Chapter 04

Operation 01 : Get Dong Bang Shin Ki's Underpants
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Chapter 04

Things you do when your hotel room is right next to Dong Bang Shin Ki's room wake up early even when you're an obvious late riser take a bath and wear make up even if you are intending to just stay in for the whole day tend to speak abnormally louder wishing you somehow get their attention tend to act like an assassin , crawl outside the terrace and try to see if they are outside too tend to go out of your room, go back in and purposely slam the door trying to make them look out tend to stand on the shared wall and listen to whatever they are doing on the next room
7.when hours seems to passed without any result you sit on the couch facing your shared wall and imagine the boys running around . 
8.You tend to address yourself and your friends with their full names hoping that the boys will hear it and somehow they will remember you. 
9.You call in room service and ask whether the boys have ordered breakfast and lunch
10.then as hours pass again, you repeat all the 9 things listed above.

Yunmi pouted as she went back on the couch and sprawled her whole body in it. She just came in from her secret crawling on the terrace. 

“Ghad are they even still there?” She grunted, frowning

Dara was on the wall listening to whatever is going on on the adjacent room. “I can't even hear a thing?' 
“Ghaad can't we just call it day and go out or something.... i'm freaking bored” Bom snorted as she pass a glare at Yunmi.

[Dara's POV] 

I shrugged after seeing the glare that Bommie gave to Yunmi, I know, one part of the plan did involve DBSK but the rest of this trip actually is for us to enjoy the freedom even for a just short time 

“Ummm we can stay in this hotel for now and attend the the tokyo concert tomorrow night then, after that.... we can check out and go some place ok?” my two friends nodded sadly 

then Bom stood up abruptly, clicking her thumb and index finger....
“Why don't we just knock in there and ask them for it?”

I looked at Bom in shocked... 
“Ghaad Bommie! It'll be great If things are just that simple.. but no! Do you know how erted that will make us?”

“then lets pay them for it” Bom said again
Yunmi chuckled 'Darn Bom.. you think they care about that?”

“how about we hire someone to get it for us? Bom again added

“mannn Bommie....” I whined “Do you want the whole world to know that three crazy girls are after DBSK? Mann no matter how we will tell that someone to shut up... I know he will somehow tell it to another person that leads into telling another people.. then kaboom!! our faces will be plastered on every newspapers in America and Korea” 

I saw Bommie pouted and Yunmi just chuckled.... 

“So... we need to this ourselves?: she asked

“Yeah we should.. and we better not get caught or else....we'll be in great humiliation and embarrassment!” I grunted as I shoved some sour gummy worms on my mouth... “mannn i'm bored! And hungry”

“ya! Don't worry about humiliation here ok? Your parents will kill you even before you get to see your face on the newspapers” Yunmi slapped my shoulder. Her comment did made me think

“yeah you're right” I mumbled shoving another handful of the sour candy into my mouth. “You're dad will probably throw you to azkaban before you can even blink!” I chuckled seeing yunmi frowned. 

“Well let him try, I'll disown him as my father after!” Yunmi frown

“isn't it the other way around? He should be the one disowning you for running away like this” our resident bunny hoped towards the kitchen
“sausage for dinner or room service?” she waved around the the plastic of sausage Minji gave me before we left

“How about dining out? I'll call oppa and ask about a good restaurant to eat?” yunmi replied making Bom and I jumped.


“Argghh I can't believe him! He's really serious about not getting us a car and a driver?' Bom grunted as she stomped her way out of the taxi the three girls just rented to bring them to the restaurant

“Ya! Take this another adventure ok?”Dara chuckled as she paid the taxi and hopped out as well. 

“I thought he's a nice guy, but he isn't!” Bom again stomping her feet as she made her way inside the restaurant

Yunmi rolled her eyes... “i should be the one stomping around and not her!” 

“aishh you know she could be a brat when she's bored let her off” the pretty girl brushed her hair off her shoulder and wrapped her arms around Yun

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Kyyyyaaaaahhhhh!!! Yunmi & Yunho (❤️-❤️) Jaejoong & Dara (❤️_❤️) I wish Bommie & Junsu had a moment though.

Anyways, I know it’s been years since you updated this story but I still wish you’ll continue this. These three girls’ 4D & 8D personalities are a riot and will definitely be interesting to see on how they’ll interact directly with their favorite idols.
Chapter 4: Pls update soon
betchay1131 #3
Chapter 4: pls update this story TT
cathphils #4
Chapter 4: Hey aren't you going to finish this story? This is actually funny, too bad :(
sweetmiele #5
Chapter 4: I want more :(
bluefairy07 #6
authornim update this please~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i beg you~~~~~ TT_TT... i saw your comment in one of jaedara's fanfics , that was yesterday... update all you fanfics authornim i beg you i love it all...update also in between,if i were a boy,etc...Jaedara moment juseyo..

thanks authornim ;)
bluefairy07 #7
Chapter 4: author nim update please ....please please please update this..thanks :)
Chapter 2: he he hehe
msdeathstalker #9
Chapter 4: hahaha stalker-ish
KJYxSE #10
Updates~~ freaking love your storyy~~ please update soon~!