People stopped writing like this in 5th grade.


A writing workshop for my wonderful friends here on AFF who are desperatly looking for a way to improve  their writing. I can promise you anything but I do promise to give to all my knowledge. Also, I'm contradicting myself when I write in color but HEY THIS IS THE COLOR OF SHINee and yeah I'm a big SHAWol incase you didn't know -.-

See you guys around. 

Oh and comment or you're dead to me.

Well not really but it would be nice if you did.




The following extract is from my blog.

So do you guys want me do give you some tips or are you gunna go by your crappy fic writing ways?


So, most of you who are reading this are my friends, here on AFF. And although I am no writing god of my own, I can't help but wince at the sight of your stories. *SOME, of your stories. Seriously, I just want to walk over to your story and shout "PEOPLE HAVE STOPPED WRITING LIKE THIS IN 5th GRADE!"

But I don't. Because I'm nice c;

BUT I would really love to give you guys some hints and tips on how to make your writing God worthy, along with mine c; It doesn't matter if you've already got like 34uo85596430skjhjkd subscribers, theres always room for improvement, always one more step to climb. So are you gonna climb it? But in order to do this, I kinda need an audience, so who's up for it? Hmmm?

Okay :(

*Note: I did say some. Other peoples are like HOLY MOLY I WORSHIP YOU! But thats because they're in College/ Uni and are specialising in writing. *cough*BrandedButterfly*cough*


 - To writing workshop "How to Be an AFF Writing God" as an inspiration and maybe I might have used similar sentences woops and layout maybe ;3



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Chapter 3: Your example is sooooo KaiMin tbqh.
WaitingForOppar #2
Chapter 3: *cough* Chansoo *cough* but in all seriousness thanks for writing this. :D
......not sure what to say o_o
Chapter 2: Haha I love you, you're so hilarious XD
Chapter 1: Haha. I'm laughing in the middle of 3am.. Nyway ill be watching-
beardedclams #6
Chapter 1: Ohhh this was good

And you make me giggle.XD
ouo here: hwaiting <3
beardedclams #8
You are useful;3