Chapter 3-Valentines


You woke up late this morningso you're rushing to get ready for school....

"are you sure your're fine now?"your mother asked worringly

"yes i am...i need to be in the piano contest because i joined"you smiled then kissed your mother in her cheeks"bye"

"wait....your medicines"your mother handed you the bottle containing medicines tablets

"oh yha...thanks...bye"

"take care"


when you enter the gate of the saw girls whose giving chocolates to the guys they like...but for now....your mind is not on giving chocolates,it is in the piano competition...but in the back of your hope to see Dongho...while thinking about him...a little smile suddenly draws to your lips

you headed to the activity campus hall's backstage.....while on the backstage your hearing that a group maybe is performing on want to take a look who is it or who they have to get ready for the competition

(crowd screaming)

"Saranghae u-kiss"

"U-kiss is the best"

"U-kiss?mmm?"you suddenly told to yourself


while performing on stage..Dongho secretlylooking for you on the crowd...but he can't sew you..

U-kiss performance is done...crowd was very satisfied with their great performance...and so do u-kiss

"Good job guys"the leader Soohyun cheered

"hey...let's head to the cafeteria"Eli suddenly suggested

Bong-cha approached Dongho

" have to get ready,the contest will start in 1o minutes"

"Oh...almost forgot...ok...i'll get ready"

"oppa...i will just go home for a while"

"wae?"asking curiously

"ahmmm.....girls stuff,ok?"(smiles)

"I can give you a ride if you want"Eli suggested to Bong-cha

"Ahhmmm....sure"Bong-cha sweetly answered then smiles

"really?'s go!"Eli is neither happy or surprised that Bong-cha accept his suggestion to her

"see ya...guys later"

your on the backstage with the other are so nervous so you relax yourself then you whisper to yourself that"I can do it" then smiles


Dongho sits on the judges seat with the other judges.


you're on the third spot to play the piano...and the contestant who is playing on stage is the 2nd contestant...which means you're next.when your number was called you step on stage and saw were surprised,happy and nervous at the same time...but you calm yourself...and played the piano..

Dongho is so impressed with your piano skill...he stares at you while your playing yhe piano.."no..."he's not staring at you..he's GAZING at you...

At last you finished playing your choice piece...everybody clapped...of course including Dongho...when you saw Dongho is looking at you and smiling at have this beautiful big smile on your face suddenly

"The result is finally here the judges tallyed their scores for our contestants...who will be our winner?"the mc told to the audience

your hurt is pumping really fast..seem like it want to explode


On the other hand...Bong-cha in alredy in their house with Eli

you get something on your fridge and put it on your bag

"ok...I'm done..let's go"

"that's fast?what did you get there?"Eli asked cooly

Bong-cha throwed her a box wrappedi red then headed to the door

Eli is just looking to the box that was throwned by Bong-cha to him

"Hey...Eli...let's go back to the school"

"oh..y-yes..let's go"


When Bong-cha and Eli got back in the school...they headed to the campus hall to meet up the other u-kiss memebers.Bong-cha saw you on the corner alone holding a trophy and wearing a medal...she approached you witha smile

"hey won?"Bong-cha asked you cheerfully

"ahmmm...yes...2nd"then you smiled back to her

"wow...great...congratulations...would you like to come with us?"

",thanks...i have to head home"Bong-cha looks to Dongho" that so?"

"maybe next time I can"you told her smiling

"really"looking back to you"great,right Dongho?"then look back to Dongho

"ha?ahh-y-yes"Dongho shyly answered

"so...let's go to our practise place"kevin told everybody

" go first guys..I just have to go home..i forgot my phone"Dongho said

"ok..let's go guys"AJ replied


When your abou to get your phone on you bag you remindedthat you forgot it on you house so you can't call your driver to pick you you've just decided to walk...when suddenly the rain pours..

"OMO!!"you run towards the shed near you then suddenly you remind about Dongho..about your first meeting in a shed too...


"asshhh...why it suddenly rain?"

you turn your head to the guy who said that and you were so surprised that it was

"Dongho?"unintentionally you say his name

"oh.._______,you're here too?"smiling but obviouly he is surprised too

"yha...i forgot my phone,so i can't call my driver to pick me up" i just decided to walk but suddenly it rains"

" that you his phone)use my phone"

"gomawo"then all of a sudden you start smiling

"ahhmm...your smiling?"Dongho asked you curiously

"ahmm...(you gave back his phone)you phone"

Dongho look at it"'s lowbat..i;m so sorry"Dongho apologizes embarassly

"it's ok""can you walk a little bit through this rain?our practise place is just near here..just join us until the rain stops"Dongho suggested

"Ahmm..."when you're about to say "no,thanks"Dongho handed you his hands..."yes...I can"

it seems like you're enjoying running with Dongho under the rain holding hands

finally,you two is at the practise place of u-kiss

"oh..look who's here"Kiseop told everybody

"wow...Dongho(look at their hands)seems your very close to hold hands"Bong-cha teased

immediately,you let go of Dongho's hand

Bong-cha handed you and Dongho a towel and a cup of coffee

Everybody's watching you both while having a teasing smiles on their lips

"hey!!...what are you looking at?"Dongho shouted embarassly

"Nothing"AJ and Kiseop answered while laughing

then shyly you gave back to Dongho the towel that you borrowed from your first meeting

"kamsamnida....ahhmmm....I actually really want to see you this day to gave this back toy you"

"Oh ahh..."looking at the towel

when Dongho took the towel he felt something wrapped by the towel..he unwrapped it curuously and he saw some homemade chocolates

"Ahmmm....that's...ahmmm...."you don't know what to say to him about the chocolates

"kamsamnida"dongho thanks you with a big smile on his face

"here ______use my phone"Bong-cha handed you her cellphone

"you called your driver to pick you up...after a few minutes there is your driver

"I guess i have to go"you said"Gomawo"

"your welcome"kevin said with a beautiful smile

"Take care...bye.."Dongho smiles at you

"ye...kamsamnida...bye..."you smiled back to him

you headed home with a big smile on your lips...and you still feel that Dongho is still holding your hand....


"saranghaeyo _______...I think that's ehat Dongho really want to say to ____ an not"take care...bye""Hoon teased

Everyone laughs at Dongho...but obviously he didn't care because he's too happy remembering that you and him have a great day together

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