The Flat


Donghae started at a fast speed walk pace and Eunhyuk trailed a meter behind

Remember. Don’t get too fast. Don’t give yourself away.

Eunhyuk stopped, took some deep breaths and ran to catch up. Donghae, while still infuriated, felt sorry for the weak man and slowed down to normal walking pace.

He went out of the building and into the one next to it. This building, while not having intricate carvings of golems and detailed patterns, did not look any less expensive. It had black polished marble lining most of the exterior while white marble lined the interior floor and the walls were covered with ripple effect black wallpaper. Donghae walked up to the polished oak desk.

“Can I have my keys?” he said abruptly.

If Eunhyuk thought he was rude, this Donghae was ruder. He hadn’t even wished this poshly dressed person a simple hello.

“Yes sir.” The man bowed quickly and returned with one set of keys.

“Don’t I get one?”

Donghae started a bit at the voice. It was the first time Eunhyuk spoke, and it was a bit higher than the average male. Donghae didn’t know how to describe it, but the way he spoke was distinctive, like he stressed slightly different syllables, but was glad to find Eunhyuk didn’t have an accent. Donghae wasn’t all that good at making sense of accents. Then he turned his attention back on the question.

“No. Why, so you can wander wherever the hell you like without giving me notice?” Donghae said, his voice a bit louder than he had intended.

Eunhyuk reverted back to saying nothing and followed Donghae into the carpeted elevator.

They would have won an award for most awkward silence ever if Donghae’s floor was a bit higher. Eunhyuk refused to say anything but, annoyingly, couldn’t take his eyes off Donghae for the whole journey. If he tried to look to the side, he was met with quite a long line of Donghae’s reflecting off each other. For Donghae’s part, he had developed a routine whenever he was a bit annoyed, he would go into a meditative mind frame. So whilst the whirring from the elevator continued on, he entered a calm place in his head. This time, it was the seaside trip he had been on with his mother when he was young. He felt the warmth of his mother’s hand, the sand creeping in between his toes and the wash of the ocean in the background.

The elevator dinged and the button unlit. Donghae’s eyes snapped open a bit too quickly. The sudden change in place would have caused him to lean on the rail behind if he was alone. He wasn’t, so he walked forward onto the floor, hoping he wouldn’t stumble. He didn’t but in concentrating on putting his feet in the right place he got completely the wrong key to unlock the first lock. Eunhyuk tried not to laugh at Donghae’s confused expression as he wondered why a round key would not fit in a flat key’s lock. Donghae felt slightly embarrassed, but he opened the door for Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk then realised that the whole floor was Donghae’s. He didn’t feel the least surprised. With the mayor for his dad, he was actually expecting Donghae to live in an entire building before Donghae said his flat when talking to his dad.

“Take your shoes off.” Donghae pointed to the brown shoes that were practically coming off by themselves. “And don’t talk to me.”

And with that, Donghae went into the room on the right and slammed the door shut.

Eunhyuk was glad to find no padlock on the fridge-freezer (it wouldn't be the first time) and opened the top door. He shivered at the cold air that drifted down and enveloped his legs. Inside the fridge was every kind of microwaveable dinner he could imagine.

There were chicken, pork, beef, vegetable, mince and even duck dishes in there. He thought he saw one of the ingredients as pig's head. He didn't know whether he was allowed to eat any of it, so even though he was starving he closed the fridge.

He opened the freezer, stooped down and spotted something immediately. Ice cream! He reached his hand inside and quickly deposited it on the table opposite to free his freezing hand. Then he quietly closed the freezer door. Opening random drawers and shutting them, he finally found the spoons. Then he just sat there, opened the ice-cream and proceeded to cut out chunks of it.

So good.

He was hacking at the hard ice-cream for his fourth bite when he spotted Donghae looking at him with arms crossed.

Oh .

Despite himself, Donghae smiled at the momentary look of absolute shock and guilt on Eunhyuk's face before Eunhyuk composed himself.

"You didn't need to start on dessert first. If you were hungry you could have told me."

Yeah right he thought like I wasn't being such an that this shy guy would speak to me.

"Pork, beef, or are you a vegetarian?" Donghae asked taking out one of the dishes.

"Pork." Eunhyuk's words always seemed to be whispered so quietly it was the perfect for the listener to strain and just about hear him.

At least he wasn't a vegetarian. Donghae wouldn't feel comfortable eating meat around a vegetarian.

He put the dinner into the microwave while Eunhyuk put the lid on the ice-cream container.

Donghae laughed "You can have it if you want. I just thought it would be better to eat it after the main meal."

Eunhyuk smiled to convey he understood and appreciated what Donghae said.

After Donghae handed him the steaming plate, Eunhyuk dug in.

Although it wasn't as good as if someone had just cooked it, it was pretty damn good for a microwave dinner, Eunhyuk had to admit as he scooped up the food, bending his head so he could shovel it into his mouth. He didn't want to look like a pig, but in his defense, he hadn't eaten for two days.

Donghae left, smiling at Eunhyuk as he looked back, and this time shutting the door with a faint click. 

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kamiokirby #1
Chapter 6: Things are heating up, huh? *teethy grin*
Chapter 4: OOH. Things are getting very interesting. I like how Donghae's trying to piece 2 and 2 together.
Chapter 1: NINJA. I don't think I've ever read a ninja story. I shall read yours then~