Sunday Walk

Perfect Imperfection




After church was over Harry drove us all back safely and we clambered out of the car into the house. Fallyn and I went back to our room and changed into more comfortable clothes. [polyvore] (I’ve never done Polyvore before. Please tell me if this works. By the way my clothes are on the left.)



Fallyn practically gawked at my shoes, staring at them the whole time I was standing up. “Those shoes- where in the world did you get them?”



“I don’t know,” I replied. “Andy sent them to me last Christmas.”



“He’s the best brother ever,” she told me, exiting the room. All I could do was nod in response. He truly was the best brother ever and I would argue to the death with anyone that disagreed.



Making my way to the kitchen, I saw I really weird scene unfold in front of me. It was equally as weird as the Fruit Ninja incident we had this morning. Fallyn had a bag of bread out on the table and Harry was sitting down at the table like he was expecting to get food as well.



Fallyn got all of her fixings out and arranged them on her sandwich. Harry’s face fell as she twisted the bag back up and started to put the bread tie around it.



“Fallyn!” Harry whined. “Where’s my sandwich?”



“Make one yourself. You’re a big boy.”



“I’m the youngest one here!”



“I’m not your mum,” she told him.



“But Fallyn,” Harry started. “Fallyn, I’m really hungry and you’re my best friend and-”



Harry continued to trail on as Fallyn untwisted the bread bag and reached in for some bread. Was she really going to make a sandwich for him? It didn’t seem like Fallyn to give in that easily.



She then turned around and out of nowhere threw the piece of bread at him. He stopped abruptly and closed his eyes, mouth still open.



“Why?” he asked softly.



“Because I am a good friend and I’m teaching you how to be a good husband.”



Harry opened his eyes and just stared at Fallyn. He picked the bread back up and threw it at her. Her eyes shot flames, but Harry just laughed at her.



Fallyn, not finding this funny at all, got into the fridge and pulled out a bag of ham. Taking a piece out, she walked back over to Harry and smacked him in the face with it.



“There’s your sandwich.”



Before the rest of the argument carried on, I turned around and went back in the living room to sit on the couch. At that moment, Zayn and Liam had come out of their rooms and noticed me sinking into the furniture.



“What are you doing?” Zayn asked. “Don’t you know we go walking on Sundays? Get your lazy up and let’s get going!”



Zayn then leaned over and picked me up off the couch, throwing me over his shoulder and walking out the open door. Zayn used to do this to me all the time whenever he wanted to do something that I didn’t want to. He was stronger and used it against me sometimes. Not that I cared, I’d walk barefoot on glass for Zayn.



Back in the house I could hear Liam trying to stop the food fight that had resulted in the ham slapping of Fallyn. Louis and Niall bounded out the door behind Zayn and I and just gave us weird stares.



“You are being man handled,” Louis pointed out. “Which is weird since you man handle everyone else.”



“Only Zayn,” Niall sighed. Liam, Fallyn, and Harry then exited the house. I snorted and covered my mouth at the sight I had seen. Fallyn was covered in mustard and she if looks could kill, everybody would be dead.



Harry, on the other hand, had mayonnaise squirted all in his hair and green dye on various parts of his body. He was smiling like the whole incident that occurred was the funniest thing ever. Honestly, it probably was.



“Want to know the bad thing?” Louis whispered to me.






“That’s happened tons of times before. That’s weird though- Harry usually chooses the ketchup.”



I rolled my eyes just as Zayn had sat me down on the sidewalk. I pouted a little bit but started to walk on my own. I was going to go back and walk with Fallyn, but I decided that I should probably let her cool down first.



“So, where are we going?” Niall asked.



“The boardwalk,” Fallyn said through her teeth. No one even asked her why because we feared the results if we did. So instead, we just shut our mouths and hurried to our destination.



As we walked there, it was a little weird. Photographers kept taking our pictures and I felt kind of uncomfortable. So this is how famous people were treated as they walked down the sidewalk? It wasn’t anything interesting- we were just walking.



“This is weird,” I told Zayn.



“The pictures?”



“No, your face.”



“Rian Nichelle!” Zayn shouted in mock offense. “Don’t talk to me.”



“Zayn, I was just kidding!” I shouted after him. He acted like he didn’t hear me though and then continued on. Was he really going to make me do this? Right in front of everybody?



Whenever I upset Zayn, he would never talk to me unless I sang and danced to this stupid song we had watched a while back in a movie. I would do it when he was at my house, but in public? I never would have dreamed of doing such a thing.



“When you’re feeling low, lower than the floor. And you feel like you ain’t got a chance,” I started off singing as everyone around me stopped and stared. Zayn, on the other hand, turned around and smiled.



“Don’t make a move till you’re in the groove. And do the Peter Panda dance. Hop three times like a kangaroo,” and all the while I was singing I was doing these stupid little dances that went along with it. I found it embarrassing, but everyone else found it amusing.



“Hold your breath, jump to the left. And that’s the Peter- I swear that’s the Peter- that’s the Peter Panda dance.” I ended it all with jazz hands and everyone just cracked up laughing.



“Aw, you really do love me don’t you?” Zayn said, giving me a sideways hug.



“You know I do.”



Zayn just smiled and threw his arm over my shoulder as we continued on to the boardwalk.



“Zayn. Zayn, you can’t be doing that,” Liam said, grabbing the back of his shirt. “Rian and Niall- you know how much conflict that is going to make.”



“Bleh!” Zayn yelled, taking his arm off of my shoulder.



Well didn’t that just ? “Finally!” Fallyn exclaimed, running under an arch and into a place that had brick for their pavement instead of concrete. In the middle was a giant water fountain and I suddenly realized why she wanted to go here.



Harry followed her and stuck his head in the fountain trying to rinse his hair off. Without any notice or warning, Fallyn stood up and pushed him in. When Harry came up out of the water his hair looked absolutely hilarious.



“He looks like baby Tarzan!” Liam exclaimed, as we all laughed and agreed. Harry then grabbed Fallyn’s arm and pulled her in with him. So now, instead of a food fight, there was a big water fight right in the middle of the boardwalk. Everyone that passed stopped and gave weird looks. Other people, however, were taking pictures.



Out of nowhere, someone had picked me up and was running me over to the fountain as well. I expected it to be Zayn, but as looked up, I met the face of Niall.



“Niall Horan!” I screamed, as he tossed me into the fountain. I stood up, ready to pull him in, but he had gotten in on his own. He then started splashing water on me and before I knew it we were in a water fight of our own.



The curls I had in my hair slowly started falling out, but I didn’t care. I was having too much fun to. Then, Harry jumped on my back and pulled me under the water with him.



“What did I do to you?” I shouted, tackling him back.



“You stole Louis from me!”



“Whoo! Chick fight over Louis!” Lou shouted from a distance. At that moment, a whole flock of pigeons flew down and landed beside Louis. He totally flipped out and had a Scooby-Doo moment, jumping into Zayn’s arms.



“Get them away!”



“You’re afraid of pigeons?” I asked.



“They always poop on me!”



“You know how he solves that problem?” Liam asked. “Go on, tell her Lou.”



“I make scrambled eggs and then I go outside and eat it in front of them,” he said softly.



“Ridiculously loud too,” Harry added. “He cackles manically and he shouts ‘Yeah, that’s right! Who’s laughing now?’ And he just shovels eggs in his face.”



I let out a great laugh sat down in the water fountain, putting my head in my hands. That’ll teach them not to poop on you. Only Louis…



“C’mon love. Let’s go back home,” Niall suggested, putting his hand in front of my face. I grabbed it and stood up, water dripping in buckets off of my body.



“Aw,” Louis teased, making a mocked I’m touched face. “They’re holding hands. How sweet.”



I rolled my eyes as Niall got out of the fountain, still holding onto my hand. He then helped me out like a gentleman, unlike Harry who pushed Fallyn back in as she tried to get out.



Fallyn then grabbed ahold of his trousers and pulled them down, revealing the hot pink underwear he was wearing. “Eejit.”



“You got me on a good day Fallyn.”



“What do you mean?” she asked slowly.



“I actually wore underwear today.”



Harry, I really did not need to know that…





(I've done this story at another site.. so i've heard about AFF so i was interested to wrote something here) xD


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Is there any one directioner here?
The author have forgotten her password
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unstoppabledreamer #4
o_O I never knew there were 1D stories on here...
1directionlover #5
Chapter 21: Hi Sulphur_Sapphire, I was wondering. When do you usually update your new chapters ? Please let me know. You are really, really Good by the way !
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 19: woah! this story is quite good and should i ask... what website were you talking about in one chapter..? was it wattpad? please update soon and hoping you would be my friend... ^____^ totally love one direction the way you did... :)
1directionlover #7
Chapter 19: You are really good ! please update ASAP ! :)
PatriciaNicole #8
Chapter 1: Can you change the font color? it hurts my eye. well... the story is really really nice. Dont be mad. just sharing my thoughts