Guitar Lies.

A Night With A Million Raindrops.

This chapter is about a moment before the kids came and the marriage. The time when she was still a teenager and Jinyoung a doctor at the high school.


A new semester has begon. Kwangmin and I were walking through the corridors, while I was holding my books closely against my chest. I felt so frustrated and right now, I could rip my books. Kwangmin didn't know the reason why I was so grumpy and such, and I was not planning on telling him either.

The reason why was that Jinyoung and I had a fight two days ago. He called me childish because of an argument and I called him a jerk for not saying that he was wrong. He was just too stubborn to give in that our relationship is actually working. That jerk. 

"Hey, did you hear about the new transfer student?" Kwangmin interrupted my thoughts and I raised my head.

"Transfer student, who?"

He raised his eyebrows and laughed sneakily. "You know, that hot girl and her twin brother."

"You aren't referring to yourself, are you?" I asked suspiciously, "because I can't imagine Youngmin being a girl and you-"

"No, no, you got it wrong," he told me with narrowed eyes. His glare looked like he was trying to warn me, slightly teasing, "They are called the Akdong Musician."

"Akdong Musician, ooh wait, I saw that name on television," I looked up as if remembering, "Kpop star..."

"No, I meant that they are dubbed as Akdong musician because of their great talent for music."

"Guitar..., sing..." I ignored his response and tried to remember how they looked like on television, but my mind just didn't want to work. Until I suddenly, bumped against a person with glasses. I fell down, my books dropping on my head one by one, giving me little stars and pain.

"Arghh....!" I winced, and Kwangmin helped me back up. The person that I have bumped against, was collecting my books from the ground with a apologizing expression. He stood up and handed me my books.

"S-Sorry, didn't intend to..." He stuttered. His face was long and he had cute round glasses, like the ones you see with Harry Potter. He had a friendly smile but that has become awkward when he thought that I was getting angry with him. I shook my head and smile weakly.

"No, sorry, it was my fault. I didn't watch my steps," I told him and his face seemed to light up.

"My name is Chan-Hyuk, the transfer student." He stuck out his hand and we shook. Kwangmin nudged me and smiled. "That's one of the Akdong Musician that I was talking about."

"Ooh," Chan-Hyuk seemed to blush and rubbed behind his ear, "I'm not that good. We're still amateurs."

"Amateurs? I have seen you perform. You were magnificent." Kwangmin said with rounded eyes, full with disbelief. He then pulled my arm lightly. "This boy, what he is capable of with a guitar. Mag-ni-fi-cent." He empasized every word, making Chan-Hyuk blush more. 

Kwangmin then turned his head towards him. "Can she see you perform?"

"Well,..." He hesitated for a moment, "we haven't planned any practice today, but since I hurt you, let me make it up to you with a performance,"

I smiled. "I'd love to come."

"Good, school is open this evening because I'm still catching up some lessons, come afterwards, okay?"

"Oh, but when does your lessons end?"

"Erhmm...," he looked shy; "I don't know either. Is it okay i-if I can get your number. I'll text it to you, if it's okay with you."

I laughed and patted his shoulder.  "Of course,"

We quickly switched our numbers and he went off to the library. I gave Kwangmin a quick glance and saw him staring at my hand.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked.

"I might be hallucinating but is that blood dripping from that large cut?"  He began to look pale, as I stare at my hand. He wasn't hallucinating. I was indeed bleeding. There was a huge cut on the back of my hand because of the bracelet I wore. I must have fallen ugly on those sharp edges from those decorations. 

"I'll be alright. Just need some water..." I mumbled, trying so hard not to think of Jinyoung. Kwangmin will surely bring me to...

"What water?! You're bleeding! Let's go to Jinyoung quickly!" He breathed out in panic.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "There's nothing serious. Look, I can even move them properly." I moved up and down and more blood spurted out of my wound. Kwangmin yelped and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him.

Within a second, we were in Jinyoung's office and he was staring at us both, confounded.  "What's wrong?" he responded. I rolled my eyes and wanted to walk away but Kwangmin held onto me strongly.

"What's up with you, people? Can't you see she is bleeding?!" he cried out hysterical. I frowned and thought that he was overreacting. It was just a little blood.

"Is that so? Can you stick out your hand, please?" He seemed to forgot about our fight and sounded friendly. I gave Kwangmin a dirty glare and stuck out my hand. Blood was dripping down on the floor and Jinyoung examined my hand.

"Hmmm.. A decent cut, but the bleeding needs to be stopped." He mumbled to himself. He stood up and ordered me to sit down. I rolled my eyes at him and looked away. Not in a million bucks would I listen to him.

"Sit, sit, sit..." Kwangmin whispered in my ear. I shook my head stubbornly and pouted.

"Why should I listen to him?"

"I don't know, maybe because he's a doctor?" He shot at me. Wow, who's grumpy now. "Just listen, I-I-it's too much blood, I can't... and that re- Ack, hold on!" he said, grabbing his stomach and he ran out of the room. His mouth was puffed up and shortly after, I heard puking sounds. 

I narrowed my eyes from disgust and Jinyoung appeared. "Ooh, that needs to be cleaned up," he joked, whilst entering. He then looked at me with a sigh.

"'If you are going to stand there all day, I'm fine. As I have said before, I can resign you from all your lessons. I have plenty of time with you."

"I'm not listening....," I stuck two fingers in my ear and sang a childish song, pretending not to hear him. I admit, I am behaving childish but that's because he's getting on my nerves. 

Jinyoung sighed again and then locked the door without me noticing. He walked over and grabbed me by my knee holes, catching me by surprise. He lifted me up and sat down on a chair, putting me on his lap, close to his body. He locked me with his arms and held me tightly.

"If you are being childish, fine, then I'll treat you like a child."

"Ah! Let go of me! Idiot! Jerk!" I struggled as much as I could, but nothing worked. I was clasped against him.

"Now, give me your hand." he ordered. I scowled and looked away.


I didn't respond and folded my arms, tightly against my body. But suddenly, I felt dizzy and light in my head, making me fall against him. My head leaning on his, as my hands dropped on my lap. He lightly grabbed my hand and began to clean it with a cotton. It stinged a lot. 

"You know you're amnemic. Why are you still resisting when you're losing blood, you know it's dangerous." He responded, irritated, but there was concern too. "You should take more care of your body."

"Shut up. Don't tell me what I should do, I care for my body a lot." I murmured.

"Then how did you get this wound?" I didn't know if it was on purpose but he suddenly pressed his cotton wool deeper into my wound, making me wince more in pain. 

"I fell, alright," I responded irritated, "it can happen to everyone."

"As clumsy as always,"

"I'm not!" I scowled again. "It was because of that Chan-Hyuk guy."

He stopped for a moment. "That transfer student? Why would you bump into him?"

"How should I know? It just happened."

"Did he do it on purpose?" He asked, continuing his stingy work.

"Probably not,"

"Are you sure?" He pressed his cotton deeper again.

"Argh! This is on purpose!" I jerked my hand away from his grip and blew onto the wound, "what are you doing?"

"Cleaning your wound." he innocently said.

"No, you're urging an answer out of me with that desinfecting-thing."

"Maybe I am," he smirked, "answer my question."

"What question?" I sneered. 

"Why did he bump into you?"

"That is not the same question,"

"It is,"

I rolled my eyes and my hand began to hurt again. Jinyoung did a sign with his hand and I obediently laid my hand back on my lap. I jerked my hand back when he was about to rub his cotton wool again. He looked questioning.

"Stop desinfecting, I want bandage."

"Grumpy you, tell me and I will."

I sighed and rolled my eyes again. "He bumped into me by accident, and he wants to make it up by inviting me to an practice session."

He frowned deeply. "Practice session? When?"

"This evening, can you please put some bandage on my hand? I'm not getting younger by it." 

He nodded and took a box with bandages. He lightly unwrapped a roll and gently placed it around my wound.

"I don't want you to go."

"Why? It's just a practice session."

"I'm sure he's making a move." He muttered softly, unable for me to understand.


"No, just don't go." He tied a knot into my bandage and placed the boxes back. I stood up and looked at him from head to toe. "Who are you to decide? It's not like you're my boyfriend."

"To be exactly, I am your boyfriend." He shot back.

"I thought that we were done. You told me that I was too childish for you." I snorted.

"Is it still the fight that bothers you? Grow up already."

That hurt me. I looked at him as if he had hit me in the face and turned around. Run.
I unlocked the door and ran away from him. At that moment, my phone rang as Jinyoung called after me.
I ignored him and took out my phone when I saw that the school building was far behind me. Soccer practice has started and many of boys shouted ugly words at me for disturbing their game. I stepped aside and looked at my phone.


Hi Chan-Hyuk here

I have decided that we can do an practice session before my lessons

is that okay?


I smiled and replied it was possible. For the rest of the time, I didn't return to classes, but just sat down in the shadow under a tree where no one can see me.



While humming a song, I entered school and searched for a number. My phone displayed 456, and I hoped I could find that room on time. Finally, after a lot of wrong doors, I saw Chan-Hyuk sitting with his guitar on his lap, strumming a tune. He was very into his music until I knocked onto the door and he snapped out of it. His smile became wider and he tipped his glasses higher onto his nosebridge.

"Hi," he muttered. I nodded and smiled.

"Nice tune, you've got."


"What is it called?"


I frowned. "Well, strange title, but I like the tune."

He chuckled. "Thanks, I think,"

I took a chair and sat down, looking at his side. "Don't you have a partner? Your twinsister?"

"Oh, she couldn't make it. So I'll just sing alone." He looked shy, too shy.

"Alright, okay," I chuckled.

He clumsily strummed his guitar and a sweet melody came. His mouth began to move and a cute light voice echoed through the room. It was wonderful. Sweet, gentle and nice.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music. Beautiful.

When I reopened my eyes, I saw a person standing next to him. It was a man. He looked very creepy and had shredded clothes on. His face looked pale and he was old. Eyebags and yellow teeth were visible from the smirk he had on his face. He startled me as he kept on looking at me. When did he arrive?

I looked at Chan-Hyuk and he didn't seem to bother by his presence. Am I hallucinating?

Chan-Hyuk stopped playing and smirked, unlike the smile he had on his face before. "Wanna know why my song is called deflowered?"

I gulped and saw the creepy person coming closer. NO! I can't believe this.
I-I-Is he going to...?

I stood up from my chair and stepped back. What's this?

He came closer again. I began to panick and shove the chair towards him. He easily picked it up and threw it against the window. It broke and pieces of glass fell on the ground. Chan-Hyuk stood up and grabbed one. He had that evil grin on his face too.

"Come on baby, it won't hurt."

Why didn't I listen to Jinyoung? I was on the verge of crying as I felt scared. No one is here. The school is empty. Why was I so stupid to come?

"Grab her!" the man yelled at him. Chan-Hyuk spurted towards me and I let out a scream. His hand was stretched out but I managed to avoid him. He bumped with his hip against a chair, making him lose balance for a moment. The man widened his eyes and tried to attack too. I avoided him and tried to run past him. Luck was on my side and I sped down the stairs. There was really no one and footsteps could be heard behind me.

"HELP!!" I yelled. Even if no one was here, I was still trying.

"Come here, !"

Tears started to roll as I heard his voice closer and closer. My legs were wobbly from fear and as my mind wished for JInyoung to help me,  I tripped. But there was enough distance for me to stand back up and run. The exit was near and I felt relieved. Soon, the cold air hit my face as the streets were dark. I looked behind me and saw shadows. Oh no!

I ran as fast as I could, crossed the street without looking and didn't look back. I heard footsteps. They were close! Bushes began to rustle and I felt like they brought allies with them.

"HELP!!" I screamed, again. Dum, dum, dumm... My heart beat in my throat and I was slowly running out of air.  But the house!

House! Oh god! I reached it. There was light shining inside the house!

I jumped over a branch, spraining my leg and almost threw myself against the door. With tears in my eyes, I banged the door and rapidly looked behind. Shadows! They had stopped with runnning too and I could see their chests going up and down from anger.

"Open, please!!! Open!!" I yelled.

There was almost no response, until I heard chains coming off. The door opened and relieved, I slipped through the doorway and closed it immediately again, then hugging the person tightly around his waist. Gentle hands my hair and his soft lips kissed my hair.

"What's going on?" he asked with a husky voice. 

"I'm soo sorry..." I cried loudly, "soo sorryy..." 

Tears rolled down like no end and Jinyoung wiped them with his finger. He wanted to push me off so that he could look at my face but I refused. I clutched against his warm body and cried, apologized for the fight we had. I felt stupid for not listening to him.

"Sssttt... Don't cry!!" He rubbed my arms in a caressing way. I hiccupped in his chest and cried more.  "Let's go upstairs,"

I nodded and as he lifted me up, I clenched tightly around his neck, while trying to explain what happened. From my hazy eyes, I saw him bending down after he placed me on his bed. The room felt very familair and it calmed me down. 

"You sprained your leg," he said disapproving. I sniffed and nodded. Until now, I slowly began to feel the pain running through my veins. It hurt.

"Lie down."

He gently took off my jacket, shoes and socks. He rolled my pants a little up and examined my leg. "This isn't good. Does it hurt a lot?"

I nodded and sobbed.

Jinyoung bit his lip and looked at the clock. "It's too late to go to the hospital now. I need to give you an injection for the pain."


"Don't worry, it won't hurt." He assured me, but I didn't calm down. Jinyoung went to the bathroom and shortly returned with a bottle and a syringe. He inserted the needle and up the liquid like he always did. I cried from fear again. Jinyoung smiled weakly and laid down next to me, putting his needle away. He took me into his arms and lightly rocked me from side to side. His lips went down to mine and stayed there for a second until he kissed me tenderly. His hands moved to my back, carressing my skin with his thumb and pulled me closer.

"Sstt... Don't cry. Just kiss me." he says, between his kisses and he gently nibbled my underlip. I gave in and obeyed.  His left hand slowly trailed down, under my shirt and my belly. He awoked my desire to kiss him more and I kissed him deeply.

"Done," he muttered from under our breath. I raised an eyebrow and looked confused.

"The injection is working, isn't it?" He asked and I moved my leg. There was no pain. He inserted the needle without me noticing and I didn't feel any pain. His distraction worked but I did feel a little drownsy.

"Sleep..." I heard him say from afar. I felt my body being replaced and a blanket covered me. Two warm arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his chest. I laid my head against it and closed my eyes. Soon I fell asleep as he hummed a song.


Early in the morning I woke up, only to see Jinyoung my hair. I rubbed my eyes and yawn. 

"Hmm.. Why are you still awake?"

He chuckled amused. "You had a bad dream. You woke me up by calling my name." He told me and a strand of hair behind my ear. I blinked and felt dumb.

"What dream? I couldn't even dream because of what happened yesterday." I told him. He frowned. "Yesterday? That fight?"

"No, that I was almost ."

Jinyoung chuckled again. "See, you had a bad dream."

I looked down and thought about it. "Was it all a dream?"

"But... but it felt real!!" I told him. Jinyoung frowned and looked compassionate. "Sorry that I have upset you, yesterday. I didn't mean to call you childish. Forgive me..., please..." he smiled innocently at me.

I shook my head. "No, I was the one at fault. I'm childish... I'm sorry." I felt kind of relieved that it was all a dream. Maybe it wanted to tell me something. Maybe I was the one at fault.

Jinyoung looked like he wanted to protets but I put my finger on his lips with a smile. "Please don't say anything. I love you." I muttered, giving him a kiss.

He smiled and kissed me back. "I love you too."



Give me motivations, because I'm down on them, haha ^^

Bye bye!


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seunghyun #1
Hey~ I do always hoping you to make a next chapter since your writing is so lovely ;_; comeback please?
KameFishy #2
Chapter 4: I love your fic please can you update:-)
Annyeong~ new suscriber here~~ ^^ just read the first story then this. :D can I make a request though? Hehehehe. Can you make a chapter of something like a flashblack when Jinyoung and jiyoung met? And how Jinyoung felt and stuff like that? Jebal? Hihihih. ^^ your stories are daebak btw. Fighting author-nim <3
seunghyun #4
Chapter 4: I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR EXTRA STORIESSSSS (inserts love infinite times)
snowpink #5
Chapter 4: Hello Chingu, ur story is great:). Update ur story again n I wanna read all over again:D. Jinyoung as a doctor. OMG! *Nosebleed*~.
Chapter 4: Woaaah so intense... You always fool me I really thought it was real!! Ugh =_=
Chapter 3: Update soon! ^^
seunghyun #8
Chapter 3: Chapter 4!!!! Cant waiittt >3<