chapter 9


"________ are you ok?" Bong-cha asked you when he reached the room

"not really,I'm sorry...I'm making you worried"you apologize while your holding your head

"I think we need to go home tomorrow"

"But....."Mi young cuts you off

"I'll just make an aliby...I'll talk to them" Mi young said


On the boys room

Eli has tese big smile on his face when he enterst the room

"hey,when you're face was so annoted and now you're smiling?"Kevin told Eli who lays on the bed then read some magazine

Soohyun throw Eli a pillow "What's the reason for that big smile?"

"Don't tell me you and Bong-cha is official?"Kiseop asked unbelievably

Eli smiled a lot more bigger and happier

"Oh...m-my sister and you?oh...ok fine...just don't play with her or I'll kill you"Kevin told Eli half-serious

"Congratulations Bro!"Kiseop approached Eli and messed up his hair

"Oh..stop it"Eli said

suddenly Mi young knocks on the door..Kiseop opens the door

"I have something to tell"Mi young said

"Come in..Eli your sister"

Kecin stood up from the bed

"What it is?"Eli asked her sister

" girls have to go home tomorrow"

"Ha?wait,why?"Dongho asked

"Ahhmmmm....ahhhhh.....________ umma called,she needs to go home,for an emergency"

"Is that so?"Dongho said looking so sad

"Then let's just all go home tomorrow"Kevin suggested

"yha...that's fine"Soo Hyun agreed

"Ok,if that's what you want"Mi young said

"Ahmmmm...wait"Kevin called Mi Young

"yes?"Mi young asked innocently

"What is it?"now Mi young asked looking so irritated

"ok...ahmmm....let me accompany you to your room"kevin lightly push Mi young out to the boys room


"Get in"Kevin said




"I like you"Kevin said to Mi young seriously but sweetly


when Kevin is about to turn around

"I like you too..Kevin"then Mi young close the door

"She likes me...ohh.......she likes me..."Kevin repeatedly said because of happiness


The other day you with Dongho and the other returned home

Before you go inside your house

"I'm sorry that I interrupt the vacation"you sadly apologizes to them and to dongho

"No...don't be..It's fine.."Dongho replied

"ahmmmm....Can I invite you to the new coffee shop near our school tomorrow?"Dongho asked shyly

"No...she can't"Mi young suddenly said

"ha?whay not?it is not nice that Dongho is inviting ________ on a date?"kevin said

"It isn't Kevin Oppa!!"Bong-cha shouts to her brother

"wa-wa-wait!why you two acting so wird?huh?"Soohyun suspiciously asked

"Is there's osmething wrong?"Dongho asked you

"No...none,none...ahmmmm...sure...I will"9am?tomorrow?"

"______"Bong-cha uttered your name pityfully

you just smile to both Mi young and Bong-cha who looks so worried

"so...let's meet tomorrow"You told Dongho

"yah..yha..9am tomorrow"Dongho with unexplainable smile on his face

and they left

when your about to open the door of your house you suddenly felt Dizzy

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