Chapter 5

A Promise To Keep

Following the direction that the mysterious voice had told him, he came up to the cemetery.
‘Why would Michiko come to the cemetery?’ he thought. Then it started to rain. He runs to the summer house by the church and sits there, finding Michiko also sitting there. Michiko looks at him with an uncaring face.
“So you were just sitting here all along?” Too said.
“No. I came to see my father.” Michiko said.
“Where is he?” Too asked. Michiko just stares on the ground and cries. “I’m sorry if I was too harsh on you back at the shop.”
“No….it was my fault for walking away from you at the senior center and when we were at the park.” Michiko said, not looking at Too. “The reason is that my family is in debt. We’ve been in debt for two years and that was when my father had died by a heart attack. Now, I’m supporting my family by trying to earn enough money to pay off the debt, but somehow, the debt had doubled. The company had cheated our money and started making us pay double.”
Too grabs Michiko and hugs her. ‘She’s suffered this much and I didn’t even know. I even got angry at her.’ he thought. In his arms, Michiko cried her heart out.
“Why haven’t you told me?” Too managed to ask.
“Because I don’t want anyone to get involved. Not even my mom, Akira, or you.” Michiko admitted.
“And you intend to do this alone?” Too said. Michiko finally shuts . “I also heard that you changed Cafés. You changed from Kimura’s Café to my father’s café. Why?”
“……because….I wanted to….” both of them laughs. Then Michiko leans onto Too’s shoulder.
“That’s a lie.” Too said.
“Yea….but the rest is true.”
“I believe you, but you’ll have to promise me something.” Too said.
“Promise what?” Michiko asked.
“You’ll have to promise to keep it first.” Too said, raising his hand to her.
“Fine. I promise.” she also raised her hand.
Both pinky of each hand intertwine. “With this promise, we both will stay together and will not keep secrets to ourselves.” Too announces.
Michiko smiles. Then Too caresses her face with his hand and leans toward her. His lips touching hers.
“Tell me.” Too said, after the kiss. “Have you kissed any guy after I left for America?” Michiko shook her head. “Good. You’ll be mine from now on. I’ll also be the only one being able to hold you like this.” and he pinches her cheeks.

After waiting for two hours at the Café, the rain stopped.
“Uncle Gorou! They’re back!” Akira pointed out the window. Gorou and Akira watched as Too and Michiko walked, hand in hand, smiling and talking happily with each other.
“I’m so happy for them, Uncle Gorou.” Akira said. Then, “Hey! Love birds!”
Too and Michiko looks up and finds Akira waving to them, out the window, on the second floor of the Café. Too and Michiko instantly let go of each other’s hand.
“I saw that! You guys better come up here because I want to hear everything!” Akira shouted, going back inside.
After Too and Michiko got to the second floor, Akira tells Too that she was the mysterious caller.

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