chapter 4- Kevin's Mistake


On their hangout place

While Bong-cha and the u-kiss members are having fun....suddenly,Eli received a message.

"New girlfriend?"Bong-cha asked with a obvious bitter voice

Eli looks to Bong-cha"'s (whisper) my sister"

"oh!"Bong-cha smiles with relief

"Ahmmm....I have to pick her up in the airport"

"Ahh...ok...then go"

"But please...don't let them know"Eli looks to the other members then added"especially your brother"


"I just...don't think that he can be with my sister"

"really?huh? means that we can't be together also because I'm your friend sister"Bong-cha told Eli in a slightly angry voice

"that's not what i mean"Eli explained worringly

" is what you meant to say"Bong-cha turn her back to Eli

"Bong-cha"Eli grabbed Bong-cha's hand and said while looking at her eyes sincerely"that's not what i meant,ok?it's just that my sister is not ready for a relationship...but,the thing between different,because..."

suddenly Eli's phone rings

""I'm on my way......yes......ok,ok"then he look back to Bong-cha "I need to go"

"Bong-cha just smiles at him...but she is really curious why Eli is always after to her

"Where did Eli go?"Kevin asked with curiousity oh his face

"Ahmmm....he's he just go home to rest?"Bong-cha answered and give Kevin a little smile


On the airport

"Hey..."Eli shouts

"There you are...what took you so long?"a tan long hair girl asked Eli

"Sorry my little sister Mi young"then Eli taps his sisters head

"I'm not little anymore...and don't mess my hair"Mi young slap Eli's hand away from her head

Eli laughs:ok..let's go home,I know that you are tired from your trip"


The other day....sunday afternoon

" promise me that you'll go with me at the mall"Mi young told to her brother annoyingly who is watching television

"you're so noisy.....ok,fine...just give me five minutes"



"three...and it is final...go get ready"



on the mall..

Mi young and Eli enters the mall sweetly as if they were in a relationship

unexpectedly,Kevin is at the mall also...eating ice cream...when he saw Mi young and Eli...curiously Kevin follows the the dress boutique,to the game zone,to the snack bar,and lastly to the parking lot

"Oh...I forgot to buy something...just wait for me here ok?"Eli told to Mi young


when Eli is out of sight kevin approached Mi young who is standing outside Eli's car

he looks at Mi young's face angrily and said

"are you Eli's girl?"

"excuse me?"Mi young replied in shock

"Do you know that Eli is officially and exclusively dating someone alredy?"

"huh?what?"Mi young is so shocked that she can't say anything

when suddenly Eli is back with a paper bag containing a perfume..."hey!Kevin...what are you doing here bro?"

"Bro?you still have the guts to call me bro?even if you cheated on my sister?"

"what?"Eli asked shockingly

"I thought you like my sister?I thought this time your serious with her..but why you were doing this?"kevin told Eli angrily non-stop

suddenly Mi young laughs as hard as she can..then Eli laughs too...

"wae?whay are you both laughing?"kevin asked annoyingly

"I'm so sorry...I just can't help myself not to laugh"mi young said while still laughing

"then...what's funny about cheating?"

"omo...don't tell me that...(smirks)ok,anyway...I'm Mi young(Mi young give his hand to Kevin)Eli's Dongsaeng"

kevin's face is unexplainable,he is super shock and speechless

""so Kevin...are you happy to finally meet my sister?"Eli laughs


Kevin was about to sleep when he told himself annoyingly

" did I've's so embaracing...arggghhh..."

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