Utmost Desire



[Kevin’s POV]

A shrill cry came from the creak of the door. ­­­_____! ­ I pushed the door open and ran into the kitchen. To my horror, I see ______ against the wall, trembling of fear, with a knife in her hand. I looked at the ground and dark ash was smeared all over the floor. Her eyes struck an expression of terror towards me as she raised the knife in my direction.

“_____.” I called her name in hopes of snapping her out in whatever illusion she was in. But she wasn’t. I don’t feel any illusionary aura but something dark, similar to Ehrian’s aura. Someone was here. I walked towards her but she swung the knife in a defensive way.

“Back off!” She yelled. “Go….go away. You’re not… you’re not…” Her hands trembled, her face was streaked with tears… to my dismay, her neck was bruised, and she had so many bruises… I failed to protect her. I wasn’t here to save her from whatever harm.

“_____. Snap out of it. Put down the knife, everything is okay. Everything is…” I tried to soothe her terrorized mind.

“No. Everything isn’t okay. You’re… you’re not Kevin.” She muttered. Was there someone who came in here looking like me?

“What can I prove to you? How can I prove to you that it is me, ______? Ask me anything. Come on.” I raised both of my hands in the air and watched her think of the questions to ask. She brought the knife closer and stared at me.

“Read my mind… Read it. Kevin explained that only he and those I care for the most who possess this gift could read my mind. So, read it. And if you read it wrong, I will hurt you. I… I’m not afraid.” Her trembling body spoke otherwise. I nodded and told her to talk to me in her thoughts. I focused on her and concentrated. I closed my eyes and just… quietly listened to her quivering thoughts.

I… I want Kevin to come home now. I’m scared. I do not know what to do. I don’t feel safe. Kevin, come home. I need him. I… Why is this happening to me? Why? WHY?

[Your POV]

I don’t… I can’t… survive these kinds of fears. Kevin. I need you. I nee—

Suddenly, the stranger ran towards me and pull the knife away. With its free arm, it pulled me for a tightening grasp. No! NO! I squirmed and squirmed, trying to get out of the monster’s grasp. Stop, please. Stop.

“I’m here!” This so-called Kevin yelled. “I’m home. You don’t need to be scared. You’re safe now. With me. You need me, you said. I’m right here. I don’t understand either why this is happening to you. But I swear, ____-ah, I will not leave your side. I will solve this.” My breathing started to calm. He heard me. He read my thoughts… “Of course, I heard you. It’s really me. It’s me. Kevin.” Kevin… I’m so scared. “Shh. It’s alright. I’m here.” I grabbed onto him and held him close. I let all my fears and distress escape from my mind. I let my body give out and let Kevin hold onto me tightly to prevent me from falling. And he let me cry. I cried.

“I know, ____... I know.” Kevin said in a comforting tone.


 I can’t sleep. I tried closing my eyes shut tight…. But it didn’t help. I felt Kevin’s arm snake around my waist. I opened my eyes and stared at him. I can’t sleep. Kevin nodded and pulled me in closer. He pulled the covers over our chests and kissed my hair.

“Ehrian’s lover, huh?” He asked. I nodded in the crook of his chest and dug in deeper in hopes of escaping my terrified thoughts.  “I didn’t know he had a lover, let alone an assailant nearby.” I trembled at the thought that there could be many more assailants out there. Are they all after me? I felt Kevin shake his head.

“They’re mainly after the Starlite elders. I’m sure… the woman is… she said something about how she shouldn’t be the only one rotting alone, correct?” I hated the fact that he was reminding me of that terrible event. But I guess I cannot avoid this. I nodded and felt his hand my back. “I’ve already told headquarters. They’re investigating and took a sample of the dark ash in the kitchen. They’ll track her down in no time.” I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders and heart. Thank goodness…. I pulled away from his embrace and lay on the bed, facing the ceiling. There was no way I’d be able to sleep in the dark so I had my night light on.

Kevin’s hand touched the many bruises that tainted my skin. I winced when he accidently pushed on one of them. He apologized but his fingers kept tracing the bruises. I turned my head and stared at this face. His worried expression. I knew what he was thinking. I grabbed his hand and kissed the tips of his fingers.

“I didn’t protect you.” He whispered. “While I was busy out at the dorm, you were here with that horrid .”

“Language.” I mumbled as I kissed his hand once again. I heard Kevin mumble and sigh. “Don’t beat yourself up.” I told him. I felt his fingers trace my bruises again and heard him sigh once more. He just doesn’t listen.

“Do you think Ehrian knows about this?” I asked him, terror broke out in mind as I picture his sinister wicked smile. I cringed in Kevin’s arms.

“I don’t know, _____. I don’t know. I’ll soon find out tomorrow.”  Kevin quietly whispered.

“I can’t believe I thought it was you at first… There was something weird about “you”.” I mumbled. Kevin told me to try to sleep and just forget about it. It was harder than he thought.


[ Kevin’s POV]

“Is that all you have to say?” I pressed my forearm tightly against Ehrian’s neck as he straddled against the gritty wall. He gagged once I pulled my arm away. Ehrian rubbed his harassed neck and sneaked a smile.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Ehrian growled. “But...” He raised an eyebrow. “Lover, you said? Was she hot?”

Anger pulsed through my veins. Without thinking, I flashed a bright ray of light and aimed for the side of his head. Ehrian stood and stared without fear. “I swear. You’re lucky that your lover did not hurt _____. If she had, you would be dead right now.” I growled, clenching my fist into a tight ball. Ehrian rolled his eyes and his tight lips.

“Fiesty. You’ve gotten brave.” Ehrian approached me and traced his finger on the scar where he once poisoned me. With swift movement, I pushed his hand away. “You are useless.” I walked towards the exit and heard Ehrian laugh:

“This won’t be the last visit you’ll make, Woo Sunghyun.”


[Your POV]

I fluttered my eyes open and stared at Kevin who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was staring out the window in my bedroom. Sun brightly shined on him, and his burgundy hair glittered as if it was made of crystal.

“Oh.” Kevin turned towards me with a smile. “Good morning, beautiful.” I blushed and just snuggled warmly with my pillow. Kevin sat on the bed and scooted closer towards me. “I’m better than that pillow, you know.” He growled. I laughed and snuggled more with the pillow. You’re such a jokester. I felt a smile form on his face. His warm fingers traced my bruises again. I grabbed his hand. Stop. You can’t do this to yourself. He sighed and looked at the morning sky.

“I spoke to Ehrian.” I cringed at the name. And? “He denies everything I told him. He was acting as if he doesn’t know his ‘lover’.” I see. I pulled the sheets over my head and sighed in fear. Kevin pulled the sheets away and stared at me seriously. What? “You’re speaking in your thoughts quite a lot, ___.”

“It’s the only way to figure out if it’s really you.” I murmured. So. You have my permission to read my mind. Alright? Kevin smirked and nodded obediently.

“Well. I wanted to speak to you about something serious.” Kevin looked at me. I sat up and pressed my knees against his knees, as both of us crossed our legs on the bed. What is it? “I’m going to be performing again with UKISS.” I nodded. I knew this was going to come. It’s his thing. His job.

“Oh. I see. Is it here… in Seoul?” I asked curiously. I knew that he didn’t want to leave me alone especially with what just happened. So… I had to say.. “Kevin. I’ll be fine by myself. It was a terrible scare, yeah. But. I’ll ask Ren to sleep here or something.” Kevin shook his head stubbornly.

“No. I’m the one who’s going to face her if ever she comes back.” Kevin clenched his fist. Then what do you want me to do, Kevin? “I want you to come with me when I perform.” Bwoh? W-wait. Where are you performing exactly? “Japan.”

“Japan!?” I accidently yelled. I thought about it for a second. I always wanted to go to Japan but… I can’t, Kevin. I mean. Where will I sleep? Am I going to be with you and UKISS throughout the whole time? Will… How long will we be staying? I have work and I still attend University, sir. Kevin squinted a bit and cringed. I guess so much questions isn’t really good for him. Haha.

“You’ll sleep with me. You will be with me and UKISS. You don’t have to come to all the interviews but it would be nice to have you watching me when I perform. And. We’ll be staying in Japan for 3 weeks to 6 weeks. Can’t you ask your school and work for a leave or something?”

I guess… I can.

“Then it’s settled!” Kevin smiled.

When do we leave?

“Tomorrow.” Kevin grinned. Were you planning to tell me just today and leave me the next day if that incident didn’t happen? I crossed my arms. “Of course not, baby.” He pecked the tip of my nose and smiled. Pft. I guess I better start packing.

“Wait. Where am I sleeping again?” I asked.

“With me.” Kevin said bluntly. Wh-what. I mean. You sleep here sometimes but. I. I. “Why are you stuttering?”

“Where are we sleeping?” I asked again with worry written all over my face.


HOTEL? Kevin looked up in shock as I yelled my thoughts. “Why are you so shocked and why are you looking at me that weirdly?” Sleeping here in my bedroom is fine. And besides, usually you sleep on the couch. Only on some occasions, you’d stay til I fall asleep. But..but if it’s in a hotel… I gulped and looked away. Kevin snickered and probably got what I mean. I was nervous. This.. this is… so embarrassing. We’d be using the same bathroom. Same b—could we have a room with two beds?

“No. It’s expensive.” Kevin muttered. YAH! You liar. He smiled and just smirked. “You better start packing, baby.”


Kevin suddenly lunged towards me, pushing my body against the board of my bed. His face only inches away from my own. My breathing slowed as I locked my eyes on his lips, quivering with desire. K..Kevin. He pecked my lips once and whispered:

I want you. I do. But not that bad.”

He pulled away and got up, to prepare his bags. I placed my hand on my chest and felt slightly dizzy from the sudden… sudden… sudden… what kind of feeling was that? I shook my head and tried to sort things out. His words kept repeating in my mind.

“I want you. I do. But not that bad.”

“I want you. I do. But not that bad.”

“I want you. I do. But not that bad.”

One word: ert. Kevin’s laughter rang as he folded his clothes. Japan, huh? 

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My god, it's been so long. Really long, and yet still many of you are still hanging around. Wow. I'm flattered and I feel absolutely guilty for not updating.


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I really miss this story. I've been waiting for an update eversince, but i guess it's impossible now? :(
AznDayDreamer #2
Chapter 18: Please update soon author-nim~ ^.^
SeoulSweetheart #3
Chapter 18: Ive read this one and the first one so many times I've lost count >< I'm serious. This is REALLY good. I do hope you haven't abandoned your stories because they are really good ^^
fArhonEy #4
authornim, pls update this storyyy. i just love it
Chapter 18: Author-nim please update~ I really love this story ^ ^ ♡
Yuki2591 #6
Need update!
Yuki2591 #7
Please update soon~!! I miss reading this so much
exoticbanagirl #8
Chapter 18: To be honest I'm nervous about them getting engaged. I have a feeling some stuff is about to go down.
Yuki2591 #9
Thank you so much for not giving up on writing this story ♥ looking forward to your update soon~