Chapter 1 - Meeting the Angel


(Bell rings)

........students are packing up their things

........some are going home already but some are planning where they can hangout


"I'll go first.....seems it will ya' tommorow"

A cute young boy student named Dongho told his friend.


While Dongho isnwalking to their home the rain suddenly pours.....


Dongho covered his head with his hands and find some shed where he can stay until the rain stops. He get a towel out of his bag to wipe himself.When suddenly he saw "you"....a very cute highschool girl on the left side of the shed.You saw dongho who is actually staring at you like--OMO!!an I in heaven?--Because of your curiosity why he is staring lyou like that you asked him with a very cute innocent face of yours....

"Ahhhmmm....excuse me?is there any problem?"

Dongho looked away, he seems so shy..that he don't know what to say you or what to do.

"Ahmmmm.....none....none....."then he handed you his towel?"I think you need this"

You were surprise, because you didn't expect that he'll offer you his towel

"oh...ahhmmm....thanks"you smiled at him....while your wiping yourself with Dongho's towel......

"It seems that these rain won't stop"Dongho glance at you shyly

"yahh...i think so"

"Ahhhhhmmmm.....are you new here?"

"oh...yes I am. My mother and i just moved here"

"So i think it explain why were you wearing a very familiar school uniform"Dongho said looking at you with a smile

"Oh...yes...I'm a transfer"

"so how's your first day of school here?"

"not getting along that easily...but students there are so friendly...I think i'll have a friend on our school, maybe tommorow or in the other days to come" then you smiled sweetly

"Is that so! can we be...."

Dongho cuts because your phone rings

"Ahmmm....sorry...just need to answer this"

While speaking at the phone...Dongho still looking at you

"it's my driver..just asking where he can pick me in"


When suddenly a black car stopped infront of the shed.

"it's him...I have to go"

"oh..ok...Ahhmmmm(dongho scrathed his head)take care"

you smiled back to him...but before you get into the car

"Would you like me to give you a ride to your house?" you asked Dongho smiling

"no.No...I'm fine..Thank you"

:"you sure?"

"yes!"he smiled at you

"Then...i'll go...bye"

when you were about to get into the car

"Ahhmmm...wait.aaahhh....(dongho scratched his head again)


"i just wanted to ask you.....ahhhhhh......ahhhmmmm...(he took a deep breath)may i know your name?"

"Oh...that..yha...I'm _______"

dongho whispered your name just enough to hear himself. "I"m dongho"

"Well, nice meeting you Dongho"

"Yha...nice meeting you too"

" I'll go...are you sure ou don't want to have a ride?"

"yes...I'm sure"

you get into the car..while on your way home, there's an explained smile on you seems like your into dongho.


On the other side....

Dongho is still on that shed smiling like he's daydreaming.when all of a sudden a black van stops infront of the shed...

"hey....crazy!would you mind if I give you a ride through the hospital?"(laughs)

Dongho saw a blondy cool guy on the driver seat of the van

"Smiling even if his all alone?hahahah!!!"

He saw another guy with a cute face on the passenger seats.

"Uuuuhhh....too scary"

Another guy from the car who has a great voice told Dongho

"Hyungs...what are you talking about?"dongho answered annoyingly

The guy who is on the driver seat was Eli and thw two on the passenger seats were Kevin and Soo Hyun.

"hey crazy boy...hop in...we will having our practice remmember?"Soo Hyun told Dongho

"Oh..yha...i almost forgot"

Dongho get into the car...While on your way on your to your group practice studio...

"so...tell us why were you asking back there all alone on that shed?"kevin asked dongho teasingly


"Such a liar"Soo Hyun grab Dongho's head and mess Dongho's hair

"ahhhh...Hyung..ok...i"ll tell you...I'll speak..just let me go!"

"ok, what is it then?" Eli asked while laughing

"I met a girl....that's all"

"i don't really think so that "That's all" Dongho...tell us what's her name?"

Kevin asked with a bright smile on his face

"Is she cute?"

Eli asked

"she's an angel"

Dongho answered with a bid smile on his face

"Well, do you asked for her number?"

Kevin asked


"where was her house?"

Soohyun asked

"no..I don't know"

"you were really a kiddo!!"

Soo Hyun said witha big laugh

"Aggghhh...i'm not like you Hyung"

Dongho said with a snobb face


The car stops...their already on their practise studio....when they get inside they saw the other member of their group which is Hoon, AJ, and Kiseop.

"ok, you're already's get ready?"

AJ said while thightening the lace of his shoes

"yha..let's get ready..but before know what?Dongho has a crush"

Eli said with a very energetic voice


dongho moaned

"Oh..really?then wht's hher name?"

Hoon said putting his arm around Dongho's neck

Dongho's face became red "________" he answered in a low shy voice

"We need to know her before you actually court him"

Kevin told Dongho with a smirked

"What?I won't court her"


Eli teased Dongho with a smirked

"you know what?Let's just practise, ok?"

Dongho suggested

" guilty"

Kiseop teased

As a popular boy group on their school they have to practise to perfect their vocals and their dance steps. Their group was named as U-Kiss the most popular guys in school...and it seems that one of them is into you.

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