Slumber Party!

Perfect Imperfection

"you look good in my suspenders" louis added

After that extremely awkward moment that consisted of dancing, Funkytown, and five boys, Fallyn and I decided to go ahead and change into our pajamas at three in the afternoon. We locked ourselves in our rooms, writing quotes on our wall and putting things into the shelf already. We were too embarrassed to talk to the boys.


At about nine o’clock at night, someone ran down the hallway and slammed into our door. “Slumber party!”


It was Louis. I could tell because he had a really high voice which was weird considering he was the oldest.


“Right now?”


“No, after I go streaking in the park. Yes, now!”


 “Pushy,” I stated, hopping off of my bed with Fallyn behind me. We slid out of the door like we always did and walked down the hallway to the living room. Here, there were pillows on the ground and a couple blankets as well. Fallyn wasted no time and sat on a pillow beside Niall while I took a seat beside Zayn.


“Hello there,” Harry greeted creepily.


“Hi,” I said slowly.


“Are you ready for this?”


“For what?” I asked.


“Wabam!” Harry shouted, slamming a cardboard box in the center of the circle. “Who’s up for a rousing game of Life?”


I actually quite liked this game, so I was all for it. I got the blue car, Fallyn got the green, Zayn got the pink, Niall got orange, Liam got yellow, and Harry and Louis were fighting over the red car.


“Harold Edward give me that car right now!”


“No, I had it first! Get your own-”


“IT’S MINE!” Louis screamed, startling Harry and making him drop his hands to the ground.


“Fine, I’ll be white then. Cause you know what? White is the color of innocence and purity.”


“And mayonnaise!” Niall butted in. We all just gave him a weird stare and he shrugged his shoulders. “Just saying.”


“Well red is the color of intimate lovers. You know Harry, a lover, something you don’t  have.”


Harry just stared at Louis and slammed his piece on the ‘Go to College’ spot. We all started out there actually. The boys decided who would go first by playing a mean game of Eenie Meenie Minee Mo, which they fought over as well.


Zayn went first, then Fallyn, then Niall, Liam, me, Harry, and Louis. As the game went on, we started to have a little small talk in between.


“What now?” Zayn shouted. “I just got married before all ya’ll! And I chose Megan Fox!”


“That’s not fair!” Louis complained, jumping up and down. “How would you get Megan Fox?”


“Vas Appenin?” I threw my head back in laughter as Zayn just smiled pridefully. I’m sure Megan Fox would fall in love with him the moment he said that.


“So where was your first kiss with Megan at?” Fallyn asked.


“You know, a moonlight picnic on a beach under the stars,” he told her, dazing off into the distance.


“Who was your first kiss?” Liam asked.


“Yeah,” Niall cut in, “You’ve never told us before.”


Oh crap. Why did this have to come up? Zayn slowly turned towards me and gave them a What should I tell them?  look.


“I haven’t had it yet,” Zayn answered, putting his head down to stare at the board.


“Really?” Harry asked. “I don’t believe that. You and Rebecca had to have kissed. Was she your first?”


“I don’t want to say,” Zayn mumbled.


“It’s alright if you just got kissed. Well, not really. Where have you been all of your life?” Louis said.


“Never mind, don’t worry about it.”


“Zayn, please tell us,” Fallyn begged.


Zayn sighed and just looked at me with big brown eyes. I nodded my head and he opened his mouth to speak. I knew this was going to get out sooner or later.


“It was the day before ninth grade,” Zayn started. “Neither of us had kissed anybody and we didn’t want to be the only people in high school that hadn’t kissed anyone. We were at the park and she was on the swing so I just pushed her up and kissed her.”


“Aw!” Fallyn cooed. “Who was it?”




I swear everyone’s mouths dropped to the floor. I suddenly felt like the sun retired and I had taken its spot. The whole band was glancing back and forth between Zayn and I.


“I thought you said you didn’t like each other,” Niall said slowly.


“We don’t!” I answered quickly, “It’s just we were good friends and we decided we should kiss someone that it wouldn’t be awkward with and we just wanted to get it out of the way. It didn’t mean anything.”


“But you still kissed,” Fallyn said.


“But it meant nothing,” Zayn said.


“How long was it?” Harry inquired.


Zayn and I shared weird looks and shrugged our shoulders. “I don’t know like five, six seconds.”


“Five and a half?” Zayn threw out. This was a horrible, horrible conversation we were having right now. I knew this was going to come out, but certainly not this early.


“Can we just finish the game?” I asked.


“Yeah,” Louis said slowly.


The rest of the game was awkwardly played. I still think people were trying to get that new information through their heads. Finally, Louis stood up and did a crazy dance.


“I have five children! See that! Four boys, one girl. I anoint thee Pippa!”


“Pippa?” we all asked.


“Yeah! That’s going to be my daughter’s name.”


“Are you- are you serious?” Harry stuttered a little bit.


“Of course. It’s so unique. I love it. Why? Do you have something better?”


“Gemma, after my sister,” Harry said, turning slightly pink in the cheeks. Now that was just adorable. Who would have ever thought that Harry Styles would ever do that?


“Guys, I just wanted to play this game for the kids. I got kids now- I’m done. Let’s watch a movie,” Niall suggested.


“Sure! You guys pull out the sofa bed and I’ll get a movie,” Fallyn told the boys. Liam picked up the game while the rest of them did what Fallyn had said. I had no idea the couch did that…


The boys took the pillows and blankets off of the floor and put them on the bed while Fallyn put in the movie and Liam set the board game aside. This bed was going to be just big enough to fit all seven of us.


Fallyn started the movie and turned off all the lights. She then crawled in beside Niall and snuggled up to him. It was weird, but I actually started to tear up a little. It hurt me to see Fallyn so close to her brother when I hadn’t seen mine in three years. Andy and I were closer than close, and when he left to go the army it tore me up. I was twelve when he had left and I worried constantly about him.


To me, this just didn’t seem fair. I was jealous, so jealous that I just wanted to go back in my room and tear everything up. She didn’t know how good she had it that her brother was in her sights almost all day well protected. I feared that she never would know either.


I pushed these feelings aside though and laid down beside Zayn. He threw a blanket over me just as I realized what the movie was. I then heard a groan from the far end of the bed.


“Why’d you put this movie in?” Niall asked.


“I love Finding Nemo!” Fallyn replied.


“You know it makes me cry.”


“It makes you cry?” I questioned, laughing a little as I did so. “That’s so sweet.”


“Yeah. I cry whenever he’s lost which is like, seventy percent of the movie.”


I let out a little giggle as everything got quiet and we started to watch the movie. I heard Niall sniffling and crying a little bit and smiled to myself. Niall was such a sensitive sweetheart.


I closed my eyes and curled up next to Zayn. Before I started to gradually fall asleep, I heard him whisper goodnight to me. I answered by snuggling closer into him, keeping myself very warm.


Everything was quiet now and I was sure just about everyone was asleep. At that moment, the bed springs broke and the mattress fell on the floor. Niall rolled over and flailed his arms, .


I then heard high pitch chuckles from Louis and I could only imagine what he was going to say. “Hey guys, we broke the bed.”


Everybody then started to laugh. Louis, you were so erted but so hilarious. After our little laugh, I tried to get comfortable again but found it hard to.


“Why is the bed wet?” Louis asked suddenly. “Harry! What the hell?”


“Sorry! I had a full bladder! When the mattress hit the floor it just sort of came out!”


Louis then scrambled off the bed and ran into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and I cracked up laughing as did everybody else. He was screaming something like 'That is so unsanitary!'


“I’m so sorry guys,” Harry apologized.


I opened my eyes and stared up at the darkness above me. This summer truly was going to be the best.




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unstoppabledreamer #4
o_O I never knew there were 1D stories on here...
1directionlover #5
Chapter 21: Hi Sulphur_Sapphire, I was wondering. When do you usually update your new chapters ? Please let me know. You are really, really Good by the way !
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 19: woah! this story is quite good and should i ask... what website were you talking about in one chapter..? was it wattpad? please update soon and hoping you would be my friend... ^____^ totally love one direction the way you did... :)
1directionlover #7
Chapter 19: You are really good ! please update ASAP ! :)
PatriciaNicole #8
Chapter 1: Can you change the font color? it hurts my eye. well... the story is really really nice. Dont be mad. just sharing my thoughts