The Meeting


Donghae walked into the room, scraping a hand through his auburn locks, curious expression on his angelic face.

“Well,” the mayor said “We have a rather unexpected visitor to our city.” Another thing Donghae was worshipped for, after his good looks and excellence in everything. His dad was the mayor, the most wealthy and powerful person in the city. This also gave Donghae precedence over a lot of matters.

Donghae was worried. His dad was a strict man, and practically unshakable. For him to say there was something unexpected was the same as saying the dinosaurs had started appearing in the central square.

From behind the mayor stepped a stick-thin man, with unusually small eyes and a cutting jawline. The most unusual thing was, this man had platinum blonde hair that practically glowed. Donghae had never seen anything of the like before.

“He says his name is Lee Eunhyuk,” his father said, gesturing to the blonde haired man, “but we are on close terms with the other cities and they say there is no-one of the name there.”

Donghae squinted his eyes while processing the information “Surely he could be a spy? The last war was decades ago. It is only a matter of time before another city starts thinking dangerous thoughts.”

Donghae knew this could be very likely. After all, he had overheard his father talking to a consultant about the idea, and Donghae’s own city initiating it. Food was said to be hard to find even though their city hadn’t felt the impact of it yet, and the numerous dangerous wild animals made it inconvenient to explore new areas of land.

“Exactly.” The mayor said “That is why Eunhyuk is going to be staying with you. And don’t gape like that, it’s unbecoming.”

Donghae was indeed being unbecoming. He was gaping like a fish, appalled at the very idea.

“Didn’t you say it would be dangerous? And you know my flat is the only space where I truly relax. Surely you’re not going to take that away from me, living with the spy?”

His father seemed to get angry.

“Exactly!” he snapped “That is your only comfortable space. That in itself is wrong. Ninja’s should not be comfortable anywhere. Your last step into becoming a truly amazing ninja is that. You may not appreciate it now, but when a someone stabs you while relaxing on your sofa, I’m sure you will regret your decision to decline.”

Donghae frowned “But father,”

“No buts. Besides, you’re the best ninja in this place. I will not treat him like a prisoner when he has done nothing nor will I treat him like he didn’t just appear from nowhere.” When he said that, his father meant an end to the conversation. Donghae felt a suffocating feeling. He was getting this feeling a lot lately. His dad, no, his father kept forcing excellence on him, like what he had already achieved wasn’t enough. It was never enough.

Donghae didn’t even know why, but his father had even scolded him for calling his father dad. Everything was unbecoming. Donghae found himself clenching his fists and relaxed them, not wanting to give his father any more material to use against him.

In his peripheral vision, he vaguely noticed Eunhyuk’s eyebrow raised. Eunhyuk thought things were done differently in this city. But it seemed that people gave as little respect as where Eunhyuk came from. Donghae and the mayor were acting like he wasn’t even there. Donghae had just called him a spy, never Eunhyuk. The least he could do was call Eunhyuk a ninja.

Ninja’s and spy’s were very different. Their essential purpose would be to collect information in both cases, however ninja’s had more special training. Spy’s just had to act like they weren’t on another side. Often ninja’s would have to steal things, or have to fight too.

Donghae sighed. He knew his protest would be useless, he just had to accept Eunhyuk’s presence.

“Follow me.” He gestured to the so far unmoving Eunhyuk to come with him.

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kamiokirby #1
Chapter 6: Things are heating up, huh? *teethy grin*
Chapter 4: OOH. Things are getting very interesting. I like how Donghae's trying to piece 2 and 2 together.
Chapter 1: NINJA. I don't think I've ever read a ninja story. I shall read yours then~