

After  breakfast, Kevin and I simply sat on the bed, and flickered through the different channels on the T.V. My cheeks still flushed a bright red, every time I felt his skin touch mine. After the talk about that ‘night’ and how I somehow thought Kevin was just giving in into ‘lust’ only (and if it was a one-time thing), I made him promise to not ‘do’ that again until we got married. He was frustrated and a bit disappointed, but what else could he say? I leaned my head on his shoulder, and smiled.

“What do you want to do today, babe?” Kevin asked, while keeping his eyes on the screen. I stared at the window, and watched the rain pour down almost violently. Seriously, Kevin? A chuckle trickled its way of his throat, and suddenly turned off the T.V.

“I was watching that!” I whined. Kevin rolled his eyes, and sat in front of me, smiling like some five-year-old. “What is it, child?” I joked, tangling my fingers into his hair playfully. He grabbed my hand, and just shrugged. “Wipe that smirk of your face, and remember our promise about doing…. ‘that’ after marriage, you babo.” 

Kevin frowned, and whipped my hand away playfully. Babo-yah. Another smile rose on his face. “No, but seriously. What should we do today?” Kevin mumbled, and glared at the cloudy sky. Once again, I shrugged and told him how I did not really feel like going outside. “There’s nothing to do inside though.” He growled, not really amused of the fact that rain was stopping us from doing anything.

“But I don’t want to get soaked!” I whined, kicking his stomach playfully.

“Let’s go to the mall th—“

Kevin’s phone started to vibrate loudly on the coffee table. Kevin groaned, and stretched toward his smartphone lazily. “Hello?” He grumpily mumbled. He got up quickly, and grabbed a pair of jeans. Little did I know, he was only in his boxers. I turned away, and blushed. “Yeah, I’ll be there.” He hung up.

“Is something the matter?” I asked Kevin who seem rather worried. Kevin nodded, and explained:

“Yeah. It’s just that there is a sudden last-minute interview and scheduled performances, so we have to get it over with, you know?” Kevin changed quickly into a more suitable attire, and pecked my cheek. “Sorry, babe. Seems like you get to stay inside after all.” I rolled my eyes, and kissed his cheek.

“Take care, alright?” I smiled. Kevin smiled back, and headed out the door.

Few Hours Later…

I’m bored. I thought to myself. I looked outside, and frown at the rain that still rammed onto the narrow roads. The bouquet of edible flowers caught my eye. I still feel bad for Nate after that horrible outburst. Hm.

I hopped off the large duvet bed, and changed into my usual jeans and v-neck, covering myself with a raincoat. Kevin, should be back in another few hours…


I opened the glass door, and heard the bell ring. My hands pulled off my hood, and my eyes gazed at all the wondrous foods in the room. The walls were painted a bright golden orange which gave a warm, friendly atmosphere. On the right side of the store, a bunch of different flowers, leaves, studs, ribbons, wrapping paper and even some vines sat in opened containers. All of them were edible. You could make your own edible bouquet. I’ve got to make one! I smiled. I looked at the other sides of the rooms, and stared at the different pastries: from cupcakes, cakes, breads, muffins, doughnuts and to bars. Heaven. I chuckled to myself.

The view was incredible, how did I not notice the first time I came in.  The scent of the bakery was incredible as well. I inhaled a load of a warm smell, and exhaled in excitement. The warm atmosphere almost made me forget the dark, gloomy area out the bakery’s door.

“Someone’s hungry?” I heard a familiar voice. I turned around, and stared at Nate who was wearing a cute pink apron. I laughed, and rubbed my belly.

“It shows?” I sat on one of the tables, and offered Nate to sit down. Nate accepted since there wasn’t anybody in the store besides us. I mean, who would go out on such a day like this?

“What are you doing here? I mean, not like it’s a bad thing… It’s just your boyfriend… I don’t think he’ll like the fact that you’re here again especially with me around.” He folded the napkins, not letting his  eyes come in contact with mine.

“That’s why I’m here. I wanted to apologize for his… for his misunderstanding. Like I said before, he’s pretty protective. He thinks that any guy would be able to sweep me off my feet, and take me away as if I’m that easy.” I couldn’t tell him about Kevin’s suspicions. I honestly… don’t think he’s a bad guy… “Besides, I think I’M the one who should be protective since… he’s an idol and all…”

Nate laughed, and shrugged: “Well. I could tell for sure that he loves you. So, don’t doubt him. I mean, the guy was about to punch me out for crying out loud.”

I covered my mouth, muffling a giggle. “Oh! Wait, here. It’s probably not the best, but I had one leftover, and thought it’d be nice to give it to you as some… ‘peace’ offering.” I unwrapped a carrot muffin, and gave it to him. Nate raised an eyebrow:

“You do know, I’m a chef specialising in pastries and desserts, right?”

“You have no idea how hesitant I was into… giving that to you. I didn’t have anything else! I just took what I baked from this morning.” I covered my face in embarrassment.

He bit onto my amateur-looking muffin, and just nodded slowly. “Not bad, a bit… dry though.” I puffed my cheeks in embarrassment, and placed my forehead on the table. He laughed out loud, and felt his warm hand pat my head. “You did well though.”

“Yeah, right.” I mumbled.

“How about this? Since, I doubt anybody is going to come in, how about I teach you how to make a carrot surprise cake?” He smiled brightly. “A carrot cake with a swirl of soft sweet cheese in the middle of it, making it melt in your mouth, with an occasional crunch of walnuts?”

“It sounds horribly delicious, and hard to make.” I whispered in shame. He laughed, and shook his head.

“Well. Lucky for you, you’re going to have a good teacher. Haha.”

Few horrible minutes of incredible failure…

“I hate baking.” I growled at Nate. Nate laughed, and sighed in despair.

“For some reason, you always have a shell of the egg in your bowl.” Nate picked up the small white shell. I pouted, and pointed at the garbage tin. “You’re doing everything fine, despite the egg shells. Don’t worry, you’re doing fi—“ Thunder roared in the dark clouds.

“Shoot. That scared me.” I held onto my arms, and looked out the window. Rain. Lightning. Thunder. Maybe I should have stayed back at the hotel after all… I went back to the bowls, and whisked the flour. “Am I doing this right?” I asked as I kept my eyes on the flour. “Nate? Uh, Nate?” I looked over to my teacher. His face was extremely pale, and tense. “Are you alright?” I set down the bowl, and landed my hand on his left shoulder. He jerked away as if he just came back from trance. “Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah. I’m not that great with thunder.” He smiled in embarrassment. He looked at the bowls, and put them in the fridge.

“What are you doing?” I asked him. Nate cleaned up the counters and explained:

“Maybe we should continue this some other time, you should leave. It’s horrible outside. We should both go home.” Nate smiled.

“Shouldn’t we wait ‘til this clears?” I asked. “I mean it’s only 1:34pm. We could probably continue until it clears u—“

“This kind of rain won’t clear up.” He said in a flat tone. I looked at him, and notice his eyes display an expression of worry, and… fear. “You must go home..”

“But… I came here after a long walk, I don’t want to get soake—“

“Go home!’ He yelled harshly. I backed up to the wall, and stared at Nate in fear. Nate glared, and then his face smoothens into a guilty expression. “You.. you just have to go ho—“

“No, yeah. I get it. I’m sorry for coming over, and apologizing. Remind me to not come back.” I mumbled, hurt.

“____.” He sighed in guilt.

“Save your breath.” I growled. I grabbed my raincoat, dragging the hood over my hair, and headed straight out the door. I kept my pace up to speed, as the rain kept on pouring. The rain came down on me harder, and harder as I kept walking to the point where I could no longer stand up.

“What’s going on..?” I murmured weakly. I felt my legs tremble. I stood up slowly, and walked in a rather slow pace. This rain… Something is wrong. I pulled out my phone, and speed dialed one. Kevin... Kevin.. Suddenly, lightning rippled and crashed right onto my phone. My hand, no, my whole body jerked in shock. I felt my head hit the wet asphalt. O..ouch. I kept my eyes looking straight, and noticed two feet approach me. Man’s shoes.

“I’m sorry.”  The familiar voice rang through my ears faintly. Na-Nate?

A sudden sharp pain struck my head, causing sudden blindness, and my body no longer able to move. But, my hearing was still intact, although I didn’t have the energy to speak. Nate..? His arms were under my knees.. carrying me.. somewhere. I don’t know. Fear clouded my mind. Panic clouded my heart. I couldn’t do anything. Suddenly, Nate started running, jumping. I don’t know. Running away from being seen by any witnesses? The rain pounded, and kept pounding. Things were crashing. I..

Kevin was right… He was right… Nate…He isn’t… I was ever so wrong.

It didn’t take long for my energy to drain out quickly. There was something about the rain.. Nate… he told me to go home to do this, didn’t he?

Next thing I knew, I heard nothing. Absolutely blind to what was happening. I might as well be unconscious.

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My god, it's been so long. Really long, and yet still many of you are still hanging around. Wow. I'm flattered and I feel absolutely guilty for not updating.


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I really miss this story. I've been waiting for an update eversince, but i guess it's impossible now? :(
AznDayDreamer #2
Chapter 18: Please update soon author-nim~ ^.^
SeoulSweetheart #3
Chapter 18: Ive read this one and the first one so many times I've lost count >< I'm serious. This is REALLY good. I do hope you haven't abandoned your stories because they are really good ^^
fArhonEy #4
authornim, pls update this storyyy. i just love it
Chapter 18: Author-nim please update~ I really love this story ^ ^ ♡
Yuki2591 #6
Need update!
Yuki2591 #7
Please update soon~!! I miss reading this so much
exoticbanagirl #8
Chapter 18: To be honest I'm nervous about them getting engaged. I have a feeling some stuff is about to go down.
Yuki2591 #9
Thank you so much for not giving up on writing this story ♥ looking forward to your update soon~