at me as my mouth just fell open.


“I’m done.”


I then hurried out of the kitchen and ran up to Lou's door. I knocked loudly and waited for an answer. “Yeah?”


“Louis I’m so sorry!” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to do that to you! Can I make it up somehow?”


He opened his door slowly and just looked at me. “Hang out with me this Friday and all will be forgiven.”


I smiled and nodded my head. “No problem.” I then leaned in and kissed Louis on the cheek. “I really am sorry by the way.”


“I know you didn’t mean it, at least, I hope you didn’t want to kill me.”


“Never,” I replied, as I turned around on my heel and went back to my room where Fallyn had quarantined herself. She was sitting on her bed, reading something on her computer. Then out of nowhere, she burst out laughing.


“What?” I asked.


“I’ll show you later. Come on, we’re going to be late for church.” She then hopped off her bed and went to the front door. “Come on boys! Let’s go!”


Fallyn acted like a mother to all of these boys. I had a feeling that she kept them in line and that they listened. All the boys hurried out the door and piled into a nicer car. Harry took the driver’s seat and I just about flipped out. Harry driving? Well, I guess it couldn’t be any worse than Niall or Louis.


To my surprise, Harry was actually a really good driver and stayed very focused. Louis turned the radio on and started flipping through stations. Of course, one of the most nastiest songs had to come on and all the guys sang along. All the windows were rolled down and Lou turned the bass all the way.


“But she caught me on the counter!” Louis screamed.


“It wasn’t me,” the other boys chorused in the background.


“Saw me banging on the sofa! I even had her in the shower! She even caught me on camera!”


“Louis! Shut up!” Fallyn shouted.


“Heard me scream ‘Get louder!’ She said it really was over!”


Fallyn smacked her head as we pulled into the parking lot of the church. This song was blaring and everybody was staring at us. I felt so embarrassed and I could feel my cheeks getting warm.


All the guys just laughed though as Harry rolled up the windows and turned the car off. I got out of the car quickly and together, Fallyn and I hurried inside the church.


“Aw, c’mon guys. We were just having fun!” Harry called after us.


We turned around and saw all the guys in the parking lot doing stupid dances. Louis was even doing one of my personal favorites, the traffic dance, Liam was doing this scoot thing, Niall was doing his Irish dance, and Zayn, well, he was just shaking his rump in the air.


Harry then joined in and started doing the sprinkler with absolutely no music on. I my heels and slowly entered the church.


“Those boys are so immature,” I heard some old people whisper. “They need to grow up.”


Even though I knew this was true, it still made me a little mad. Knowing how I was, I opened my mouth and had to say something. “They may be immature boys, but their our immature boys.” I signaled towards Fallyn and I making it very clear whose they were.


“And we love them all,” she added, walking happily into the sanctuary. So maybe they did embarrass and annoy us, but truth is, I wouldn’t have it any other way.




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unstoppabledreamer #4
o_O I never knew there were 1D stories on here...
1directionlover #5
Chapter 21: Hi Sulphur_Sapphire, I was wondering. When do you usually update your new chapters ? Please let me know. You are really, really Good by the way !
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 19: woah! this story is quite good and should i ask... what website were you talking about in one chapter..? was it wattpad? please update soon and hoping you would be my friend... ^____^ totally love one direction the way you did... :)
1directionlover #7
Chapter 19: You are really good ! please update ASAP ! :)
PatriciaNicole #8
Chapter 1: Can you change the font color? it hurts my eye. well... the story is really really nice. Dont be mad. just sharing my thoughts