Chapter 6

Bear Glasses, Awkward Hoots


"Oppa! Oppa!" I heard the sweet tiny voice that always serves as my alarm clock in the morning. I half opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. I saw her silhouette standing beside my bed.
"Yoomin-ah...." I reached for her and wrestle her into an embrace.
"Oppaaaaa! Stop it! You'll ruin my hair!" she said in annoyance and I chuckled at her cuteness. I let go of her and she immediately stood up and fixed her uniform.
"If you don't want to be late, you better wake up now, oppa! You have a school trip remember? And I'll be late, too." she crossed her arm and glared at me with an annoyed face before turning her heel to walk out.
"Wait, oppa can't get up..." I reached my arms to her as if I'm dying while I crawl across the other end of my huge bed. She turned around and ran towards me. I opened my arms to receive her but then she just pinched my cheeks hard.
"AHHHhhhhhwww..." I rubbed my cheeks as I sat up on the edge of the bed.
"Oppa, you're so dramatic..." she looked at me with pity as she crossed her arms again. She walked towards my room door and walked out. I stood up and ruffled my hair. 
"Good morning, umma." I look at the photo frame beside my bed and sighed. The door suddenly opened again and Yoomin's head pop-out.
"Oppa double time! It's 6:00 already and your call time is 6:30.....And you colored your hair again?" she raised one eyebrow and sighed. She closed the door and I chuckled at my adorable dongsaeng.
Bang Yoomin, my younger sister, my only sibling. She's 8 years old and she just entered elementary. We're living together with the house helpers. My father is working out of the country, often travelling for business. My mother, she passed away when I was 13 years old and Yoomin, just 2. She died from an accident.
I got my towel and head straight to my bathroom to take a warm shower. After showering, I hurriedly put on my clothes, got my things and went downstairs.
"Oh, finally!" I looked up and saw Himchan as he stood up from the couch. 
"Your sister has been whining non-stop..." Himchan said, rolling his head back. He picked up his things and we did our usual handshake.
"Where's is she?" I asked as we head out the main door.
"Already at the car... C'mon, we're late."
We arrived in front of the school just at the right time. We saw the buses already moving. We immediately got out of the car. Yoomin, ran out of the car, too.
"Hey, Yoomin! Be careful...I'll see you in a week!" I shouted and she waved back in response.
"Hey, Bbang! That's your bus, here's mine" Himchan pointed at the bus following the bus he's in.
"Ok, see you later." I walked towards the bus and the door opened. 
Everyone started murmuring. Not that I'm doing a grand entrance but they just do murmur always, which I find annoying. I headed straight at the back of the bus because I don't want to deal with people always murmuring when I'm around. The bus started moving. I was about to put my bags down when I noticed someone already sitting there.
"Hey..." I called but the girl won't look. Wait, is she even my classmate?
"Hey..." I called again louder but she still won't look. I can sense my classmates' gaze towards my direction. I rolled my eyes and sighed when suddenly the girl in front of her tapped her head. The girl is making a signal with her back and forth gaze but she doesn't seem to get it. Dumb. She then pulled out one of her earbuds. Oh that's why. I cleared my throat to get her attention.   
"uhh........yes?" she asked. I nodded my head to a direction, clearly signaling her to get out. But she just squinted her eyes to me and was about to put her earphones. Murmurs began again and I got annoyed immediately. She got some guts. As soon as she put her earphones back, I immediately pulled them out. 
"Aw!" she looked at me a with disbelief face.
"Are you dumb?" I said with a serious and irritated voice.
"No." she answered calmly. She's not afraid, I see.
"Then get out." I commanded her coldly.
"But I was here first." she said. But I just look at her with a dead serious, annoyed face. After a few seconds, she let out a deep sigh.
"Fine." she said in defeat. That's what I thought. I threw my bags on the bus chair as I sat down still feeling sleepy.
She walk out towards the front area of the bus. I slouched at the chair as I look at her back. I'm still puzzled of who she is. But I'm still too sleepy to think about that. I lay down the entire back sit to sleep. The ride was a little bumpy but I dozed off as immediately.
We finally arrived at the beach after some time and my annoyance grew when I heard about how each class has a different location. How am I supposed to sneak out with Himchan now. We then headed to our designated house. Ours by the cliff side. My partner is Chanmi. She's pretty, so I guess that's alright.
I place my bags to my room and immediately went out and sensed Chanmi's gaze. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw that there's no signal. I tried going near the cliff edge, hoping for some signal but none at all. I sighed, pretty annoyed. I should have stayed at home.
I went back to the house and stayed at my room. I wanted to sleep. I dozed off.
I woke up by the knock on the door. Is everyone purposely annoying me, today?
"Yongguk?" I heard Chanmi called by the door.
"What?" I said almost shouting.
"ahhh...uhhhmm.. It's lunch time."
"I'm not hungry and leave me alone."
"Are you sure? I don't think you had breakfa....."
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE." I interrupted. It's true I didn't had breakfast but I'm just so pissed I'm not hungry anymore.
I heard the front door closed and went back to sleeping.
I woke up around 2 in the afternoon. It's still pretty hot, so I decided to walk under the shades.
"Hey Yongguk..." I turned around to look at who called.
"Hey, Myungsoo"
"You're not at lunch..." He said. We're cousins. 2nd cousins to be exact. He's especially close to my sister and treats her like a sibling. But we don't really talk at school.
"Yeah, I'm not really hungry."
"Activity is at 3. White tee, shorts and rubber shoes. Be there or I'll tell you to your sister..." Myunsoo threatened and I chuckled. 
"Whatever." I turned my heels and started walking again.
"I'm serious..." he shouted and I waved my hands at him in response.
It was almost 3 already and I just arrived at the meeting place. Everyone started murmuring again. I just sighed and saw Ms. Choi arrived with the girl at the bus. So she's with Ms. Choi. I turned my gaze, hands in my pocket, back to my classmates trying to find a place where I can sit but decided that I should just stand. I looked around again and saw Myungsoo. I was about to go towards him when he squated beside the girl at the bus. Myungsoo then started talking to her. Are they friends? 
Ms. Choi then explained the first activity: Ball Throw. It was a pretty easy game. Boring. And Myungsoo is on the other team. I didn't really have to do anything since they won't dare to hit me. They know they're dead if they do.
The bus girl hit Minho pretty hard and he's out. I'll definitely win this. It's pretty tiring walking back and forth. I yawned a little and turned my heels to walk to the other side when it hit me. I drop in the water and blood boiled as if the sun's heat trapped inside my body. I then glared at my hitter and it was the bus girl. She avoided my glare and I stood up walking towards her. The murmurs started and it annoyed me more. I was about few feet away from her when a whistle was blown.
"Back to the game guys. Yongguk, you're out. Come over here." Ms. Choi shouted and gestured to me to walk over. 
I glared back to the bus girl. She's looking down, she's probably afraid now. Better. I clenched my hands and let out a sharp sigh. I walk out towards Ms. Choi totally pissed. I'll get back to her. She's dead. 
The game ended after sometime and we're on a break. I went straight to our place by the cliff side and look for my phone. It still has no signal. I sat on the bed for while and I went out to get some signal. I went out the porch then noticed someone by the cliff side, few meters from the edge. Then I realize who it is. It's the bus girl. I scoffed off to myself and decided to walk over. 
"You really have guts, don't you?" I said giving her mocking smirked.
"I.. uhh...I...." she stuttered. Oh now, she's scared.
"What? You what?" still smirking, I started walking towards her as she moves back. Then a cold wind blew and her expression changed but I continued walking. She sighed realizing she was almost at the edge. She glared back at me. I stopped as I was taken aback with her sharp glare. 
Interesting. It's been a while since I've played. I guess it's time to play again. 
"You might want to come forward, baby. You might fall..." I teased. Girls have weaknesses with caring guys. I reached out my arms as I started moving forward again. She seems shocked at my sudden change but she will fall for it soon.
"Look, I just want to....." she said but was interrupted someone.
"Hey!" I turned to the direction and saw Myungsoo. I scoffed off and glared at Myungsoo. He back away a little as response.
"You! Stay out of this or you're dead." I warned. I can sense he knows what I am doing.
"Okay, as much as I want to stay out of your business but Ms. Choi is looking for her." he said. I narrowed my eyes to Myungsoo. My gaze went back to her. He lied for her.
She then quickly walk passed by me but I was faster and gripped her arms tight. She didn't look at me but instead on the ground. I leaned closer and sensed her blush. Good.
"This is not over yet, baby." I whispered then let go.
My eyes followed them and the bus girl look back in which I returned a smirk. I saw Myungsoo turned his head, raising an eyebrow and I returned him with a smug.
This is going to be fun.
Yongguk's POV! Woo finally.... OTL
And I'm sure you've seen the Rain Sound MV!!!!!!!!!! ALSKDJALSKDHSAJDHASLKDJASLKD
Though I find some parts funny but overall it's deep man! It's like pure symbolism XDD
ZELO's especially awesome! Baby, puberty is hitting him right!
Anyway, I hope you like the update.... I wasn't really planning to make a Yongguk POV but then.... yeah.. XDDD
And thank you for taking time to read! ^____^
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ceci_major #1
Chapter 7: I hope you haven't given up this fanfic.. im sad that it hasn't been updated
hippo_guk #2
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 7: Yay! new chappie!!! Thank youuuuuu <3
Chapter 7: He may be legal, but I'm not :/ sigh. 97 probs.
ceci_major #6
Chapter 6: really liked that yongguk's pov was added :) can't wait for more updates~
Chapter 6: I liked the Yongguk POV :D great job!!
Elivagar #8
Chapter 6: Nice! You should do a Yongguk point of view again, it's great! Also good chapter! :D And B.A.P's new mv is incredible!(≧∇≦)
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the next update!! and when my friend showed me the Sound of Rain teaser... I started crying... Like I was actually crying really hard over a 20 second video...
Elivagar #10
Chapter 5: An update! Nice chapter! Hope you update soon!\(^o^)/ I've seen the teaser and can't wait for the actual song!(≧∇≦)