Chapter 4

A Promise To Keep

The next day, Too goes by Michiko’s place. He opens the gate and knocks on the door.
“Coming!” a voice called. As the door opens, Too looks down and faces Akira.
“Good morning, Akira. Is your sister home?” he asked.
“No. She’s out with her boyfriend today. She won’t be back until dark.” Akira lied.
“Seriously? Why didn’t she tell me that she has a boyfriend?” Too asked.
“Because she didn’t want you to be upset, I guess.” Akira replied. “Look, if you want to see her, you’ll find her at the senior center today.”
“Didn’t you just say that she was with her boyfriend?” Too asked, now confused.
“I lied.” Akira said, getting annoyed. “I have homework to finish. Can you just leave?”
“Uh…yea. Thanks, Akira.” Too said, waving goodbye.

While at the senior center, Michiko worked very hard. She helped walk seniors to places, fed them, and even listened to their stories.
“That’s very kind of you, Michiko.” Granny Hisa said, as Michiko brought in a cup of water for her.
Michiko smiles and said, “No problem, Granny Hisa.”
“It’s so nice to have a beautiful girl, like Michiko, to help out. I’m just worry that she’s not spending enough time enjoying her teenage years.” Granny Ikue said.
“Don’t worry, Granny Ikue. I’m enjoying my teenage years as it is now. Also, a friend of mine has come back from America.” Michiko assured her.
“Michiko!” a voice called.
All of them turned and saw Too walking up to them.
“I wonder if he’s her boyfriend?” Granny Hisa whispered to Granny Ikue. Both of them giggled.
“I’m positive that he is.” Granny Ikue whispered back.
“Too.” Michiko said. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see how you were doing since you left me yesterday when we were still on our date.” Too said.
“I’m sorry I left you yesterday, but coming here?” Michiko said, sternly.
Too ignores her and greets the two elderly. “Good morning, ma’am.”
“Oh what a charming boy.” Granny Hisa said.
“And a handsome one too.” Granny Ikue added. “Are you sure he isn’t your boyfriend, Michiko?”
Michiko blushes, “No, ma’am. He’s just a friend. We just went out yesterday because...” then her phone suddenly rings and she walks away.
“Don’t take her words too harshly.” Granny Ikue told Too. “She’s a very generous lady. It would be nice to see her smile again.”
“Smile? But she usually smiles happily.” Too said.
“Would you do the honors and love her?” Granny Hisa asked. “She’s been so busy that she doesn’t have time for friends or even have a boyfriend.”
Too just stares in the direction that Michiko went.
“Well, it wouldn’t be too much trouble if you followed her.” Granny Ikue suggested. “You wouldn’t want her to get lonely, would you?”

“Michiko, wait!” Too shouted. “Michiko.”
“Would you just go home!” Michiko shouted back, not slowing down her pace.
“Are you mad?” Too asked.
“Why would I be?” she replied.
“Then what’s the problem?” he demanded for an answer.
“The problem is you. You coming out of nowhere, coming to my work place. What do you want from me anyways?”
Silence…..she stops walking and turns. Too was nowhere in sight. ‘Was I too harsh on him? How will I tell him?’ she thought.

“The problem is you….” Michiko’s words echoed in Too’s head. ‘Does she really hate?’ he thought. “He’s just a friend.” Michiko’s words echoed.
“I guess she does….” Too thought out loud. He didn’t know why she got mad and the mood wasn’t any better since he was in his father’s café.
“What are you so upset about?” his father, Gorou asked.
“Nothing.” Too said.
“Don’t tell me that Michiko dumped you again.” Gorou said. Too immediately looks away, feeling humiliated.
“I guess I hit the bull’s eyes, huh.” Gorou said. “Well, don’t let such words hit you so hard. You’ll get more chances.” as he walks away, “also, did you know that Michiko works here?” at that, Too stops.
Then the bell on top of the Café door suddenly rings.
“Forgot something, Michiko?” Gorou said. Too spins around to see Michiko staring at him.
“No, sir. Just came to talk to Too.” Michiko said.
“Well then, I’ll leave the two of alone.” and then Gorou leaves.
“Too, I’m….” Michiko started, but was interrupted.
“You’re what? That you’re sorry? Am I a bother?” Too said, with an angry tone. “If I am then you can just tell me. You don’t need to get angry and yell at me. I won’t bother you any…..more….”
He stopped. Staring at Michiko’s crying face was enough to break his heart.
“….I’ve…..never got angry with you……” and she ran out of the Café. Too ran after her, hoping for her to forgive him, but by the time he got out of the door, she had already disappeared. Then his phone rings….
“Hello?” Too answered.
“Too, you jerk. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t go after her.”
“Who’s this?” Too asked.
“Never mind that! Just go after her!! She went right, heading toward the cemetery. Now go!!” the voice shouted.
Too hung up and followed the directions the mysterious person had told him.

While in the Café, on the second floor, Gorou and Akira watched as Too went after Michiko.
“Good job, Akira.” Gorou said. “Never thought that you had it in you.”
“Thanks, Uncle Gorou.” Akira said. “I wonder if both of them know that they have feelings for each other.”
“Well, we’ll find out and see for ourselves when Too returns.” Gorou said.
“If Too returns, he better have my sister with him.” Akira said, sitting back and crossing her arms.

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