Knock Knock

I will make you happier than you’ve ever been



“Well, Hyorin you will have to stay here for a few days just so we can make sure you are okay, but don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.” Said doctor Kwon.

She was beautiful. She didn’t look like a doctor, more like a person from a TV show or a movie. She had long brown hair, small figure, and a gorgeous smile. For the first time Hyorin felt somehow comfortable in a hospital. She wasn’t completely disgusted from it.

“Now, you need to eat something. Do you want me to tell the nurse to buy you something?”

“No thanks, it’s fine. I will tell some of my friends to bring be something.”

“Okay then. You will leave soon, I promise.” Doctor Kwon said as she left the room.

Hyorin was alone. She lied on the bed and remembered what happened between her and Hyuna. What did Jay think? Was he mad? Or embarrassed? Hyorin asked herself these questions repeatedly.

“Knock, knock. Who’s there? Is it a rabbit? Or a magician? No, wait, it’s only Jay!” Jay said before he opened the door. He seemed so happy. He didn’t look embarrassed or mad. And he brought food!

“Jay oppa!” Hyorin shouted and laughed. She was so glad to see him. The feelings of embarrassment were gone. Now they turned into butterflies. Now she didn’t want to leave the hospital. It was the most perfect place on earth.

“So, the doctors said you are awake and I decided to come visit. I brought you some food, every single episode of One Piece, and a bear. Not a real one coz that would be a little inappropriate, I mean, we are in a hospital after all. And they are kinda big. And scary. Well scary for you ,even tho I wouldn’t admit they are scary for me, coz you know, I’m cool and that would ruin my bad boy image.”

Hyorin laughed and showed her tongue a little just as she always does even if she doesn’t want to. It was natural and she couldn’t stop it.

“You know, I love when you do that.” Jay said and smirked, “It makes me wanna kiss you.”

He leaned in and kissed her. It was a very innocent kiss. It wasn’t passionate like Hyorin imagined it would be. It was even better; it was a side of Jay she had never seen before and she liked it. She touched his face with her hand and felt how warm his skin was.  Then, she moved her hand to his neck and Jay smiled. It was one of those smiles in between kisses that Hyorin loved so much.

When the kiss was over Hyorin pinched her arm a little. Jay noticed that and giggled.

“What? I’m just making sure it wasn’t a dream. My dreams are vivid and sometimes I can’t tell if something’s really happening.”

Jay laughed.

“Oh, so you’ve had at least one dream about kissing me, is that so?”

“NOOOO! Maybe. I don’t know. Maybe I’ve had, maybe not. You, my boy, will never know.” She said happily and started laughing.

“Okay,” Jay said with a erted smile and Hyorin pinched his hand too, “Ouch! That, my girl, wasn’t necessary. Okay, so now let’s eat and watch One Piece.”


“And since you won’t tell me about your dreams, I won’t tell you mine, even tho you might be a little socked if I do.” Jay said in attempt to convince her to tell him about her dreams with him.


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Chapter 3: I laugh way too hard...
Interesting story
Chapter 5: More more more!!!!
Shipping JayRin like ing crazy!!!!
safanyar #3
Chapter 5: Love it! Update soon pls! And throw that sh**t Hyuna who broke all JayRin moment! Thanks
DongJayHyo #4
Chapter 4: Update soon please ;___; My JRin feels
Chapter 3: omoooo im crying in hapiness please updategjvfgjcfk
Chapter 3: Likin it~
Hwaiting author-nim~
DongJayHyo #7
Chapter 3: JayRin <3 is awesome
ngel12 #8
Chapter 2: its nice authornim..keep updating..hehe..found hyuna so ____y here aigoo..poor hyorin :(
Rockwell #9
loving this ^^ lucky i track the hyorin tag on tumblr so I could read this
chiomaaa_u #10
Chapter 1: :D I LOVE THIS!!! :)