I Found Myself Loving you


She never wanted love, and was never interested in it. She never thought of guys and didnt expect herself to fall in love. He had everything he needed, except a girl of his own. He was popular and had girls chasing him, she was shy and quiet and nobody even noticed her. what had caused him to fall in love with her? Will she be able to recognise his love for her and accept it? But soon, twist and turns come in. Will they ever learn to cope together?


sorry for bad spelling, i'm a new author.:) BTW this is just fiction, not real, i'm just borrowing the characters. And the pictures, i'm just borrowing it.


Fabulous, gorgeous Poster from nousernameideas! Thanks so much!!!!!!


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niiiiiice <3 I love this :)
byebye12 #2
sorry, i rushed it. :(
fishcakes #3
Ahhhh that was cute :3<br />
Kinda fast but still very good :D<br />
<br />
byebye12 #4
Thanks everyone for reading my fanfic!:)Please read my 2nd Fanfic. Its called Why Do I Have To Live With You. :) kasamnida.
lollipop_lol #5
your story is soooo good!!<br />
:D :D :D
tiara_luv #6
It's good now to end this fic!<br />
What's a happy ending!<br />
Beside, U can get anothe fic about Joon-Min!
byebye12 #7
Should I end it now? I can't think of anymore ideas.
Ok my opinion of the characters from chapter 1-9:<br />
Joon: awww he's soo sweet! And odd but sweet<br />
Hyomin: haha she's like me!! <br />
Hazel: !! off because joon likes hyomin which is like so much cuter then you!! Mwahaha (hehe I'm nice)
byebye12 #9