I dreamed a dream

Infinite - Les Miserable series

Waaaaah it looks so good!" You jumped up and down as you stared at the movie poster for Les Miserable, one of your favorite musicals.

"Yeah, it looks okay." Woohyun said. It was safe to say that he wasn't nearly as excited as you were.

You pouted,"i told you didn't have to come if you're not going to enjoy it!"

He looked at you with soft eyes,  "how could i have said "no" to you? You were so anxious and had no one else to go with. Besides there was no way i was letting you go by yourself! There could be lots of creepers here...." he used this as an excuse to wrap an arm around your waist and hold you close, "you might need me to protect you." He pecked you on the lips.

You rolled your eyes and gently pushed him off, "c'mon, we still have to get our tickets!"

*inside the theatre*

Despite the amount of people in the theatre, you and Wooyun were able to find a good, remote spot away from a lot of people. If there 's one thing you knew about Woohyun, he had a habit of  talking during movies.

The curtains had gone up, the two of you had pretended to be movie critics during the previews, deciding which ones had "looked pretty good." and the others that were just brushed off with a shrug(Tom Cruise in another action movie...big surprise there.) , and now it was time for the main attraction.

Les Miserable

From the first few minutes you could tell that it was going to be a production of epic proportions.

The story started to unfold and eventually they reached I dreamed a dream , one of your favorite songs.

There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft and their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
That it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Woohyun shifted in his seat  wow...what an emotional song....

He turned to you to comment on the performance but saw that you already had tears running down your face and a hand on your mouth to keep from sobbing. He instantly wrapped an arm around you, pulling you to him and kissing your head.

"Shhh, it's okay." He whispered in your ear, "it's only a movie."

You just shook your head as more tears fell, "I just can't even imagine...all the pain she's suffered....I can't imagine being in her situation."

And just like that, when Woohyun looked back at the screen it wasn't Anne Hathaway he saw singing this song full of broken dreams and hopes, it was you.

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when Autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

Woohyun's hold on you grew tighter and tears formed in his eyes. For the first time, he wasn't just hearing the song, he was  listening, listening to the story and the pain of this Woman's life.

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seems

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed

The only thing that could be heard in the theatre were sniffles, you and Woohyun sat in a dazed silence as the movie continued, still trying to process the emotion of Anne's performance.

After a moment, Woohyun reached over, grabbed your chin, and without he placed a soft kiss on your lips.

In that kiss was an unspoken promise. A promise that Woohyun would never leave you broken and alone like Fantine was. A promise that you would always feel loved and cared for.

A promise that he would be by your side, forever.




Here's Anne Hathaway's version of I dreamed a dream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6YwuqWFTbc

May not be as pretty as the broadway version but it's the only that's ever made me cry.

After this whole movie I just felt like.....



I'm thinking of writing another Les Mis scenario featuring another song.......hmmmm.....yes......

Hope you liked this one^^

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does anyone really care about this? I don't seem to get much of a reaction(except from a few people)


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ValerieInTheNight #1
Chapter 5: This is really good!!! i'll be looking forward to updates!!!
Chapter 1: OMG I REALLY LOVE LES MIS! especially the part where eponine sings on my own it really tore me apart</3
Chapter 2: awww...sentimental woohyun being a sweet little emotional baby...sooo sweet!!!!
...and alrighty then...theres a part in yeollies that...yeah...but yay!!!!a fight!!!!and then they made up!!!!