Game Play

Bear Glasses, Awkward Hoots


Ok, I made it into a 2nd person POV.
Your back is lying against the rough ground, using one of your bags as a pillow. All you can hear is the sound of the water hitting the rocks and touch of cold wind that makes you shiver. You're at the cliff side again, few meters away from the edge. The night sky looks magestic and the stars looks like sparkling gems and it makes you want to pick them out. You looked at your watch and it says 10 in the evening. It's been an hour since you've been there.
Ms. Choi blurted out the news to you that Chanmi sprained her ankle from the accident earlier and that she has to go home to rest. And because everyone has to have a partner, you will be Chanmi's replacement, since you got the last number. After she said those, you packed your things up, which didn't take time since your things were barely touched and headed out after. Ms. Choi also said that she already told Yongguk about the situation and that he didn't mind.
More like, he doesn't care or maybe he's plotting something...Oh please! No.. I want to make my last year memorable, not miserable! 
You sighed at the thought and stood up. You put your hands inside your hoodie pockets to warm them a little. You looked back at the house you're going to stay now and noticed that the lights are still on. You looked down at the beach where the other houses are and most of their lights are already off. 
I guess he's still awake. 
You grabbed your bags and started to walk towards the house. When you're about to step on the porch's stair case, you suddenly stop with the sudden thought of what will happen if you go through that door. What Yongguk might do to you after what you've done to him. He won't probably kill you, right? You brushed off the thought and continue walking in. You decided to take a peek through the window, first, before knocking. No one is in the living room, either in the kitchen. Now, where are you, Kingkong? You continue to look around for a while but decided to finally knock because it's getting colder.
You took a deep breath before knocking to your death. You knocked. No one answered.
"Yongguk?" you knocked again, but still no answer. You turned the door knob but realized it was locked.
Oh, okay! Now what!? You started to get pissed.
"Yongguk, can you please open the door?" you knocked again and peek through the window. No movements at all.
"Yongguk, please let me in..." you lightly bang the door and tried to turn the door knob few more times. But still no answer.
You knocked for a few more  and still no one answers. You went down the porch and look down at the other houses by the beach but this time the beach's dark, no hint of light except for the light the moon gives.
"Fine!" You mumbled to yourself as you glared back at the house and walked towards it with heavy steps.
Luckily, there's a bench on the porch. You sat down and crossed your arms. You're totally pissed, right now and wouldn't care less what he will do to you in the days ahead. You don't want to be a scardy cat and be like everybody else. There's a lot of things you can be scared about and Yongguk would be last on that list. You let out a sharp sighed and grabbed one of your bags and placed it on the end side of the bench. You made it as your pillow, again.
You lie down sideways facing the cliff side. You put your hood on and rubbed your palms against each other to warm them and place them back to your hoodie pocket. You've been thinking all day about different things. You're tired and all you want to do now is rest. You closed your eyes and put one last thought before drifting away to slumberland: All hell break loose starting tomorrow.
Your eyes flickered and you tried to adjust to the light. You're still sleepy, thoughts still a blur and all you can feel is your body aching.
"How's your sleep, baby?" your eyes shoot open with the familiar deep voice and your body reacted only to bump your head to the bench's hand rest.
"Aw, !" you hold your head and rubbed it to ease the pain. You heard Yongguk chuckle a little and you glared at him, in which you received a cocky smile as response.
You sat up as you shook your head and looked at your watch. It's 8 in the morning. You still have an hour before breakfast call time. Ms. Choi said in the trip orientation that breakfast is at 9 a.m, lunch at 12 noon and dinner at 7 in the evening. 
"Your snoring woke me up." Yongguk interrupted your thoughts, his cocky smile never leaving his face. He leaned his body on the railings of the porch and crossed his arms. You eyed him from head to toe, your lips pursed again. You scanned him from head to toe. He's wearing a black slim fit skull graphic tee paired with simple jeans and rubber shoes, with a silver wrist watch and silver bracelet as accessories. 
How does one look soooo fine early in the morning? 
"I know..." Yongguk smirked as he can clearly read your thoughts. You let out a sharp sigh and gave him a sarcastic smile. But still a jerk. 
Not wanting to argue early in the morning about last night, you got your bags and stood up. You walked towards the door and gave him another glare before opening it. You didn't feel him follow but you can sense his smirking. 
You snorted and shook your head. You can't believe he didn't even cared that you actually slept outside. Oh, why would he care, anyway? He's a jerk. A cold-hearted Kingkong jerk. You know better that he wouldn't care about anything that doesn't give him any benefit. And you couldn't believe that all of this are happening to you and you could have tolerated being Ms. Choi's partner better.
You can sense your blood boiling with the thoughts. You inhaled and exhaled to calm yourself, not wanting to make your day worse than it already is. Your body is aching and your hungry already. War with him begins later but for now you want a warm shower and eat breakfast. 
You found your room and threw your bags on the bed. You got a pair of underwear, black oversized shirt and above the knee fitted jean shorts. You got your towel and headed to the bathroom. You saw Yongguk enter the house smirking at you before opening the bathroom door.
The warm water calmed you even more and your body ache subsided a little. You finished showering and put on your clothes. You looked at your watch and it says 8:30. Walking out of the bathroom, you continue to dry your hair with your towel and noticed Yongguk by the kitchen drinking a bottle of water. He immediately smirked at you when he took noticed of you. You rolled your eyes and enter your room and locked the door.
As soon as your completed preparing, you went out of your room and found Yongguk sitting at the sofa, his feet rested at the small center table. You checked your watch again and you still have 15 minutes to breakfast. You headed towards the door.
"And where are you going?" Yongguk asked even before you reached the front door. 
"Breakfast." You stopped without turning.
"And how about me, baby? Don't you care if I want breakfast?" His deep voice sounded teasing and y. KingKong please.
You turned your head and gave him a sarcastic smile. You continued to walk towards the door. You were about to open the door when you sensed him behind you. His head leaned closer to your ears... 
"Why don't you serve me my breakfast, then?" his whisper sent chills down your spine. You must admit that it sounded y but because his cockiness pissed you off more, you scoffed off and turned around, not forgetting to back away a little. 
"Excuse me, but are you a baby?" you looked at the him with an are-you-serious face, your hand still at the door knob. Yongguk was taken aback with what you said.
"What? I'm a.... what??" Yongguk exclaimed, now with an annoyed face.
"A baby... What, are you deaf now?" you said with an irritated voice. Yongguk scoffed off.
"Do you know who you're talking to?" He gripped your arm and you flinched. You struggled to get your arm off his gripped but failed. So you stop struggling and sighed. Even though you're scared of what will happen to you, you've had enough since last night and don't want to hold back anymore. You darkly look at him in the eyes, not wanting to a bit of fear be seen.
"How about you? Don't you know who I am?" You sounded cocky for the first time and he was taken aback and eyed you.
"I do know you. Who doesn't, right? You're a Kingka, after all. But do you know who am I?" you felt his gripped loosen and took the chance to pull your arm off. His face tells you he's pissed off.
"...I bet you don't even know my name..." You smirked at him before turning your back at him and went out of the house.
As you made a little distance to your place, you stopped and let out a sigh of relief. Feeling the morning heat of the sun in contrast to the cool breeze of the wind, you smiled a little. You know that you're surely dead after this but it's too early to regret. And besides, you've never felt victorious in your entire life after what you did and you like that feeling. You kind of skipped for a while and put your hands in your pocket and walked towards the cafeteria to have breakfast. Not worrying about what might happen later.
You're just in time for breakfast and walked in the cafeteria knowing that no one would noticed but you felt eyes on you. You raised an eyebrow, confused with the feeling and continue to walk casually. 
"Hey, Jaemin..." you turned around and saw Myungsoo handing you a food tray.
"Hey...thanks!" you smile at him as you got the tray from him.
"Line is over there. Let's go together." he smiled and walk towards the line. You followed.
"So... how's the first night?" he asked casually.
"First night?" you raised an eye brow at his question. He chuckled.
"Yeah, first night. I heard the news about Chanmi and you, being her replacement...So how's, you know... Kingkong?" He whispered the last word as the both of you go with the line flow. You chuckled.
Someone gave Myungsoo a bowl of rice and he handed you yours. 
"Oh thank you.... so you heard." pursing your lips into a thin line while nodding.
"Yeah, everyone knows..." he whispered.
"...I see... so that's why..." realizing what happened when you walk in a while ago. 
"So how is it?.... Kimchi soup or Miso soup" Myungsoo continued.
"Miso, thanks..." he placed your soup in your food tray as the line moved.
"Well, I'm basically in big trouble right now... so I guess it didn't start off well." you saw Myungsoo looking at you with a question in his face as he handed you the main dish for breakfast, Galbi.
Suddenly, you both noticed that the cafeteria fall silent. You looked around to know why and your gaze stopped by the door. You saw Yongguk with a smug face and then eyed you smirking. Your eyes narrowed in response. You look away and saw Myungsoo raising an eyebrow at you.   
"I'll tell you during free time." you nodded your head to a direction as signal for Myungsoo to move.
"Where's your table?" you asked Myungsoo but still aware of Yongguk's movements.
"Over there, in the middle, besides the water station... and you can sit by that table over there by the window.." Myungsoo pointed.
"Okay... I'll just see you later. Thanks... again...for the food...for helping." you pursed your lips again.
"Anytime!" Myungsoo smiled and you smiled back.
You parted ways and you went towards the table Myungsoo said. When you reached the table and put your tray down. You immediately noticed Yongguk is already headed your table.
Wow, already?
Your blood is boiling again. Much heated with the smug on Yongguk's face. You heard murmurs and noticed girls glaring at you. You rolled your eyes and faced your food. The aroma of the food makes your stomach growl and drool. 
Why am I so hungry? And what's soo good about him?
You shook your head not wanting to think anymore and started eating. You started with sipping your soup when Yongguk place his tray on the table and sat down. You looked up to him with spoon in your mouth, raising an eyebrow.
What does he wants now?
"Hi, I'm Yongguk. And you are?" you were taken aback with what he just said and you look at his hand offering you a handshake.
And finally an update!
But short chapter.... ;___;
And I decided to change the POV! Hope that's okay....
Please comment~~~ How do you find the story so far? ;
And Hi to everyone~ Thank you for subscribing~~~ and taking time to read!!!


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ceci_major #1
Chapter 7: I hope you haven't given up this fanfic.. im sad that it hasn't been updated
hippo_guk #2
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 7: Yay! new chappie!!! Thank youuuuuu <3
Chapter 7: He may be legal, but I'm not :/ sigh. 97 probs.
ceci_major #6
Chapter 6: really liked that yongguk's pov was added :) can't wait for more updates~
Chapter 6: I liked the Yongguk POV :D great job!!
Elivagar #8
Chapter 6: Nice! You should do a Yongguk point of view again, it's great! Also good chapter! :D And B.A.P's new mv is incredible!(≧∇≦)
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the next update!! and when my friend showed me the Sound of Rain teaser... I started crying... Like I was actually crying really hard over a 20 second video...
Elivagar #10
Chapter 5: An update! Nice chapter! Hope you update soon!\(^o^)/ I've seen the teaser and can't wait for the actual song!(≧∇≦)