Chapter 8- Sickness


"Please,don't let Dongho find out"your tears started to fell

"But wae?"Mi Young asked you in a pity voice

Bong-cha approahed you

"This is the reason why I don't want to feel something special for him,and Don't let him to feel something special towards me"

Bong-cha and Mi Young is so pity for you

"please,Don't tell anyone,please,i just want to spend my life as normal as I can..until my last day"

"did the doctor told you when?"Bong-cha asked you

"ye..he told year...and I spent my 9 months already"

"OMONA!"Bong-cha uttered

Bon-cha ang Mi young hugged you

"please don't let him know..please"

"ok..ok..we won't tell them...specially him"Mi Young said


On the boys room

"what happened?"Eli asked who was on their room already

"Dongho's angel got dizzy,so we just let her rest"AJ explained

"what about you?"what happened to you and to my sister?"kevin asked then lay down beside Eli

Eli take a deep breath before answering"She just....arrrggghhh11!...your sister always that i am always joking and making fun of her"Eli said in an almost loud voice

" can't blame Bong-cha because you've been a womanizer"soohyun said

"but I alreadt stop that 2 years ago"

"you know,my sister will realize it too,so don't worry"Kevin said

"Will you help me?"Ei asked seriously looking at Kevin

"of course........................not"Kevin laughed

Kiseop looks at Dongho who looks so worried

"hey,dongho..she said that she just need some rest,you don't have to worry....and Bong-cha and mi young are there to take care of her"Kiseop told to Dongho

"Yha,she's fine.......she's fine"dongho said

"i'll just take some walk out there"eli said then left the room


On the girls room

you is already sleeping,but bong-cha and mi youg can't sleep about what they'd disovered about you

"Mi young...I'll just take some walk and fresh air outside"



While walking Bong-cha saw Eli,throeing some pebbles at the water,bong-cha takes a deep breath before approaching eli

Eli already saw Bong-cha walking towards him,but he just ignore her

"hey!Bong-cha called Eli,but eli pretends not to hear her"are you still mad?"but still eli ignore her"look,I'm so sorry..maybe i'm just not ready to hear that from you..beacuse i've known you as a play boy since then,I mean I'm not use to it,that you're serious about telling me that you...........

"That I love You?"finally Eli speaks

"ye...I'm sorry"bong-cha apologizes

"So, let me tell you these again"Eli face you and look itoo your eyes"I am serious about these two years ago since I met you,I told myself that you're the one that caught my heart,I know,I feel that I Love you"Eli hols Bong-cha's hands and kissed them"Please know that what i am telling you right now is the truth,that this is my true feelings....saranghae...saranghae...saranghaeyo"

"Ok...ok...I believe you"bong-cha uncomfortably said then looks at Eli's eyes again then smiled"what was your question again?"

Eli has these big smile on his face and asked"Bong-cha would you be my girl?my yeojachinguya?"

"yes!!"Bong-cha answered with a big smile

eli hugged her tightly and when Eli is about to kiss Bong-cha,Bong-cha's phones ring

"Oh........ahhhhhh....i'll just answer it"Bong-cha excused herself

"Go ahead"Eli scratched his head


'bong-cha i think ___________ neeeds to go home"mi Young is on the phone

"wae?what happened?"

"She's still not well,her head hurts a lot"

"OMO!Ok,I'll be up there"

"what is it?"Eli asked

"'s called here and I feel sleepy,let's go back in our room?"


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