

Eunhyuk wandered round the town. It was obvious this girl really hated him now. But she still showed him all the major points in town, including the bank Maybe useful if I don't have money? , the pet shop I thought the city was bigger than this for a pet shop to be major and the hairdressers Wow. All the people here know this girl by name. She's so hideous I would never have known...

After the tour, Eunhyuk felt like he had acheived something.

Donghae is cool to be with, but at least I'm learning about how to take down this place, and besides this girl is too dumb to figure out anything. She'll probably just go along with what Donghae says.

After he got to Donghae's home, Eunhyuk stretched out, went for a bath (why did Donghae have a high heeled shoe shaped bath soap?) and went to sleep.

Donghae got home quite late. It suited him though, because at least now he wouldn't have to get up again to spy on Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk was sleeping like a baby. Donghae traced his jaw in the air with his finger, then bent down to get a closer look.

Am I actually falling for this guy or is it because I've always wanted to defy my father in one way? Who cares, this will be the best rebelliance ever. And I won't regret it. Eunhyuk's not a threat, I mean he's fast, but he's so stick thin I think I can snap him with my fingers.

While Donghae was thinking, he hadn't noticed that his and Eunhyuk's face were very close together. His lips met plumper lips.

What the fu-

He pulled back from Eunhyuk, his face turning red and as quickly and quietly as he could, ran back to his room.

Eunhyuk waited until Donghae had shut his door and burst into silent laughter.

Eunhyuk had an uncanny way of knowing when someone was too close to him and waking up during his sleep. So when he had opened his lids a tiny bit, so he would see Donghae's face blurrily, he had been a bit suprised. A bit of him had thought that Donghae was attracted to him. And even blurrily, he could see the in-the-clouds look on Donghae's face.

And how that face was oh-so-close to mine.

So Eunhyuk had leaned forward just an inch to close the space.

When he saw Donghae blush and run off, he felt a sense of triumph. And he thought it was inbelievable that the best ninja (the annoying girl he hated for no reason mentioned it sometime on the tour along with a snide comment about how weak people shouldn't go near the best...blah...blah...blah...) in this place didn't actually know Eunhyuk was awake or that he had been the one that moved.

Eunhyuk smirked to himself. Donghae was just too head over heels for him.

Donghae was cute, so Eunhyuk kind of regretted the things he had to do.

Maybe I could get him out? He seems like the nicest rich kid I've met, and the most amusing... in a good way.

He sat up on the sofa, got out a little black book and started writing something in it. Then he tore out the page, opened the window quietly (he had oiled it while Donghae was out) and dropped the piece of paper over the edge.

He was going to win soon.

But he had to be patient.

Well, that would be easy enough.

Especially with the addition of Donghae.

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kamiokirby #1
Chapter 6: Things are heating up, huh? *teethy grin*
Chapter 4: OOH. Things are getting very interesting. I like how Donghae's trying to piece 2 and 2 together.
Chapter 1: NINJA. I don't think I've ever read a ninja story. I shall read yours then~