Game Start

Bear Glasses, Awkward Hoots


I placed my bags beside the single bed in the room that I will use for the whole week stay. I throw myself down the bed immediately and sighed.
We arrived by the sea side an hour ago. The place is however surrounded by trees and small mountains. I can't say it's a forest, though, but I'm pretty sure we're far away from urban civilization. But what we didn't expect is that each class has a different location. Each buses started to go their own way after 2 hours on road. And the whole ride took about 3 hours. I tried calling Chaerin and Seonyu but I assumed they were sleeping for they didn't answer my calls.
Another thing we didn't know is each pair will be staying in a single bungalow style wooden housing, like a the typical one by the sea you see in the movies. The small living room will welcome you as you enter and behind it is a wooden counter table with chairs that divides the living room from the kitchen. Opposite the kitchen are the 2 bedrooms and the single bathroom in between.
It feels like we're having a vacation because the place seems really comfortable. I was about to forgot that I'm paired with our homeroom teacher when she slip her head by the door.
"Jaemin?" I shoot up from the bed with my hands supporting my body.
"Well, it's only quarter to 10 in the morning. I just thought if you would like to look around the place, first?" Ms. Choi asked.
"Ahh....yes, sure, Ms. Choi." I stood up and walk toward the door which Ms. Choi fully opened for me. I walk towards the front door with my hands on the pocket of my hoodie.
"Just be back by lunch." she reminded. I nodded in response and walked out the door.
I'm walking around the area with my earphones on and my hands still on my hoodie pockets. I tried to walk on the shades more because the sun is probably going to burn some skin with its heat. Some of my classmates are strolling around the area, like me, and some playing in the water. The air is pretty nice, too.
Now, I wonder where Chaerin and Seonyu are.
I took my phone out from my hoodie pocket and realize that there's no signal. Great. I hold my phone up in the air with my right hand as I continue to walk in the shades. Maybe there's at least a hot spot here. I passed my phone to my other hand and continue to swing it to the left.
Then after a while, I lost focus from the phone in my hand to the cliff side. I saw Kingkong...I mean, Yongguk, walking towards edge of the cliff and stopped few meters away. His blond hair glowing as the sun's light hit them. He's wearing a black shirt, jeans and a snapback.
I guess he also figured out that there's no signal here.
He's raising his arms just like what I was doing a while ago. Then I saw a girl, in her simple white blouse paired with jeans, walking towards him and stopped few meters behind. Must be his partner. My gaze travel back from where I think the girl is from and saw a house, like the rest of the houses in the area.
Ms. Choi should have at least chosen that as our place. It looks nice up there. I sighed.
I went back to our place by lunch and gave up looking for a signal. Ms. Choi told me that the whole class will have meals together at the club house, from breakfast to dinner. And snack time could be anytime since the cafeteria is open 24/7, except if we have an activity to do. We went to have lunch with the rest and sitted by pairs. I noticed that everyone is there except for Yongguk and Chanmi, his partner.  
"Oh, Yongguk and Chanmi is not yet here." as if Ms. Choi read my mind.
"Jaemin, if someone ask for me, just tell them that I went out to call Yongguk and Chanmi." I nodded as I took a sip from my soup.
Ms. Choi was about to reach the cafeteria door when Chanmi entered. Chanmi said something to Ms. Choi that made her nod and scratch her head. Ms. Choi patted Chanmi's shoulder and lead her to her seat and returned.
"I feel bad for Chanmi..." Ms. Choi blurted while cutting her steak. I looked at her and she sighed. Me, too. For myself.
"Should I exchange with her?.... I mean, I can't tolerate how Yongguk is acting. At least, I can watch over him." still cutting her steak. I puffed my cheeks to prevent myself from laughing and awkwardly turned my head towards her then stared at her with some kind of worried look.
".....maybe not." she sighed and took a bite from the her cutted steak. I nodded in agreement. 
Ms. Choi announced, after lunch, that the first activity will be at 3 in the afternoon, by the sea shore. She also reminded us to wear white clothing, shorts and rubber shoes. We went back to our place in order to prepare. 
I immediately showered and changed my clothes while Ms. Choi is not yet around. She will be talking to the instructors about the activities and ask me to go ahead of her. I finally went to my room and dozed off. 
"Jaemin! Jaemin!" I woke up from the shaking and from the sound of my name being called.
"hmmmm...?" was the only sound I manage to say since I still way too sleepy to open my eyes.
"Hey, wake up Jaemin! It's already 3! We're running late!" My eyes shot open and immediately stood up and saw Ms. Choi already by the door.
I followed Ms. Choi by the meeting place. And to my surprise, and I guess everyone, too, Yongguk was already there wearing proper attire. Maybe a little too hot for the proper attire. He's wearing a wife beater, showing his well-toned muscles while other guys are all wearing loose shirts. The girls, on the other hand, are non-stop flaunting there legs and almost all of them are wearing short shorts with fitting white shirt. Oh please. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to find myself a place to sit comfortably. 
I found an empty place at the back, my favorite place, and just like what everyone is doing, I sat on the sand and made myself at least not noticeable.  I was about to turn my gaze back to Ms. Choi when someone called my name.
"Jaemin!" I turned my head to where it is coming from. 
I raised my hand to block the blinding sunlight and saw Myungsoo. He sits in front of me in class.
"Hi, Myungsoo." I greeted and he squatted beside me. He looked at me up and down. I gave him a confused look.
"Are you wearing your brother's clothes?" he said raising a brow at me. I pursed my lips into a smile, as a habit.
"I don't have a brother." I stated and he chuckled a little.
"Well, aren't your clothes.... ahh... well... too big for you?" I turned to look at my clothes and look around the girls. As if I'm going to wear those. I pursed again my lips into a smile then returned my gaze to him.
"Nope. I think I'm good." I then turned my head to where Ms. Choi and the instructors are and I heard him chuckle once again.
"Okay, whatever you say. I got to go back to my partner. Catch you later!" he patted my shoulder and left.
Ms. Choi called our attention and started to introduce the 2 instructors. After the introduction, they began to explain the first activity. Ball Throw. We played the  game every time during Physical Education class and we pretty much know what to do. But this time, we'll be playing in the water. 
Why do we have to wear white clothing then!? Great. And to add to my frustration is the burning heat of the sun. I never really liked it. Oh, for the love of humanity! Didn't they consider that we can actually catch summer cold with this activity. I mean, sweat, water and heat, all together. Really? No? Uggghhh.
I hanged my head with the thought. Is there even something good that's going to happen in this trip?! 
We divided into 2 teams, the odd and the even. From the number we got from the draw lots. I'm in the odd team and we're the first one to do the throwing. They game started as one of the instructor whistled. 
Everyone was into the game and the opposing team are being eliminated one by one. Only 6 are remaining, including Yongguk. Then I noticed Myungsoo, from the opposite side, who is in the same team as me, signaled that he will throw the ball at me if he gets the ball then I nodded in agreement.
The ball keeps on flying back and forth and we continued to hit and eliminated until only 3 are remaining. Minho, Amber and Yongguk. Minho is the most athletic, not only in our class but the whole senior batch. Amber is very playful and active and she's a volleyball varsity player. While Yongguk... we'll I'm still wondering why he's not yet eliminated 'cause he doesn't really move. He just like walk back and forth. Pfft. 
Someone threw the ball at Minho but he dodge it easily. Myungsoo caught the ball and I nodded. He swiftly pass the ball to me and I immediately throw the ball hard and hit someone. Hard. Everyone grasped. The ball bounce of his face and he was knocked down by the ball. Oh, this can't be good. I immediately went over and saw the red mark the ball left on his face. 
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized and help him up.
"Haha, that's alright! I'm good, don't worry." Minho chuckled as he got up and rubbed his cheeks.
"I'm really sorry! I didn't...." I continued to apologize as I rub the back of my neck. Oh crap. 
"It's alright, really. And that was a good throw and a good aim." he interrupted and patted my shoulder and I shyly smiled at him.
Ms. Choi went over and took care of Minho and signaled us to continue the game.I went back to my place and saw Myungso gave me thumbs up. I smiled and nodded at him. 
Now, the remaining, Amber and Yongguk. Why is he still here, really...
The game went on and 15 minutes have passed but still no progress. We've been playing for almost an hour and almost all of us are exhausted from throwing. After a while, Myungsoo catched the ball again and I nodded, already know what to do. I catched the ball and threw it as hard as I can to the nearest person.
I rejoiced inside as I hit someone but everyone graspped again, my eyes widen and my jaw dropped.
Now, this really can't be good.
I hit Yongguk right in the face and he fell down the water. The ball float off the water and I saw Yongguk glared at me, his eyes burning. I immediately closed my mouth and avoided his glare. I saw him in my peripheral vision as he stood up and started walking towards me.
I am sooooooo dead.
I can hear murmurs from my classmates. I looked down and if my heart can jump out of my chest, it would have already drown. I was never really afraid of him 'cause we never really had an interaction. Not until now and the first encounter at the bus.
When he was about a feet away from me, we suddenly heard a whistle.
"Back to the game guys. Yongguk, you're out. Come over here." Ms. Choi shouted and gestured him to walk over. 
I can still sense him glaring at me. I can see his reflection on the clear water and see his hands clenched. I am so done. And I think this is the time that I can be thankful that I am paired with our homeroom teacher and feel more sorry for Chanmi than myself. 
Yongguk let out a sharp sigh to keep his cool. He finally walked out and I let out a deep sigh. I immediately look at Myungsoo and saw his cheeks puffed as if he's been holding his laughter for all this time. I chuckled a little and he gave me another thumbs up.
Now, back in the game and we're down to 1.





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ceci_major #1
Chapter 7: I hope you haven't given up this fanfic.. im sad that it hasn't been updated
hippo_guk #2
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 7: Yay! new chappie!!! Thank youuuuuu <3
Chapter 7: He may be legal, but I'm not :/ sigh. 97 probs.
ceci_major #6
Chapter 6: really liked that yongguk's pov was added :) can't wait for more updates~
Chapter 6: I liked the Yongguk POV :D great job!!
Elivagar #8
Chapter 6: Nice! You should do a Yongguk point of view again, it's great! Also good chapter! :D And B.A.P's new mv is incredible!(≧∇≦)
Chapter 5: I can't wait for the next update!! and when my friend showed me the Sound of Rain teaser... I started crying... Like I was actually crying really hard over a 20 second video...
Elivagar #10
Chapter 5: An update! Nice chapter! Hope you update soon!\(^o^)/ I've seen the teaser and can't wait for the actual song!(≧∇≦)