
A Night With A Million Raindrops.

Raindrops fell on the window, as the weather got worse and was on the edge of breaking out into a storm. Lightning flashed through the room, but didn't make a sound. Jiyoung flinched upon seeing the light and duck down, frightened. She clenched her hands against my back, making me turn to her. I bent down and picked her up on my arm. She wasn't heavy for a child at the age 10. She rarely gained weight and it made me worried but Jinyoung once told me that he suffered from that too. Maybe she inherited it from her dad.

I kissed her apple cheeks and pressed my cheek against hers. She closed her eyes as another lightning struck. I smiled lightly and brushed her hair.

"Jiyoung~ah, don't be scared. It's just lightning." I told her but she just shook her head. With her hands clenched against her ears, she tried to mute down the sound of the thunder. Fear was written on her face and I could see the first tears starting to roll from her cheeks.

"Ooh, honey... Don't cry..." I muttered with a smile. I brushed away the tears as she kept on sobbing. I walked away from the window and went to sit down on the couch. Even by walking such a short distance, I felt an ache on my back and my breath was irregular. I began to pant as well.

As sweat began to break out, I put Jiyoung down and ordered her to sit next to me since she couldn't sit on my lap anymore. There were a lot of things I couldn't do anymore and I feel very guilty letting Jinyoung do anything, but hey, he did this to me, so he needs to bear it for 9 months. 

"Where's daddy?" she then asked me, sniffing her nose.

I chuckled and her hair behind her ear. "He'll be back very soon. Just getting something for me from the pharmacy." 

"P-Pharmacschy? What is that?" She asked me. It was cute how she spoke ,caused by the loss of her two front teeth.

"Ooh, just a shop where you can get medicines when you're sick, dear."

Jiyoung laid her head against the side of my stomach and traced some circles on it. "Brother...." she muttered out of nowhere. I giggled and suddenly felt very tired. Then a key was getting inserted on our door and soon after, Jinyoung entered the house. He had a sack in his left hand and smiled when he saw us sitting. His hair and coat was soaked wet and I had to stop Jiyoung from hugging Jinyoung since I didn't want her to get wet. I walked, or rather wiggled like a duck to the bathroom and took a towel for him, while I heard Jiyoung screaming some crazy and happy noises. Before I could exit the bathroom, Jinyoung was already standing in the doorway looking at me with a frown, but his eyes were gentle.

"I told you to lie down. Don't exhaust yourself." He told me and I remember him telling me that countless times everyday. I smiled and laid the towel over his head and pulled the ends of the towel towards me so that his head leant a little forwards. While standing on my toes, I kissed him and felt something kick my stomach. I opened my eyes and narrowed one of my eyes to bear the sudden mild pain. Jinyoung noticed that and put his hands against my belly. His hands were warm and his smile became wider.

"Kicking again, huh... I think he will be the best at soccer." He joked, while looking sweet into my eyes. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Dry yourself, you'll catch a cold." I muttered in his ear. He nodded and sighed.

"When I do so, will you please listen to me once and lay in bed? I want you to rest. I know you haven't slept well these past nights because of the kicking."

I rolled my eyes at him and smile lightly. "Alright, I will. But I want you to join me. I get lonely and isolated." I pouted, putting up my best puppy-eyes. Jinyoung smiled and my cheek.

"I will, but first I need to get Jiyoung busy. Does she want to play hide-and-seek?"

My jaw dropped and I slapped his arm lightly. "You promised not to do that again. I remember her crying when you "forgot" to search for her. That's not a way to get her busy." I chuckled. Jinyoung laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I know, I know, I'll come up with something, but you..." He ordered me with pauses while looking at me sternly. My back began to ache again as I felt like my legs weren't able to hold me any longer. And they sometimes get swollen, which irritated me the most. I nodded and he gave me a kiss before turning on the shower.

I walked to the room, giving Jiyoung a kiss on my way and stepped into the king-sized bed. It felt very warm and cozy and I rested my head against the pillow while I tried to close my eyes, but the kicking kept on bothering me. It does give a sharp pain occasionally but that's because it's getting soon. Soon that I'll be going to the hospital and Jinyoung gets to see the birth of his son. My second child and this time, I'm ready.

And the memory of Jinyoung being all surprised when he knew that I was pregnant again felt like yesterday.


"Honey, are you alright?" He asked when he kept my hair behind. I kept on gagging and the sight in front of me began to turn. Cold sweat broke out over my whole body and I began to feel light. This isn't good. When the gagging has stopped, Jinyoung lifted me up and carried me back to the room. I laid a hand in front of my eyes as Jinyoung put me down and towered over me. His hands were placed next to my head and as he stared at me, I saw that he's worried.

"Did you eat something wrong?" He frowned. I shook my head and sighed. "Don't know... I'm sooo dizzy..."

Jinyoung placed a hand on my stomach and pressed lightly. "Do you feel pain here?"

I shook my head, but when he pressed on another place, another feeling of wanting to vomit comes back. I pushed Jinyoung aside, leaving him confused behind on the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I kneeled down and vomitted, holding me strongly.

Then a thought went through me and when the nausea stopped for a minute, I grabbed this opportunity to search through the shelves. Jinyoung stood in the doorway and looked at me, completely confused.

"What are you searching for?" he asked. I shook my head and when I opened the highest shelf, revealing the thing that I needed, Jinyoung widened his eyes. He walked over to me and grabbed the thing when I couldn't reach it and for a moment, I thought that he wouldn't give it back to me because of that memory from the past.

"J-Jinyoung..." I whispered as I stared at the pregnancy test. Jinyoung's face stayed unmoved and his eyes stared at me.

"Please give it to me..." I muttered. Astonished, he gave it to me and I felt suffocated by his reaction. Why is he astonished?

I quickly read the description and Jinyoung, automatically left the room. I closed the door and followed the instructions.

Five minutes later, I exitted the bathroom with my hand holding my stomach. I was still feeling nauseous and decided to lie down for the time until the results are revealed. I felt cold suddenly and saw Jinyoung laying on his side in bed. His face expression has changed. He didn't look astonished anymore, but more... relieved.

I crawled into bed and laid in his arms as he has opened them for me. The warmth that came from his body did good.

"I was worried..." He told me. I nodded and didn't say anything. "I thought that you were sick." he went on, "but now everything makes sense. I'm sure of it. Please... tell me.... when the test is positive... please promise me..." He closed his eyes and sighed and kissed my forehead.

My heart beat into my throat and I deeply hoped that he wouldn't say what he said to me in the past. Please, no...

"that you will keep the baby...."

I widened my eyes and looked up at him. He was smiling and I saw that he was begging me in his eyes. Jinyoung... he wants the child... A bright smile comes across my face and I embrace him tightly. Tears even began to flow, while I shouldn't be crying. But this...

I could feel him laughing and shortly, embrace me tightly.

"I promise I will..." I said between my sobs. We stayed like this, until I heard a soft beep from the bathroom. It was over with waiting. I let go of Jinyoung and ran to the bathroom. There were two lines and I didn't need to look at the paper to see what it was. I knew enough. With a bright smile, I ran into Jinyoung's arms and kissed him hard to his surprise. I couldn't contain my feelings. We, we are becoming parents once again!



A pair of arms slipped around my waist and rested his hands on my big belly. His breath my ear as the place next to me sunk a little in. "What are you thinking about? Didn't I tell you to rest?" He chuckled. I smiled and turned my head to him. "I was thinking back at the moment when we found out that I'm pregnant again."

He hummed a reply and kissed my neck. "That's a memory to be cherished." he smiled and nuzzled his nose. It tickled and I couldn't help but to smile wide. 

"Awww... he's kicking again..." he said, when he felt the sudden kick. I laid my hand onto his and intertwine them. "Yes, he is. Hey, what did you do with Jiyoung?" I asked. 

Jinyoung smiled and kissed my cheek. "Nothing to worry about..."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him sternly. "You didn't play hide-and-seek again, did you?"

He shook his head innocently. "Nope, not this time, I gave her a book to read."

Oh. I nodded and smiled. "That's more like it."

He chuckled and kissed my lips. "Now sleep..."

Suddenly, I felt my legs being sticky. I turned my head at Jinyoung rapidly and looked nervous.



"I can't," I gulped, "My water just broke!"






Heheheh... What a nice time to end this chapter xD

Hopefully see you soon in the next chapter ^^ !!

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seunghyun #1
Hey~ I do always hoping you to make a next chapter since your writing is so lovely ;_; comeback please?
KameFishy #2
Chapter 4: I love your fic please can you update:-)
Annyeong~ new suscriber here~~ ^^ just read the first story then this. :D can I make a request though? Hehehehe. Can you make a chapter of something like a flashblack when Jinyoung and jiyoung met? And how Jinyoung felt and stuff like that? Jebal? Hihihih. ^^ your stories are daebak btw. Fighting author-nim <3
seunghyun #4
Chapter 4: I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR EXTRA STORIESSSSS (inserts love infinite times)
snowpink #5
Chapter 4: Hello Chingu, ur story is great:). Update ur story again n I wanna read all over again:D. Jinyoung as a doctor. OMG! *Nosebleed*~.
Chapter 4: Woaaah so intense... You always fool me I really thought it was real!! Ugh =_=
Chapter 3: Update soon! ^^
seunghyun #8
Chapter 3: Chapter 4!!!! Cant waiittt >3<