Lay Hates Me

Everyone Hates Me

Lay probably hates her because she left him behind to be in EXO-K instead of EXO-M.

Ji Hye never meant to. For a moment there, she really thought she was going to be in EXO-M. She definitely gets along better with some of the members and maybe she doesn't feel so unwanted there. She can speak some Chinese too, and that's always a bonus.

She and Yixing oppa (She supposes she should start calling him Lay, or at least Yixing ge, but it never felt as right as Yixing oppa. She may not be able to call any of the EXO-K members oppa, but she has no problem with the EXO-M members – least of all with Yixing oppa) had gotten close before EXO-K and EXO-M were officially divided. She got lumped together a lot with Yixing oppa (and Kai, now that she thought about it) so it had been her assumption that they would be in the same group. Well, you know what they say about making assumptions.

To be honest, when she first heard she was going to be placed in EXO-K, she wanted to ask for a transfer. It isn't that she doesn't like them. She does. It's just that none of them are Yixing. There is simply no replacement for her best friend.

They talk as often as they can, but it isn't easy with their busy schedules and the distance between them. She has gotten in trouble more than once for making so many overseas calls that she even had her phone confiscated for two weeks once. Yixing oppa had thought she was mad at him until she finally called him using Sehun's phone. Sehun liked talking to Luhan a lot too so the next time Luhan called, Ji Hye had practically jumped on the phone and asked to talk to Yixing.

He never says it, but she knows he wishes she had been in EXO-M with him. She wished that too – still did – but she's content with the placements – most of the time. She hates them though whenever EXO-M has to go to China for promotions. He is her best friend and she can't even spend time with him. True, it isn't her fault, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel guilty.

Sometimes she'd call him in the middle of the night while the others were sleeping and they'd talk. They'd talk about anything from promotions to roommates to her school and everything in between. They'd talk for an hour or two before realising they need the sleep and hang up. She doesn't know about Yixing oppa, but she's always reluctant to hang up.

She enjoyed practicing for MAMA, because that meant she finally got to spend some time with her best friend (Not because they did Lucifer, even if she was one of the few to get the dance steps down within the first two practices). She didn’t particularly like getting up early for practice, but it wasn’t all that different from any other day. The only difference was that the practice was with M and SHINee.

She’s noticed that Yixing oppa has this habit where he lays his head down in her lap, no matter what she was doing at the moment. For example, she and Minseok oppa had been talking during one of their breaks between practices and mid-conversation, Yixing oppa had slipped in and placed his head on her lap, eyes closed. Minseok oppa had raised his eyebrow at ’s gesture, but Ji Hye had merely continued the conversation, seemingly unaware of the newcomer. To be honest, he’s done it so many times that she’s simply gotten used to it.

“Stop ignoring me,” Yixing oppa said in Chinese, pouting slightly as he poked her waist slightly. She rolled her eyes slightly, a smile tilting up her lips.

“In case you didn’t notice, I’m talking to Minseok oppa,” she replied cheekily, tugging on a strand of his hair. She had switched from Korean to Chinese easily after months of practicing on her friends. It was like riding a bicycle, she realised. Once she re-familiarised herself with the language, it was easy to communicate with the Chinese members. She often found herself switching from Korean to Chinese whenever she was with EXO-M (she doesn’t really speak to Kris-ge much. No, it isn’t because she avoids him. Not at all) and it didn’t even require much effort anymore. It was something that came as easily as breathing.

“We haven’t had a proper conversation with each other in two weeks and you blow me off for Baozi,” he complained. It was times like this that people found it hard to believe they had a three year between them. They either thought he was younger than he really was or Ji Hye was older than her actual age (she doesn’t know if it’s a compliment or an insult that she looks older than she really is).

A bottle went flying towards Yixing oppa, courtesy of Minseok oppa. “Stop calling me that,” he hissed, giving the dancer a glare.

“You didn’t even know what I was saying,” Yixing oppa pointed out. Ji Hye stifled a giggle. She knew how much Yixing oppa liked to tease Minseok oppa. She supposed it was just his way of showing his affection for the older male.

Minseok oppa rolled his eyes upwards, as if asking for patience, before standing up. “I’m going to go over there, where Joon Myun and Luhan are. You know, with the mature adults.”

“I am a mature adult, Baozi,” Yixing oppa protested haughtily, only to get a towel thrown in his face. “Yes, that was very mature of you.” He missed the rude gesture that Minseok oppa shot him, although Ji Hye caught it, causing her to snort.

“Stop provoking him,” she chided, poking his cheek. The one thing she always liked about Yixing oppa was that he wasn’t so strict about age differences. He didn’t mind so much if Ji Hye treated him like a friend and he didn’t really say much about her being the maknae.

“It’s only because I like him. So… how’s life been? It’s been a while since we talked.”

She shrugged, twirling a lock of his hair. She had a slight fascination with his hair. Maybe it was because he got to keep his original hair colour while hers was lightened to a dark caramel. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her hair, but she missed her original hair colour.

“Nothing much,” she replied. “School, practice. We were on a show the other day."

He gave her a look. “That’s not what I’m asking. I heard it’s been tough on you. You sprained your ankle last month?”

“It’s nothing,” she answered on reflex. “Just a slight sprain. I’m fine.”

She never liked having people worrying about her. Maybe she just doesn’t want to give in to the stereotype that all maknaes were protected and always looked after.

The stare he gave her felt like he was trying to read her mind. “Are you really?”

What was she supposed to say? Was she supposed to admit that the sprain had really hurt? That she was starting to feel like she wasn’t good enough? That the rock that had been so close to hitting her the other day had really scared her? She didn’t know how to say all that. She didn’t want to tell him that. In her mind, it was all stupid stuff and she didn’t need to burden her best friend with the thoughts of a teenage girl (she knows she’s not really a teenager anymore, but the way everyone treats her makes her feel like one either way).

“Really.” What was a little white occasionally between friends? She just didn’t want him to worry. Somehow, she felt that he could see through her lie. He frowned and sat up. Ji Hye frowned as well. She didn’t like the way he wasn’t meeting her eyes.

“I wish you’d stop doing that,” he sighed.

“Stop doing what?”

“Stop lying – yes, I know you’re lying.” He pursed his lips, looking uncharacteristically serious. All traces of humour were erased from his face and she resisted the urge to fidget. “We’re friends, aren’t we? You know that you can tell me anything.”

The atmosphere was far too serious, so she smiled to lift the mood. “I know,” she assured him. “It’s nothing, really. I’m fine. Stop worrying. You’ll get gray hair.”

“I think Joon Myun has enough of that without you adding onto it,” Yixing oppa joked weakly. His smile was strained and she could tell he was trying so hard to be cheerful. She just didn’t know why.

He had avoided her the rest of the day. She knows it wasn’t really intentional, but a part of her mind told her that it was. Maybe he really was.

It’s a one-time thing. She knows that. Maybe it’s because he got tired of hearing her lies. Someone was bound to see through them and if not Yixing oppa, who else?

Maybe he thinks she’s abandoned him. She would never do that, but she knows she’s difficult to get close to sometimes. She’s barely the easiest to be friends with. It’s a miracle Yixing oppa has stuck around her for as long as he has, to be honest.


This took forever, didn't it?

Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I kind of lost the groove for this story and honestly, this isn't my best chapter. I'm sorry!

Since I have free time, I'm going to try and finish this story (hooray for major exams being over!). So... wish me luck?

(I've forgotten how the writing style for this story went tbh)

I couldn't find the picture header for this chapter because internet is too slow. I'll put it up as soon as possible!

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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 1: wish you would continue:(((( :)))
Chapter 1: Um please update? *pouts*
Chapter 9: looks like i'm gonna ship JiHye and Yixing /sobs/ i really love this story~pls update more huhuhu ^0^
HappyVirusXO #5
Chapter 3: Do you plan on, after having each member, having JiHye have some sort of massive reaction? I'm so curious as to how she'll act when she reaches breaking point
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 9: Yixing ge! I actually quite like how they act around each other, I really want a friend like that :3
the-totoro #7
Update soon please~
Coconutzie #8
Chapter 8: Oh, I really wonder why Kai and Lay "hates" her?
I hope they don't really hate her, though... That's just really sad :c
Update soon! :D
the-totoro #9
Chapter 8: Yay double update!
the-totoro #10
Chapter 5: They don't really hate her right? D: