In my life(Sunggyu Part 1)

Infinite - Les Miserable series

"Why are you making me do this?!" Sunggyu complained.

"Because I think it'll be a good experience for you!" Woohyun said, "I mean, you've been really down the last few weeks. I thought it would be good for you to try new things, venture out of your comfort zone!"

"But still..." Sunggyu looked skeptically at the flyer Woohyun had handed him, "auditioning for Les MIserables? Isn't that one iof the biggest opera's ever? I doubt I'm good enough to be in it."

"Yah, I've known you since we were kids! Don't think I haven't heard you singing by yourself! You have a really nice voice."

Sunggyu sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know...."

"At least go to the auditions!"

"But what if - "

"Kim Sunggyu, if you don't go I will spend the next few hours telling you every greasy line I have ever said to a girl!"

Sunggyu cringed at the thought, "Okay, fine! I'll go to the audition!"




Les Miserables Auditions Here

Sunggyu took a deep breath before opening the doors to the building.

There was a sign pointing to a table that said: LES MIS. AUDITION SIGN IN

He walked up to the table, "Um, I'm here for the auditions."

"Please tell me your name and the character you're auditioning for." The lady said without looking up from the papers she was filling out.

"Uh, Kim Sunggyu audtioning for the part of Marius."

'Okay, thank you! You can find some place to practice if you want, they'll call you over the intercom when they're ready for you. Good luck!"

"Thank you." He gave a slight bow and walked off to find a quiet spot to practice.

Everywhere he went, he could hear people singing, people who sounded really really good. And it was only making him more nervous. Nam Woohyun I am going to kill you.

As he was walking down yet another hallway he stopped dead in his tracks. That voice....... . He followed the sound that he felt so drawn to until it lead him to a door. He pressed his ear against it to hear the voice better.

Girl's voice:

In my life

there are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong

In my lfie

there are times when I catch in the silence the sigh of a far away song

and it sings of a world that I long to see

out of reach

just a whisper away, waiting for me

Does he know I'm alive? Do I know if he's real?

Did he see what I see? Does he feel what I feel?

In my life

I'm no longer alone now that love in my life is so near

Find me now

Find me here


Sunggyu placed a hand over his heart. He was confused about why it was beating so fast because he wasn't nervous anymore. No, he hadn't felt this at peace in a long time. He suddenly needed to see who was behind that door, the one the voice belonged to. He reached for the door handle and-

"KIm Sunggyu please report to the auditorium." a voice called over the in intercom.

His hand froze on the door handle, biting his lip before hesitantly walking away.


After he finished his audition he ran back to the same hallway, found the room again and ripped the door open.

It was empty.

"Damn it!" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I have to know whose voice that was.

He wandered around the building for another hour, listening in to any girl he heard singing. None of them to matched up to the one he had heard, to him, none of them even compared.

And then he slowed down to think.What in the world am I doing?? I don't even know this girl! Don't even know what she looks like......then why am I searching so desperatley? Sunggyu hardly believed in love at first sight but this might be even more ridiculous. He shook his head and laughed at himself. C'mon snap out of it!

He started to walk away but then he heard the girl's voice in his head:

Find me here

Find me now

His heart clenched in his chest and he suddenly felt very sad.......he ignored the feeling and walked away without looking back.


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ValerieInTheNight #1
Chapter 5: This is really good!!! i'll be looking forward to updates!!!
Chapter 1: OMG I REALLY LOVE LES MIS! especially the part where eponine sings on my own it really tore me apart</3
Chapter 2: awww...sentimental woohyun being a sweet little emotional baby...sooo sweet!!!!
...and alrighty then...theres a part in yeollies that...yeah...but yay!!!!a fight!!!!and then they made up!!!!