Schedule 1: MORNING RADIO!

Finally Together

purple writing= english

YO GUYS! XD finally everything has settled down :P YAY GOT POSTERS! XD <3 i had to go ALL THE WAY to the city for them :L ohwells it was worth it ;D oh yeah and i changed the tittle :L 



"WOOOW! Oppa! its so cool!" Min had eyes that looked like they were just about to pop out of her eye sockets.(a/n to lazy to type Minhee so just go with it ;D)

"WOW! mind if i stay with you for abit?" Siwan Winked at Min

"NO! get your own house!" Min smirked evily

"No fair! but then i have to share with 8 guys!" Siwannie pouted

"Puahahaha! well to bad this is my house!"

"Naws." Siwannie pouted again

"Lols. Jokes. sleeping over is fine but ur not staying here forever!"

we both smiled.

"Oh good you two are here." we looked behind ourselves

"OH! hello director!" we both did a 90 degree bow.

"hahahahaha. hello. do you like your house MinHee?" The director asked us.

"yes very much." Min gave a sweet smile towards the director

"Okay that's good. Um I've got one of your spare keys alright? just incase." Director smiled at Min while Min nodded. "Your parents will also have a spare key. so will your unni. Siwan also has a key, if you don't mind." Siwan dangled his keys and smiled

Min shook her head "No! not at all! but unni?"

"ah! thats right! you haven't meet her yet! well she'll be the person who'll take care of your scheduls, diets and training. she'll be here in a few minutes." He explained.

"Oh. Okay then..."

"Well that's settled.Lets take a seat they're some things we need to discuss about your relationship." Siwan and me sat down on a four seater couch while Director sat on one of the single arm chairs.

"Well right now. Min may have some anti fans... this will effect her debut... so during your time as a trainee i want you to gain there trust and make them open up to your relationship..." and from then we trailed off into a deep conversation. right in the middle of the conversation a girl entered the house "Oh! good! Haerin you're here! Min this is your unni Haerin"

"Oh! hello!" you gave her a small smile. "My name is Lee Min Hee, Lets work hard together." i gave her a big smile and held out my hand so she can shake it

"Hey. My name is Kang Haerin, I'm looking forward to working with you." she took your hands a shook it. while doing this you observed her. hmmm mid 30's? average height for her age. brown wavy hair, probaly very observant by the way she looks in other peoples eye, smile lines :] must smile alot


(a/ndont remember what ur wearing ;D:

~Mins POV~

afterwards when we fiished talking with director HaeRin turned to us "Right guys, next up we have a morning radio show to guest in. here is the main plot study it and get prepared for answering questions." she handed Siwan a peice of paper with sentences highlighted in yellow and she handed me sentences highlighted in blue. "The highlighted parts are the parts where you will be mentioned and asked questions." we both nodded. "GOOD. lets go" she threw her keys up into the airn and caught them

-she seems like a fun unni :]

I smiled widely at Siwan. he smiled then held my hand and we started following HaeRin towards her car. (

she unlocked the car and we hopped in she was sitting in the driver seat while the two of us sat at the back studying our roles and coming up with answers together. we were like this for another 20 minutes we finally arrived at the radio station.


* * * * *


"GOOD MORNING! thank you for joining us in your morning ride to work, school or even coming back from a big night! joining us today is a new young couple! Im Siwan and Lee MinHee!"

"Annyeong~" Siwan and Min both chorused at the same time. Min waved childishly and Siwan a ____ just laughed at her action. Siwan stop Min's hand and smiled. mouthing somthing like "Get your hammer." well that's what Min thought. Min showed a confused face, she mouthed back "What?" Siwan got a paper and wrote down "There's no camera." Min made an 'O' shape with while nodding.

"Naws Yout two look like such a couple" said the MC after finishing whatever she was saying before

"Hahahahaha, Thank you~" Siwan laughed while Min was looking down embarrised

"So how long have you two been together?" the MC asked

"Hmm... well we've meet ever since we were in diapers. and at around 10 i started to have feelings towards her. So you can say for a long time" Siwan smiled while the MC nodded

"What happened how did you guys confess?MinHee?" The MC asked again

"Oh! well... um... We were very close friends when we were childrens. and my feelings started when i was around 8. and at 13 we started playing around with each other as in a little bit of flirting every now and then.-"

"and when it was Mins irthday when she turned 17? i finally confessed to her." Siwan added in

"YAH!~ you called that confessing? bahahahahaha!" Min Rhetoricaly asked "I thought that was just playing around!" Min stuck her tounge out at Siwan and laughed abit. She looked back to the MC "Well as i said i thought it was a joke so i just acted normal but he would've flirted more so i just played along and flirted back.-"

"Wow!? good acting Minnie" Siwan commented.

"PSHT! so finally when he was about to leave to become a trainee, it was THEN when i found out that what he said all those time was true." Min looked Siwan with a smile

"That explains why you cried so much when i was saying my goodbyes!" Siwan sounded suprised Min exploded with laughter

"WOW! you took a long time to realise that!" Min managed to say.

"NAWS! thats a good story! almost like a drama!" MC added. Min and Siwan Looked at eachother then back at the MC.

"Nae~" Min answered abit embarassed

"I guess you could say that." Siwan added

"So what happened after Siwan left MinHee?" MC asked

"Hmm... well I went to seoul for a year and then i decided to go study overseas in america." Min said

"Oh!~ so you were raised up in Busun with Siwan?"

"Well yeah." Min aswered while Siwan nodded

"Did it take you long to perfect a Seoul accient?"

"Well My umma is from Seoul so i learnt abit from her before heading to Seoul. And i would somtimes talk to my online friends in Seouls." Min smiled

"Ah~ okay... and singing?"

"OH! i can answer this! she was really good at singing. she would ALWAYS sing me a lallyuby. its was so angelic." Siwan answered brightly.

"And did she get scouted?" MC asked

"Bahahaha no. I recomended her to the director after we were reunited." Siwan answered again

"Oh~ sounds intresting. after 4Men - To live at least once. Min will sing for us. stay tuned!~"

*Insert music here*

Min and Siwan looked at the scripted. there was nothing written down about having to sing.

"Well aren't you guys gonna get ready to sing?" the MC smiled.

"Erm. but SunBae/noona/hyung there's-"

"I know. The director told me to do this. Sorry." she handed Min a guitar.

"What are you going to sing?" Siwan asked, Min shrugged after 1 minute of thinking Min finally came up with a good peice.

"I KNOW!" Min started tuning the guitar.


soon the song finihsed. "That was b2st's Fiction. Now for all of you who has just joined. WE have special guests Im Siwan of ZE:A and his gilfriend Lee MinHee. We have finished talking about how they've meet... that'll be on our website in a few minutes. Now Min is going to play us a musical peice. What is it that you're going to play?"

"Especially for you - MYMP" Min said checking the guitar one more time. Min started playing the guitar

(a/n not saying that's how her voice sounds like but its just the song ;D DW her/your voice is WAY more better than that :P <3)

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bettykzzz #1
hope you update soon:)
good story update soon please
gooooood story :)
Woot, i made this chapter longer for you! ahahaha. Yup yup thanks to the book that i'm reading i have got more ideas!! YAY!!! :D

Updated! ^^
_Junnie #5
Yeah really. XD The new chapter is amazing, well... but it's too short of course. I always want more! é_è Anyway I understand, I hope you'll get lot of ideas soon and being able to give us a long amazing chapter ! *o* And by the way, we're friday. AHAHAH. The 23th. Soon christmas. *-* Ah I'm out of subject. Siwan is really a bad guy now. ;~~; Why ? Why Why ? Breaking breaking breaking my heart. Poor MinHee. ~.~
@SeulYoung They're a cute aren't they! <br />
<br />
@_Junnie Really?! Woah! thank you thank you! ^^ <br />
LOL! suprise suprise! :D
_Junnie #7
[creating an account just to comment... XD] Wooow. Just dicovered your fiction and read everything. *\o/* I love it. Udpate soon please ! ♥ I wonder what is on Siwan's tee-shirt. Don't keep me in the dark. ;~~;
naws... im seriously sorry D: thankyou so much! :) kekekeke you to! XD happy reading! :P