Red Thread


Author's Note: So, I changed my former plan. I've gotten so much comments about it, that it made me re-think about all this. Anyways. I'm sorry again for not updating sooner. I know, I'm always like this. So sorry. If any of you want to be friendly and all~ Follow me on Twitter, and let's chat, haha! Anyways, love you guys<3 2 more fics more to update!

“Out of the question.” The deer-like elder growled. He pulled the white hood over his head, and crossed his arms grumpily like a 5 year-old kid. “I will—We can’t just put you out there in the field, _____. I am not risking your life.”

“One life to practically more than 100 thousand Starlites.” You stomped your foot. “Look. Even if I.. if I do get hurt on the field, you could use this opportunity to weaken him, and have the advantage of time, and the element of surprise. Luhan, please. The sooner we set this plan, the sooner we start training the army, the better. We got this. And you know me, I won’t back down ‘til I get my way.”

Luhan peeked at the bottom of his hood, and let out a soft groan: “Chen. This is your fault. _____. I hate you.” Your lips formed a shy smile, and you stared at Chen who was smiling back at you. “Fine. Suho, Xiumin. Lead her to the training area, and meet Kris, Chanyeol and D.O.” The two quiet males nodded, and walked towards the west of the large, white hall.

Every step you took echoed through the whole hall. White marble floors reflected the stars from the transparent ceiling. As the hall deepened, the atmosphere suddenly became warm in contrast to the fresh cold breeze in the previous room. With your very eyes, in front of the two escorts, you watched 50, no- almost 500 different Starlites performing different kinds of magic. Fire. Ice. Earth. Wind. Lightning. “Wow.” You whispered to yourself in absolute awe.

“Each of us has our own unit.” Chen explained. “12 elders, 12 units. Since I possess the power of lightning, my unit specializes in the art of thunder, and lightning. Great for diversion, and of course, aggressive attacks.” You nod at every sentence he said. In the center of the training hall, was a tall platform; there you found Kris, Chanyeol, and D.O, looking over the rest of the soldiers. The room smelled of burning, ashes; a huge assortment of random elements. The multiple scents confused your sensor neurons; giving you a headache. “You alright?” The lightning user asked. You nodded as your other hand pressed against your forehead.

“Yeah. Just a lot of things going on.” A laugh left your lips.

“It’s been a while.” Chanyeol smiled. Did his voice get even deeper? Without hesitation, you gave them each a hug:

“It’s been so long.” You whispered to all of them. Chuckles and awkward laughing escaped from the three awkward beings. “I assume you heard from Luhan… about the plan.”

The three looked at each other and nodded, poker face.

“And?” You raised your eyebrow.

“No.” They all said at the same time. Chen asked them ‘why’ angrily, and a spark of lightning appeared. “We are not ready. The army just recruited 100 new younglings. We cannot just put such a risky task upon them. They’ll get killed.”

“But—“ You tried to protest, but with a swift hand, Kris covered your mouth with his left hand, and his other hand; demanding to be ‘shushed’. Your hand slapped his hand away, as you glared at the three mentors with fear, and mostly anger.

“We’re sorry, _____. We can’t risk the lives of our young Starlites. These younglings are trained for about 5-10 years before even doing simple field work; imagine a war with EHRIAN.” Kris explained calmly. This wasn’t how I planned… “Besides. We’re not even sure if the information concerning Ehrian’s location is accurate. It takes time to get there; we will not waste precious time going somewhere based on rumors.” Before you could even open your mouth, Kris dismissed you with a raised hand. The three walked away, and went back to their normal duties.

“But…” You whispered again. A warm hand landed on your right shoulder.

“We tried.” Chen whispered. “Let’s just go back to what we were doi—“

You felt your whole body go cold. How could I go back to that? I can’t. I can’t bear to see Kevin’s face again, what will happen if I see him again, you thought. A warm hand enveloped your right hand; you looked over at Chen ,and found him smiling sadly. “I know… I know you want to get rid of all this quickly. I- I won’t get you killed. I can’t… let Kevin down. Alright?” You squeezed his hand tightly and released yourself from his tight grip. “____.” You turned around, and found Chen looking past you wide-eyed. You looked where Chen was staring; and there you found Kevin walking towards you; he didn’t notice the both of you.

“O-oh n—“ Chen pulled you instantly to the other room, and you ran with him quickly to the elder room. “We can’t let him find you now, .” You heard Chen swore. When you entered the elder room, Chen told the rest of the elders about Kevin.

Xiumin panicked; and said: “Hide behind the thrones! You’re both short enough to—“

“SHORT?” Chen yelled. Luhan rolled his eyes, and pushed the two of us behind the thrones. “Wait.” Chen whispered. “What am I doing? I’m an elder.” You rolled your eyes, and pushed him out from your hiding spot. A white cloak was thrown towards you. The cloak wrapped around your body perfectly; not exactly the best camouflage, but it was better than nothing, right? You peeked through the space between the thrones, and watched Kevin kneel on the white marble floor, in front of the elders, one fist pressed against his chest.

“Elders.” The warm voice you always loved saluted the 9 elders. “I came here in behalf of… a request to conduct an investigation.”

“Investigation?” Xiumin asked while eating a bun. You are what you eat, right? “For what purpose, youngling?” He continued to speak with his mouth full.

“There… it’s concerning _____.” Oh, you yearned for Kevin to say your name again. You held your breath; afraid that he could hear you. “It must have come to your knowledge that… _____ and I have not been seeing each other as much.”

“Kevin.” Suho interrupted him. “We do not deal with ‘relationships’. We are not some dating service. Maybe it is time you moved on.” Those words pierced your heart. Kevin. Moving on. That image clouded your mind with doubt, and fear.

“No. That’s not… I don’t mean to insult you.” Kevin stood up, approaching Suho. “It’s about the one who… who is apparently her ‘new boyfriend’. I can’t seem to read _____’s mind whenever he is there. There is something about this Nate character that seems off. An aura seems to revolve around him. Inhuman.”

You couldn’t look over to see Suho’s expression, but you heard the tone of surprise in his voice as he spoke: “Aura? You could sense auras?”

You watched Kevin nod. “Yes, why?”

“Only those with a high perception of sense; and great ability could do that.” You didn’t recognize the person who said this. Lay, maybe? He barely spoke when you were present, so you weren’t sure if this sweet voice belonged to the Healer. “I am impressed, Kevin. But… I don’t think this ‘Nate’ character is a threat. We’ve had people watching over _____, she is perfectly fine.”

“Why do you have people watching over _____?” Kevin’s voice filled with worry. Oh . You weren’t supposed to mention that, Lay.

“U-Uh.” Chen stuttered. “We knew about Nate’s aura before. Ren reported about it; we have already investigated it. You have nothing to worry abou—“

“Ren knows nothing about this guy.” Kevin angrily spoke. “What are you hiding from me?” His voice boomed in anger, mixed with worry… Anguish. Not a single word or sound was resulted in the next few minutes. Absolute silence.

“It’s confidential.” Luhan finally broke the silence.

“Confidential!?” You heard Kevin yell. “Wait. So, are you telling me… ______ is in all of this as well?” You prayed and hoped, they said nothing. Silence in the room again. You covered your own mouth with your free hand; muffling out the desire to call Kevin’s name.

“Kevin…” Chen murmured. “If you…” He stopped halfway.

“Chen-elder, you’re one of the closest people to me. If you know something…” Kevin pleaded.

Out of the blue, you heard Chen say your name. Your head shot up, and you felt your heart race in an incredible speed. “Chen, no.” Luhan growled. “I thought…” You heard Chen swear at Luhan, and called out your name again.

“Just come out.”

You supported yourself by pressing your arm against the throne, pulling your body up. Your legs cramped for being in such a cramped spot for so long. Slowly, you caught your breath, and walked out the open without looking forward. A sudden gasp escaped Kevin’s mouth; causing you to look at him with worry. His face expressed anguish, betrayal and confusion. But somewhere, you saw a hint of happiness, and… relief. You looked away, hurt, and stared at Chen. Why? You asked him in your thoughts.

Kevin called out your name, a tone demanding for answers. Without thinking, you walked over to Chen, and stood behind the fellow friend. Kevin tilted his head in confusion. “_____?” He asked again, puzzled.

“Why did you tell me to come out?” You whispered, only having Chen to hear. Chen turned his head towards you, and whispered back:

“You should have seen his face.” That was all he said, before pulling your arm; pulling your body in front of him. “Go on now.” Chen said weakly.

“Ke-Kevin.” You murmured. You looked at your other half, as he just kept quiet; watching your every move. “I’m…”

“I’m angry.” Kevin growled. “Hurt. Betrayed. Confused. Abandoned. And most of all, lost. Why in the world are you doing this? What exactly was so… important for you to… hide from me? I demand answers, you owe me THAT much.”

“Ehrian.” You whispered. Kevin was taken aback. “He’s back.”

“But… he’s in jai—“

“He escaped way long before, Kevin.” Chen explained.

“And that Nate?” Kevin said his name in disgust.

Chen approached Kevin slowly. “I’m Nate.” Kevin looked at Chen with great disgust, and such rage. You felt your body move swiftly in front of Chen; you knew when Kevin wanted to throw a punch at another. “Don’t.” You growled at Kevin. “He was just protecting me, Chen. He’s protecting me…” You repeated, hoping to find the right justification to clear up what happened.

“When you said that you loved Nate…” Kevin asked again.

“I do love him.” You look at Chen with a smile. “As my brother. The older brother I never had.” Chen looked back in shock, and smiled shyly. “My own protective brother.” You looked at Kevin.

“Alright.” Luhan clapped his hands together. “Enough with this drama. Let us explain everything else to you, Kevin.”


You walked slowly, but fast enough to not have Kevin beside you. It was 10:39pm, and after all the explanations of the situation; Kevin decided to walk you home. Not a single word was said when the both of you left the Starioleum HQ. The last thing you said was ‘Thank you’ to Chen when he gave you one last hug. What you said to Chen meant so much for him. Your own protective brother. You liked the ring of that, and Chen did too. The cold breeze flew through your hair; leaves danced. You heard Kevin’s silent footsteps behind you. He made no effort to catch up with you since you kept trying to walk faster. He got the idea that you weren’t exactly in the right state to… talk to him directly. It’s been a while. It would be an understatement if you said that you felt awkward. It was even more than that; you just couldn’t find the right word that could accurately fit this situation. Finally, you reached the front of the condominium building. It seemed like you walked for years, yet it was only merely 30 minutes.

You stopped at the glass doors of the condominium, and mustered up the courage to turn around to your other half. There he was, perfect as always, standing at the bottom of the steps, about 1 meter and a half, away from you. He simply smiled.

“I’ll… you’re home now. So, I better get going.” Kevin dug his hands in the pockets of his jogging pants. Before he turned to walk away, he looked back, and said: “To be honest, don’t let this insult you, but… I think it was incredibly stupid of you to agree to Chen’s plan.”  You felt a flicker of anger in the pit of your stomach. He didn’t mean to insult you, but it definitely sounded like one.

“I had my reasons.” You said coldly. Kevin looked down, and kicked the concrete ground with the edge of his right foot.

“I know you did. But for all the wrong ones.” He fired back. You stomped your feet down the stairs, and approached him with angry eyes.

“Look. Kevin. You say you don’t mean to insult me, yet here you are telling me that I’m stupid for thinking that this could protect you, and the thousands of Starlites.  I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you; for breaking your hear—“

“And don’t fail to mention telling me you love someone else when you obviously didn’t, when you humiliated me in front of all those girls, when you held to Nate, or sorry, right, I mean Chen. God dammit, ____, you must feel as if you’re some hero.” Kevin grabbed onto your arm. “Do you feel like a heroine yet?” You shook your head violently, as you slapped is hand away.

“Not with Ehrian still out there, haunting me. And I’m not here to get all the glory, Kevin. I’m not trying to be a hero, I’m merely just trying to protect the people I love.” You didn’t notice, but you were now yelling at him with the top of your lungs, causing him to back away. “Look. I’m sorry and that’s all I will say, Sunghyun.” You watched Kevin cringe as you called him by his full Korean name. He knew when you called him that; it meant you were dead serious, and absolutely furious.

“Alright.” Kevin answered. You watched him rub his hand against his arm; since it always gets cold at this time of the night.

“Do… do you want to come in for some tea?” You asked him, hoping he would come in.

Kevin stopped rubbing his arm; and nodded: “Yeah. Uh. Why not.” You nodded, and entered the building, as Kevin held the door for you.


“Since when do you drink pomegranate tea?” You heard him snicker as he sipped his tea. He displayed a weird expression as the sourness of his tea got to him. You just smiled, and continue to drink your tea in silence. Kevin exhaled noticeably, and smiled: “I missed the scent of this room. I missed this place.” You heard Kevin’s cup clink as he placed it on the wooden table. “I missed you.” Your eyes met with his; but you quickly looked back at your own cup. “Sorry. That… was too subtle, right?”

You kept quiet, and kept your eyes on the plate’s mat. “Yeah…” Kevin let out awkwardly. “Do… do you still have feelings for me, ____?” You frozed, and felt every part of you go numb. Did I.. seem that cold right now?

You looked at him, and whispered: “Of course I do. I just… The guilt is just tearing me apart, alright? Are you happy?”

“No. I’m not happy that you’re feeling like that. I’m sorry if what I said before…” You raised your hand, dismissing him from explaining or reasoning any further. You didn’t want to hear anymore.

Kevin got up, and pulled the chair to your side. You tried to move away, but his hand caught your shoulder. “Don’t.” He pleaded. He took the cup away from your hands, and placed it on the table.

“Kevin…” You whined, but he simply shrugged it off, and adjusted your chair, making you face him.

“We’ve been through so much… drama. Probably even more drama than a normal drama would be or some fanfiction, god, my fans are weird.” You tried to muffle a giggle, but it came out as an awkward cough. “I don’t know when this drama will stop. I don’t know when they could catch Ehrian. It could take years.” You placed your index finger on his lips.

“Stop.” You whispered. “Just stop. Kevin… please. Just go. I know it may seem harsh, but I just need some time.” Kevin looked hurt, and whispered:

“You’ve had enough time, _____. Choose now. It’s either you’re with me, or you’re not. I was willing to wait for you… for so long. But if you’re just going to keep pushing me away; not speaking to me, maybe we just aren’t compatible, despite everything we’ve been through.” Kevin held onto both of your hands tightly, bringing them close to his lips. “____. Choose right now. Right now. Do you love me or have you stopped feeling the same way?”

You looked at him, confused and hurt. You were still afraid for what might happen in the future, and you felt guilty for what you did. Do I still deserve to have him even with everything I’ve caused him, you asked yourself. “Choose.” He repeated. “God dammit, ____ Choose!” He was begging now. He needed an answer. He wanted it right now. I love him, you told yourself. But do I deserve him?

“Kevin… I love you, but with what I’ve done… with what I’ve cau—“ Suddenly, both of his arms squeezed your very core.

“That’s all I need. Those three words. That’s all.” You heard him laugh. A smile formed on his face.

“But Kevin…” You tried to pull away from his hug.

“No.” He growled. He tightened the hold, squeezing every element of air from your lungs. “It’s the past. And whatever that will happen in the future, we will get through it. There’s a reason why we are still together up to now, ____. Oh. Sorry.” He let go as you gasped for air.


“Shut up.” He growled. You stared at him in shock, and watched him smile. “I said shut up. I don’t want to hear any more of that, alright?”



“Kevin, just hear me ou—“



“Marry me.”

Your jaw fell as he simply said those two words. Marry me? You repeated in your mind. Kevin looked away shyly, then looked back with determined eyes. “You heard right.” Kevin whispered. He pulled your chair even closer. “______. I just asked you to marry me.” The palms of your hand started to sweat; your heart responded by beating like crazy. You started to shake your head in confusion,  but he simply laughed. “Marry me. This is real. Answer me. Look… I don’t have a ring right now… but I will. I—I just decided now that it was the way to go. Marry me.” Every time he said those two words; it felt like heaven. Your hands hugged his cheeks; and you whispered quietly:

“Repeat those words… those words…” you looked at him. His face beamed, and his cheeks were incredibly warm.

“Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.” He smiled. Every time, he repeated that, your heart fluttered. Despite the heavenly moment, your worry and guilt still clouded your mind. Kevin grabbed your hand, and kissed the tips of your fingers. “You worry too much. Marry me.”

You smiled like an idiot, and suddenly gave him a hug. “Ar—are you sure? You’re… not going to regret it, are you?” You found yourself in his lock.

“Well…” Kevin joked. You slapped his back, as you kept hugging him. “You will never be a regret. I regret not asking you this sooner… we could have been on our honeymoon already.” You slapped his back again, causing him to laugh. “Okay, wait, wait.” He pulled away from the hug, and stared at you with those eyes, those eyes, those loving…loving eyes. “Is that a yes? Will you be my wife? Will you marry me?”

You got up quickly, and went to the bedroom. “H-Hey! Don’t just leave me hanging, what the hell?” Your hands went through your jewelry box, and there you found the star pendant. You quickly detached a thread from the red ribbon of the star pendant. You felt Kevin behind you, as he s his arms around your waist. “Wh-what are you trying to do? Come on. You’re killing me, give me an answer. Are you going to marry me or not?”

You turned around, his arms still around your waist. You wrapped the red thread around your engagement ring finger, and let out a smile. “Yes. And this will be the ring for now. Yes. Kevin. I will…” You close your eyes for a second, as you felt so much emotions run through your mind.

“I will marry you.”

“Really?” He beamed like a 5 year-old who just got his Christmas present. You nodded and whispered:

“Yes. I will marry you.” Kevin smiled, and landed a passionate kiss on your chapped lips. He didn’t care. His arms squeezed you even tighter, and his lips kept locked onto yours; his mouth parted, inviting you for entrance. It was only appropriate to go along with it. Suddenly, you fell over on top of the familiar bed, having Kevin hover over you, his lips still against yours. You hand shakily pressed against his chest. He pulled away, and stared at you as he still had you pinned onto the bed.

“You know… Mrs.Woo-To-Be. Wow, that sounds weird.” He laughed. “You do know, on our honeymoon, there’s no such thing as you pushing me away with the pressing of your palm against my chest.”

“Oh, shut up. We just got engaged.” You laughed, looking at your fiancé. Fiancé. There’s a good ring to it.

“Oh, right. I guess it’s too early to ask how many children too?” You slapped his chest, and he simply smiled. “Yeah, yeah. Too early.”

“Are you sure you really want to marry me?” You asked him again with a shy smile.

“I am absolutely positive. 100—no 500% positive.” He smiled.

You rolled your eyes, and stared at the red thread around your ring finger. Married, huh?

“That’s right. My wife-to-be.”

“Don’t you dare start reading my mind again.” You growled.

“Sorry. I’m just too excited. When can we set a date?” God. Can we just enjoy this night, and think about that tomorrow? “Okay.” Kevin laughed.



I’m engaged.

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My god, it's been so long. Really long, and yet still many of you are still hanging around. Wow. I'm flattered and I feel absolutely guilty for not updating.


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I really miss this story. I've been waiting for an update eversince, but i guess it's impossible now? :(
AznDayDreamer #2
Chapter 18: Please update soon author-nim~ ^.^
SeoulSweetheart #3
Chapter 18: Ive read this one and the first one so many times I've lost count >< I'm serious. This is REALLY good. I do hope you haven't abandoned your stories because they are really good ^^
fArhonEy #4
authornim, pls update this storyyy. i just love it
Chapter 18: Author-nim please update~ I really love this story ^ ^ ♡
Yuki2591 #6
Need update!
Yuki2591 #7
Please update soon~!! I miss reading this so much
exoticbanagirl #8
Chapter 18: To be honest I'm nervous about them getting engaged. I have a feeling some stuff is about to go down.
Yuki2591 #9
Thank you so much for not giving up on writing this story ♥ looking forward to your update soon~