Empty chairs at empty tables(Myungsoo)

Infinite - Les Miserable series

I'm not sure if anyone still cares about these.....but I finally got inspiration for an update! Hope you like it~


“ALRIGHT! CUT!” The director screamed loudly before making his way on stage.


Myungsoo sighed and slumped his shoulders, frustrated with himself that he couldn't get it right.


“Myungsoo, Myungsoo, Myungsoo.....” the director walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “It's great, you're great, you're voice is perfect, notes are spectacular, people are gonna go nuts, they really are!”


Myungsoo just nodded, he knew what was coming, “But.....”


The director made a face, “But....it's just missing.......it.




“Yeah, it. The thing that makes people's heart wrench in the best possible way when they hear a sad song. When the singer feels connected to the lyrics and the audience feels it-” he clutched his heart, “right here. You must know what I'm talking about! You've sang some pretty sad songs with INFINITE! I mean, that Only tears song, talk about a tear jerker, am I right?” He patted Myungsoo on the back and Myungsoo just gave a slight chuckle, “So, anywho, just work on giving it a little more depth, a little more soul. Okay?”


“Yup.” Myungsoo sad flatly, “Sure thing.”


The director started to walk away, still facing Myungsoo, “Alright, beautiful! I believe in you! It's gonna be great! This whole show is going to be amazing everybody!”


Myungsoo sighed once again and ran his hand through his hair.




Myungsoo walked through the door of your apartment and you jumped off the couch to greet him.


“Oppa!” you threw your arms around his neck, “What are you doing here? I would've made you some food if I knew you were coming.......”


He held you tight and buried his face in your hair, your scent comforted him greatly. “No no no....it's fine I-.....I just had a tough day at musical practice and wanted to see you.”


You frowned and pulled away to look at him, “Director still giving you a tough time?”


He nodded with a slight frown.


“C'mon.” You grabbed his hand and led him to the couch, “Sit down and I'll go make you some tea.”


He obeyed and a few minutes later you came from the kitchen with a hot cup of tea for him.


He took it and the two of you sat in silence before he spoke up, “He keeps telling to add more emotion and more emotion and I'm trying! I really am! I just....” he trailed of and shook his head, “I feel so disappointed in myself.....”


You didn't say anything. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his chest. You gave him a tight squeeze, more than anything you wished you could absorb all his troubles and worries.


He started your hair, if anyone was watching it would seem like he was comforting you, “I don't have any trouble with In my life and A heart full of love because I know what it's like to fall in love....I have experience to lean on. And with A little fall of rain the actress who plays Eponine helps me out a lot. But then I get to Empty chairs at empty tables and....I don't know....I just can't seem to connect with it emotionally...I don't know how....”


“I have an idea.” You sat up to look at him, “It might be a little depressing but then again this is a very depressing song.”


“What is it?”


“Okay, so, picture you're in the van with me and the rest of the Infinite members, we're all laughing and having a good time.”


“Okay....” He could easily picture it. It's happened so many times before.


“And then BAM!” Myungsoo jumped, “We get into a horrible, horrible car accident and everyone, including me, dies instantly and only you survive.”


He just stared at you with a horrified expression. He was just asked to imagine losing everyone he loves all at once......he didn't even want to think of it let alone picture it.


You studied his pained expression carefully, starting to regret ever bringing up the scenario, “Myungsoo......do you think that would work?”


His mind began to wander as he stared at your face. What would his world be without you? Even if he did, God forbid, somehow lose all of his band members....if he had you he knew he could get through anything. But imagining a world without you and the boys who had become his family........


“Myungsoo!” You reached up to quickly wipe away the tears that had spilled from his eyes, “I'm sorry! I should've just kept my mouth shut! Please don't cry!”


He shook his head and pulled you in for a tight hug, “It's fine, _______.” He sniffled, “You were just trying to help me......it just hurts too much to think about losing you.......and Sunggyu....Hoya and Dongwoo......Woohyun......Sungjong.......even that pain in the Sungyeol.” you both let out a chuckle.


“You have to channel that pain because that's what Marius's reality is during this song.....all of his friends whom he laughed with and fought with are suddenly gone. He has to live with the fact that he survived and they didn't. You have to put yourself in his shoes and use that pain to sing the song.”


Suddenly, Myungsoo was filled with confidence. He pulled back to look at you, “Thank you so much, Jagi!” He pecked you on the lips, “What would my world be without you?”


The night of the performance came and Myungsoo was back stage getting ready for his solo.

He peeked from backstage to see you with the rest of the Infinite members sitting in the front row. It looked like Sungyeol was doing something to annoy Hoya and Dongwoo was trying not to laugh, You and Sungjong were whispering to eachother, and Woohyun and Sunggyu were focused on the singers on stage.


A smile grew on Myungsoo's face as he watched the people who meant so much to him. Then your scenario ran through his head and his smiled disappeared.


Channel that pain.....that pain Marius's reality....


He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It was almost time for him to go on and he needed to get back into character.


The women wrapped up their song.


Turning through the years......


Dark music started playing and Myungsoo walked on stage.


There's a grief that can't be spoken.....


There's a pain goes on and on......


Empty chairs at empty tables....


Now my friends are dead...and gone...


He stared at the tables and chairs on the stage and filled them ghosts of memories. He imagined that they were the tables and couches at infinite's dorm. He saw all of his friend's smiling faces.


Here they talked of revolution...


Here it was they lit the flame....


Here they sang about tomorrow..


And tomorrow never came....



From the table in the corner


They could see a world reborn


And they rose with voices ringing


And I can hear them now....


The very words that they had sung!


Became their last communion!


On the lonely barricade.....at dawn......


He looked down to see you and the rest of Infinite staring up at him with serious expressions. He almost burst into tears on the spot.


Oh, my friends, my friends forgive me.....


That I live and you are gone.....


There's grief that can't be spoken...


There's a pain goes on and on....



Phantom faces at the window!


Phantom shadows on the floor!


Empty chairs at empty tables


Where my friends will meet no more....



Oh, My friends!


My friends!


Don't ask me!


What your sacrifice was for!


Empty chairs at empty tables......


Where my friends....will sing.....no more......


The music faded out and the audience erupted into applause. Giving him a standing ovation. You smiled at him through your tears, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride.


Once the show ended you all ran backstage to greet Myungsoo.


You followed behind the Infinite members so they would be the first ones to congratulate him. They all crowded around him, giving him hugs, playfully hitting him, teasing him about his stage kiss. He smiled and stared at them all, thinking about how thankful he was to have them in his life.


You watched on with a smile. Eventually, his eyes locked with yours and he fought his way out of the group of six boys surrounding him.


As soon as he walked up to you, you jumped into his arms and he spun you around.


“You nailed it! I'm so proud of you, Jagiya!”


“I couldn't have done it without your help.”


You looked down and blushed.


“Oh, and another thing, you were wrong.”


You looked back up to him, shocked, “What?”


“You were wrong. You know, when you were talking about how Marius had just lost everyone he loves?”


You blinked, “I...I was?” This was one of your favorite musicals. You were sure you knew the plot to Les Miserables pretty well.


Myungsoo nodded, “Yup. 'Cause you know what?”


You looked at him with a pouty expression.


“He never lost his Cosette.”


You smiled brightly at him and he leaned down to plant the sweetest kiss on your lips.





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does anyone really care about this? I don't seem to get much of a reaction(except from a few people)


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ValerieInTheNight #1
Chapter 5: This is really good!!! i'll be looking forward to updates!!!
Chapter 1: OMG I REALLY LOVE LES MIS! especially the part where eponine sings on my own it really tore me apart</3
Chapter 2: awww...sentimental woohyun being a sweet little emotional baby...sooo sweet!!!!
...and alrighty then...theres a part in yeollies that...yeah...but yay!!!!a fight!!!!and then they made up!!!!