Kris Hates Me

Everyone Hates Me

I finally update!!! I'm sorry if you've been waiting long. I've just gotten really busy lately and I haven't had time to write. Thank you so much chikarubunny and the-totoro for subscribing! Here's an EXO bias for you - throws EXO at you- Take your pick!

I heard Kai got hurt TT.TT My bias... I hope he gets better soon. And I hope Lay, Tao and Luhan can make their way to the Phillippines soon! Although I have a story idea involving Ji Hye and Kai now... sadistic, I know but oh well. The plot bunny strikes when the plot bunny strikes.

Enough of my mind drabble! Enjoy my fic! GOGOGO!

P.S I want his ice cream :3

By the way, silent readers, please comment! I lke comments and constructive criticism heps me grow as a writer. Plus Sehun and Luhan are doing their HunHan thing and wondering why there aren't any people liking their story. They're giving me puppy eyes. PUPPY EYES!


Kris probably hates her because she is a complete klutz whenever she's around him.

She honestly doesn’t mean to be so clumsy around him. Kris ge (Not hyung or oppa, but Kris ge. It just didn’t seem right and he never bothered to correct her anyway) made – and still does – her nervous. Maybe it’s his height, or the fact that he doesn’t really smile much. She is just completely intimidated by EXO-M’s leader and she can’t explain it.

The first time they met, she instantly found herself intimidated by the tall man. He towered over her and he wasn’t smiling. The look on his face was so dark that it made her nervous.

Ji Hye is already a naturally clumsy person, but she is even more so when she’s nervous. She doesn’t like being intimidated but that was something Kris could do without doing anything.

She thinks maybe the hate started on the first day EXO got together. Back then, they thought they might be debuting as M1 and M2, so they had absolutely no idea how they were going to be grouped (Well, she had some idea of how they were going to be grouped. She had heard that they were going to be doing promotions in Korea and China, so she always figured she’d be grouped with the Chinese members since she could speak Chinese).

She had poked her head in the first day, blinking owlishly at the group of boys in the room waiting.

“Um, is this where M1 and M2 are supposed to meet?” she asked awkwardly, still not stepping into the room. It had to be some sort of mistake. She probably just walked into the wrong room, knowing how awful with directions she actually was. She probably should have asked her trainer to at least point her in the right direction, but he was busy and it wasn’t that hard to find a practice room, now was it?

“Uh, yeah, this is it,” one of the boys answered, his Korean slightly accented. He scrutinized her, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. “Did the trainers want something?”

“No,” she answered and slowly stepped into the room. The boy who had spoken was still scrutinizing her and it took all she had not to cringe. She bit her lip as her grip tightened on the strap of her bag. There had to be some sort of mistake. There weren’t any girls in the room. Maybe SM was just playing a joke on her and decided to freak her out by making her believe she was going to debut with a boy band. Yeah, that was probably it. It was all just some big misunderstanding and –

“Is everybody here?” the trainer – who Ji Hye recognized as the man who interrupted their dance practice yesterday – asked as he walked in. He scanned the room before nodding. “Good, everyone’s here.”

She blinked at him and slowly raised her hand. Immediately, all eyes in the room turned to her and it was all she could do to not hyperventilate. She didn’t particularly like having so much attention focused on her (Inwardly she realized that if she had a problem with people paying attention to her, showbiz was the last thing she should have been interested in, but talking in front of a group of people and performing were two different things in her mind) but there was nothing she could do about it. She had a question and hopefully the trainer in the front would just laugh it off and say, “Oh, Ji Hye-ssi, we gave you the wrong room number! You should go and be with your real band mates now. Now run long!”

“Yes?” he asked impatiently and Ji Hye gulped.

“Um, I think I’m in the wrong room,” she said timidly. “I… don’t think I’m supposed to be here.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you not Song Ji Hye?”

“Well, I am, but – “

“Then you’re supposed to be here,” he replied firmly, not letting her finish her sentence.

“But she’s a girl!” she heard someone exclaim and she vaguely remembered him from a dance class or two. They might have shared the same dance class once when her trainer – or maybe his? – was out sick and their classes had to be combined. Jongin, she thought. I think his name was Jongin.

“Very glad to see you noticed that,” the trainer – whose name she finally remembered was Mr Lim – said drily. “Yes, she’s a girl. If you all didn’t know, SM is planning to launch its first co-ed group ever – you guys.”

There was silence as they took a minute to register the new information. Ji Hye digested it with a tinge of panic.

First SM co-ed group? And I’m the only girl? You have got to be kidding me…

“No, this isn’t a joke, “ Mr Lim continued, as if he could read her mind. “The thirteen of you have been chosen to be in this group.”

Her face was blank, but in her mind, she was panicking. She couldn’t be the only girl, could she? It wouldn’t make sense. But maybe it did, since it was SM’s first time coming up with a co-ed group and having one girl would test the fans’ reaction. Still… was it really fair?

It didn’t matter, because she couldn’t really complain. She could bring it up to Lee Soo Man, but it was such a petty reason and she didn’t want to be known as the bratty girl who demanded to be transferred just because she couldn’t handle it.

So as they started their first practice, she quietly stole away to a corner of the room to place her bags. She was planning on finding an isolated area, but it was hard seeing as there were twelve other people in the room and the practice room wasn’t exactly big. No matter where she went, there were people getting their things settled. She noticed that they were already grouped into their own little groups and it made her feel more alienated.

She stood in the middle of the room awkwardly until one of the boys decided to take pity on her and wave her over.

“You look a little lonely,” he immediately commented in halted Korean as she walked over towards them.

“Just a little bit,” she joked weakly. “I… don’t know anybody here.”

He gave her a smile that looked a little pitying and pulled her closer towards the group. “That’s alright,” he said brightly, his grip on her arm gentle but firm. “There’s always time to make… friends. Yes, friends.” Ji Hye couldn’t help but note that he was struggling slightly with his Korean and there was a slight accent to it as he spoke. “I’m Huang Zitao.”

She smiled meekly. “Song Ji Hye,” she replied, even though she was sure most of them already knew her name.

“Come, come.” He looked like he wanted to say something more, but instead shook his head and just tugged her towards the group of boys that looked quite intimidating.

“This is Song Ji Hye,” he introduced, not realizing how awkward she was feeling. Ji Hye had always thought that she was tall, but she felt dwarfed standing next to these boys. Some of them were about her height while others towered over her and she had a feeling they could grow more while Ji Hye’s height was growing stagnant.

“Hello,” she said, bowing slightly.

“This is Yixing ge,” he said, pointing to a man who looked a little bit harsh, but his features softened as he smiled slightly at her, “and that’s Yifan ge,” he pointed to the boy who had first spoken and she nervously avoided his gaze. He intimidated her and she could feel her palms growing sweaty. She hated getting nervous.

She bowed to both of them. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she noticed the terms he used weren’t Korean, but Chinese.

“Are you guys Chinese?” she asked hesitantly. She didn’t want to offend them since they were probably going to be group members.

“Yes,” Yifan rumbled in a deep voice and Ji Hye barely held in her squeak. “Is there a problem?” He stared at her. it wasn’t a glare, but it wasn’t pleasant either.

“Not at all,” she squeaked, her gaze on the floor. “It’s just that… well,” she switched to Mandarin, “I know how to speak a little bit of Mandarin.”

The surprise amongst the three Chinese boys was palpable even if Yifan’s expression didn’t change.

“Where did you learn how to speak Mandarin?” Zitao asked excitedly, spitting out his sentence in rapid Mandarin that she almost couldn’t catch. It took her a while to answer as she registered his question and took the time to form an answer.

“I went on an exchange program to China last year for a couple of months,” she replied slowly, her tongue taking its time to readjust to the language she hadn’t spoken in almost a year. “I had to learn how to speak Mandarin.”

“You speak Mandarin quite well,” Yixing complimented and she fought back a blush.

“I’m not very good,” she protested although the compliment did feel good. She had spent weeks fumbling with the language to finally be able to speak it without sounding like a complete idiot. She could hold an actual conversation now.

Mr Lim asked for them to gather and their conversation halted to a stop. She placed her bags with them – albeit a little further apart – and bent to pick up her water bottle. She felt Yifan’s eyes scrutinizing her and her nervousness came right back up again. Her klutzy tendencies acted up and instead of just picking up her bottle, it had ended up spraying water all over Yifan.

Oh Shisus kill me now, she thought as she covered her eyes with her hand, her bottle still pointed in his direction.

“I’m so sorry,” she immediately apologized, bowing repeatedly. “I’m such a klutz and I swear it was just an accident – “

He scowled, but he didn't look at her as he replied, “It’s okay. It’s just water.”

She just wanted the ground to swallow her whole, but she didn’t get her wish. Instead the sound of snickers filled the air as her face heated up uncomfortably. She wouldn’t have minded so much if it had just stopped there, but it didn’t. Somehow during dance, she had been placed next to him and she had managed to trip him six times, nearly fall on him twice and actually made him face plant onto the floor once. Yifan scowled once more as she hurriedly apologized and Zitao’s laughter echoed throughout the room.

“Alright…” Mr Lim drawled, staring at Ji Hye confusedly. “Maybe we should move Ji Hye away from Yifan to prevent any further injury.”

She moved next to Jongin instead, wincing as Yifan shot her another stare that wasn’t quite a glare but wasn’t anything friendly either.

Ever since that practice, Ji Hye had resolved to stay as far away from him as possible. It was hard since the only friends she really had were the three of them, but she thought she managed a pretty good job of it. It was even easier after they debuted since Kris – as he was now known – was in EXO-M while she was in EXO-K.

The others noticed how she tends to avoid a certain dragon and likes to tease that she has a crush on him. She supposed it does make sense since she’s always so nervous around him and she messes up a lot whenever he’s close. That isn’t the case though. He just scared her, plain and simple. He reminds her a little bit of her father; stoic and strict. Admittedly Sehun can be stoic at times, but he could never remind her of her father the way Kris did.

Once she almost spilled hot chocolate on him. She had gone to the vending machines while they were practicing for Lucifer to get herself a nice warm drink (She never really told anyone, but she loved having a warm drink. It didn’t matter if it was summer or the middle of the night. It calmed her down). She turned around and the next thing she knew, she was face to face with the dragon himself. She had stumbled backwards and spilled some of the hot chocolate on her shirt, but he was unharmed and that was what mattered at the moment. He opened his mouth – probably to scold her or something – but she had zoomed off before he could utter a word. She figured he hated her enough without her stumbling over her words and saying something wrong again.


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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 1: wish you would continue:(((( :)))
Chapter 1: Um please update? *pouts*
Chapter 9: looks like i'm gonna ship JiHye and Yixing /sobs/ i really love this story~pls update more huhuhu ^0^
HappyVirusXO #5
Chapter 3: Do you plan on, after having each member, having JiHye have some sort of massive reaction? I'm so curious as to how she'll act when she reaches breaking point
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 9: Yixing ge! I actually quite like how they act around each other, I really want a friend like that :3
the-totoro #7
Update soon please~
Coconutzie #8
Chapter 8: Oh, I really wonder why Kai and Lay "hates" her?
I hope they don't really hate her, though... That's just really sad :c
Update soon! :D
the-totoro #9
Chapter 8: Yay double update!
the-totoro #10
Chapter 5: They don't really hate her right? D: