Sehun Hates Me

Everyone Hates Me

As promised, the second chapter of my double update! I just want to say that it might be a while before I update again because even though the school year just started, I'm pretty busy. Updates will be pretty irregular (when has it ever been regular? lol) so I hope you still like my story either way.

P.S Yeah... I have no idea why his shirt says . Doesn't uri maknae look so hot and delicious?


Sehun probably hates her because she can't keep her side of the room clean.

It's not like she never tried. She did, but it's hard with school, practice and the articles that she was still expected to hand in even though she has to practice and stuff.

A part of Ji Hye was really glad that the school newspaper team was doing their best to make her feel like a normal girl, but sometimes she struggled to complete her articles by the deadline. Most nights, she stayed up late trying her best to finish up her articles or do her homework. More often than not, she would find herself in an awkward position on the desk where she fell asleep with her work almost done and she would rush through the last bits left before Kyung Soo calls Sehun and her down for breakfast (She didn't know why, but Kyung Soo had taken the role of being a mother to the group, cleaning and nagging at them to do chores. A part of her argued that it should be her, since she's the girl, but she has too much on her mind to even think about mothering her members). She would have gone to the library to do her work instead, except Suho hyung got worried whenever she stayed out late and she really didn't want to worry her other members. They had enough to worry about on their own without worrying about her as well.

So she does her work at the dorm, even though she gets easily distracted there. She closes the door to her room whenever she needs to do work, but the doors were thin and it couldn't really drown out the sound of Baekhyun hyung and Chanyeol hyung yelling while they played video games.

Ji Hye wanted to tell them off, but she had a pile of homework not to mention an article due. Besides, even if she told them to be quiet, they'd start up again in fifteen minutes (Times like that Ji Hye wonders how those two are older than her. They act like a couple of teenagers even though they're already in their twenties), so it would just be a waste of breath and a waste of time.

Her solution to that problem is to take her iPod and listen to it full-blast. It helps, somewhat, although it worries Kyung Soo whenever he tried to call her to the kitchen for dinner but she doesn't respond. She doesn't want to worry the older boy, but she desperately needed to study because she wasn't as smart as Sehun. He could get away with minimal studying because he absorbed whatever was taught in class like a sponge. Ji Hye can't do that. She doesn't have a very long attention span so she tended to drift off in class a lot even though she knew she should be listening. She just wasn't particularly interested in the many laws of Newton or the great Korean War.

SATs were coming so she knew she had to crack open her books and study. Just because she was an idol didn't mean she could just slack off. She wouldn't be an idol forever and at the rate she was going, she wasn't even sure she could last long in EXO.

She was painfully aware that she wasn't as talented as the other guys. While her vocal range wasn't anything to sneeze at, Baekhyun hyung's vocal range was even wider than hers. Suho hyung's delivery of his notes were practically pitch perfect and don't even get her started on Kyung Soo. She wasn't much of a dancer even if she was the lead dancer and her rapping was mediocre at best. She was half-expecting to be kicked out any day now, but she figured they'd wait at least a year before kicking her out or replacing her.

So she studied and she practiced and she wrote articles and occasionally she'd call home and ask how they were doing. She'd listen to her mom talk and realise that no matter how motherly Kyung Soo was, he could never replace her real mom. It made her homesick and she'd want to visit, but she can't skip practice because she needs it and she can't afford to take the time out of her studying. Daegu isn't exactly nearby either, so she makes do with the occasional phone call and maybe even the occasional and even rarer Skype message.

She's always so busy that her side of the room is always messy. There are books sprawled across her table and bed and notes are lying everywhere. She has some dirty clothes that she has yet to wash and her clothes were practically spilling out of her closet. Sehun is a teenager too, but his side isn't nearly as messy as hers is because he doesn't need to study as much as she does.

There is the rare occasion where the two of them are holed up in their room to study for a test and for once they're almost as messy as each other but it wasn't very often. Whenever they needed to study together, they'd just pack their books and head straight to the library to make a mess there. If Ji Hye was with Sehun, Suho hyung never minded letting them stay out late to study (She can't help but think Suho hyung was being ist because Ji Hye could take care of herself just fine. She did use to take taekwondo after all). She realised that she could use Sehun as an excuse for her to study out, but she didn't want to bother him.

So she would study at home and make a mess. He never really complained much, but there was always that sigh of irritation whenever he saw the mess that was her bed and desk as he walked into the room to go to sleep. She always felt guilty, but she never really came around to cleaning up.

Maybe she would, after they finished their SATs. College would probably be slightly less hectic since she wouldn't be taking any extra-curricular activities and maybe she could afford to slow down then. She could even take a leaf out of Kai's book and take an extra year off before finally going off to college.

Until then though, Sehun would have to put up with the messiness. She feels bad, really, but there was just too much to do for her to worry about cleaning their room which they were barely in since they were usually out practicing most of the time. Secretly, Ji Hye wished she would get injured like Kai did just so she could take a moment to just breathe. Maybe then she could finally clean her room and Sehun wouldn't hate her anymore.


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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 1: wish you would continue:(((( :)))
Chapter 1: Um please update? *pouts*
Chapter 9: looks like i'm gonna ship JiHye and Yixing /sobs/ i really love this story~pls update more huhuhu ^0^
HappyVirusXO #5
Chapter 3: Do you plan on, after having each member, having JiHye have some sort of massive reaction? I'm so curious as to how she'll act when she reaches breaking point
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 9: Yixing ge! I actually quite like how they act around each other, I really want a friend like that :3
the-totoro #7
Update soon please~
Coconutzie #8
Chapter 8: Oh, I really wonder why Kai and Lay "hates" her?
I hope they don't really hate her, though... That's just really sad :c
Update soon! :D
the-totoro #9
Chapter 8: Yay double update!
the-totoro #10
Chapter 5: They don't really hate her right? D: