Chapter 2


I took the vase and drop the flower with the water above his head. The whole class was so shocked to see this especially the teacher.

“Oops, my mistakes. I’m really sorry, my hands was slippery.” I said sarcastically.

Howon glared then smirk at me.

“Heh! You just make a very very big mistake young lady” 

*he threatened me and that smirk, always paste on his face while talking to me.*

“Oooh, I am really sorry” I said again grinning at him.

“You just wait” He said again leaving the classroom.

“Ugh, that stupid little bastard.” I screamed while stomping my feet hard on the floor. I’m sure he can hear it clearly even if he couple block away from here.


~author’s pov~

you kept cursing over him while the whole class looking at you, amused by what you had done until Yeonki approaches you saying

“I’m too afraid to tell you earlier but Hoya is one of the Infinite’s member. I’m so sorry but I really cannot help you anymore. Even teachers cannot help you. You should be more careful. Good luck, I hope you safe.”

*WHAAAAT!!!* You thought.




~Author’s pov~


You come to school like nothing had happen yesterday but something’s not right. People around you kept whispering to each other when you passed by them. You bit them a good morning but they avoided you, some run away like they have seen a ghost. Then you saw many students were crowding over the school notice board. You were so curious so you go to take a look on the board and saw ‘Notice from INFINITE’ written there. When you take a closer look, the students backed away from you. Some of them suddenly wish you a ‘good luck’ and ‘fighting!’ You were so confused so you read the notice.


Class today will be canceled for INFINITE to play “chase n run games”

(A/N: I’m not actually good at this. For those who don’t understand, the game is about ‘Police’ have to catch the ‘thief’ so the ‘thief’ have to run away to escape from the ‘Police’ in order to save their live. That’s it. Okay, back to the story ^O^).

“Police” for this game are the 7 member of INFINITE while the “thief” is Park ~~~~ from class 2-A. The other students were advised to leave this school as soon as possible. After the bell for the first class rings, the game will begin. Game will be ended if Park~~~~ was caught by one of us. If she got caught, she will be our servant for the whole year.

To Miss Park ~~~~, please make an effort to save yourself. Thank you ^^



~Your pov~


‘What the heck just happen?’

 I just stood there like a statue.

‘Seriously, what should I do???’


‘Oh no!’


~Author’s pov~


“Good morning!”

You quickly turn around and saw them.

“Hehe, shall we start our game now? Anyway, my name is Sunggyu if you want to know. This is my fellow member, I can’t introduce them now since the time is running out. You will know them later though. ” The guy that have the smiley eyes said to you. You panicked a bit but you decide to keep yourself calm and spoke

“Whatever your name is I REFUSE TO PLAY !!!”

“Sorry but you have no choice other than play with us” Another guy exclaimed. He was the one that send you cool glare earlier, you saw his name tag and written there was Myungsoo.

“You also CAN’T leave this building now. The door will be open if you got caught by one of us.” Hoya added while emphasizing ‘can’t’ to you.

You startled a bit when you remember something in their notice that when you got caught you’ll be their servant. The statement send shiver down your spine but you just scoffed it off.

“You guys were such a little kid! Do whatever you want, I want to go home!” you said stomping your feet hard on the ground and go away from them.

“We’ll start chasing you after count on 100” Sunggyu exclaimed again ignoring the fact that you’re leaving because there really are no way for you to get out from there.


~Your pov~


They were such a kid. Who they think they are? Force me to play the little game of theirs. Aaah, I really want to go home right now.

I went to the front door but it was locked. *oh . It’s locked. Were they really serious with the game?*

“1… 2… 3…” I heard them started to count. *This is their game. I will be captured by them. That is something, something really bad*

“If you’re not running or hiding now, we’ll capture you so freaking easily” They said again. My heart thumped like crazy. *This school is theirs, their paradise. INFINITE’s PARADISE*

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Chapter 4: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASEEEEEEEE IM BEGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HHMLove #3
Chapter 4: Can you pls make a sequel. This is freaking nice!!!
Chapter 4: That was really good!! Can you please please please make a sequel to this? ~~~ Fighting!~
Chapter 4: It's great!!
I like it a lot, it was romantic and funny..
I laughed at Seungyeol mocking Hoya, haha..
I'm so sad that it ends so quickly, but
Thanks for it!!
ArianaMaddi #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^