One Shot Deals with DBSK


Simple thoughts and stories I put together in my mind throughout my daydreams that I felt like sharing with you guys. 

Each chapter is just a one shot about first meeting a member of DBSK/JYJ. Each story is going to use the same girl but she's going to take form of different kinds of girls and their professions and personalities that lead to meeting a member and falling in love in the future. The stories are mixed of love at first sight, freaked out by the encounter, or destiny. These are all my daydreams that I have or just scenarios i picture myself in when I meet DBSK. I hope you guys enjoy these short stories as much as I love daydreaming about them!


Female lead in every story: Lee Siyeon

I will be using all five members.


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Chapter 3: kyaaaa, yoochun ah
like it like always
Chapter 2: yunhoo
nice nice nice^^
wooow, I like it