
The Mute

I stared at the clock. The bell rang, signaling that class was about to start. The teacher walked in. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Mrs. Lee. When I call your name, please stand in front and introduce yourself." I sighed. I hate introducing myself. 

-time skip-

"Jung Daehyun." I got up in front of everyone. "Hello. My name is Daehyun.  Um..... I am 19. I am from Busan. I wish to become an idol." I bowed and quickly walked back to my seat. "Park Minnie."

I got up when my name was called. Everyone stared at me. I walked to the front and bowed. I took out a black EXPO marker and started writing on the board. Mrs. Lee gaped at me. When I was done, I bowed once more, and joined Daehyun.

I gaped at Minnie, who was writing on my board. I stared at what she was writing. A thought struck me. She's mute. Oh, poor girl.

Minnie wrote her introduction on the board then sat back down next to me. We all read her introduction. This was what it said:

Hi everyone ^^ My name is Park Minnie. I am from the States. I am 19 year old and my birthday is December 24th. 

I smiled. She is really nice. I heard the class whispering about her being mute. I turned to Minnie and smiled at her. I grabbed her hand, holding it in my own.

Daehyun turned towards me and smiled. *dugeun dugeun* My heart was pounding. He grabbed my hand afterwards. He held my hand!!!!!! KYAAAAAA~ Dying on the inside right now. I blushed. His hand was warm and smooth, making me relaxed.

She blushed. Omo she's so cute. Wait. Why did I even grab her hand? I looked at our interwinded hands, which were under the table. Just seeing her hand in mine made me blush and made my heart race. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY

-time skip-

It was soon lunch time. Everyone sat with their friends, while Minnie sat by herself. She picked the food on her plate, which was chicken alfredo. (In college, they have buffets.) She took a sip of her strawberry soda.

I looked around for a place to sit. I wanted to sit next to Minnie. I searched the room for her. Oh! She was sitting in the corner table by herself, her jacket on the back of her chair. I took my food and sat next to her. I don't think she noticed. I poked her arm. She winced in pain. "Omo!! I'm so sorry, did it hurt?" I asked frantically. "Here, let me check."

I felt someone poke my arm. I winced. Ouch. I heard Daehyun say, "Omo! I'm so sorry! Did it hurt?" "Here, let me check." I froze. He can't lift up my sleeve. He'll see my bandages and old scars. I pulled my arm away, shaking my head. I took my phone and showed him my thought:

It's ok. Hurry and eat, ok? We only have twenty minutes left.

He ate and I ate too. He finished his pizza before me, and sat there waiting for me to finish. I smiled secretly as I brought a forkful of alfredo to my mouth. Soon, I finished and we went to throw away our plates. He was about to turn when I tugged on his jacket. "Wait for me." I mouthed to him. He nodded. I ran to the soda dispenser. I took two styrofoam cups and filled one with strawberry soda. I filled the other with strawberry lemon gatorade, remembering that Daehyun drank that at lunch. I put lids on them and took two straws. I ripped half of the wrapper away from the first one and stuck it in mine. I took the other straw, did the same thing, and put it in Daehyun's. I walked back to him, who was waiting there, staring at the cheesecake. I giggled quietly. He likes cheesecake? Hmm...

I was staring at the cheesecake when I saw Minnie walking towards me. She handed me a drink and drank hers. "Thanks," I grinned. She nodded.

-time skip-

We walked into dance class. She grabbed her bag from a locker and put our drinks inside. I looked at her, confused. She took her Sharpie out and wrote something on the inside of a notebook that she had in her locker. 

We have to share lockers, since we're roommates and all. You don't mind, right?

I shook my head. I took off my jacket and put it in there. I took hers and put it in the locker too.

He took off his jacket. I blushed. He had really nice arms and his loose tee was hot on him. I shook my head. I took his hand and brought him over to a corner. I took my hand away, blushing, when I realized what I did, but he grabbed my hand again and held onto it.

She blushed when she realized that she was holding my hand. She let go when I grabbed it again. She blushed. "I like the feeling of your hand." I mumbled. She smiled at me. *dugeun dugeun* We both looked up at the teacher, whose name was Mr. Lee. "Show me what you guys can do when I call your name." 

I sighed. How am I going to tell him what song I want? Daehyun seemed to read my mind when he asked me, "What song do you want? I'll tell him for you." I smiled. He was so sweet. I let go of his hand, and traced the words:






[Full HD] MBLAQ - It's War(전쟁이야) M/V Dance ver.


He smiled at me. "What song will you do?" I mouthed. He winked at me. "You'll see."

She wrote 'MBLAQ- It's War' on my palm. I smiled at her. She really was different. She wasn't going for a cute song, like Gee, or a y song, like Ice Cream. "What song will you do?" I winked at her. "You'll see." I haven't decided yet, to be honest. It's a tie between Wedding Dress and Lucifer. Which one?? I turned to Minnie. "Lucifer or Wedding Dress?" I asked. She tilted her head at my random question. ASDFGHJKL I just want to pinch her cheeks. "Just choose." She shrugged and put up two fingers. "Mmmkay. Thanks." I grinned at her. 

He grinned at me. ASDFGHJKL Why is he so perfect. "Park Minnie." I heard Mr. Lee say. I looked up. Daehyun squeezed my hand and mouthed 'hwaiting.' I nodded. I walked up to the center of the room. Thank gosh this was dancing and not singing. I was better in dancing than singing. "What song would you like?" Mr. Lee asked. I turned and looked at Daehyun. "It's War by MBLAQ." he said. I nodded at the teacher, who started the song. Thank gosh I wore all black today. It fits the style of the song. I took a deep breath and lost myself in the music.

I watched her dance. Her body moved like liquid. Minnie was epic at dancing. She mouthed the words to the song as she danced, even when Mir's rap was on. The way she moved was amazing. I took the chance to study her features. Her CL makeup made her eyes looks intimidating. Her skin was a bit tanned.  Her lips were full and looked very kissable. I shook my head. No, Daehyun. I bit my lip. Her hair looked straightened and dyed. People would describe her as 'y' and 'hot', but I thought she was beautiful.

I ended my dance, breathless. I bowed and walked back to the corner. People were clapping, even Mr. Lee. I looked at Daehyun. He clapped for me. "You were amazing." he complimented. I blushed. I grabbed his hand, felt a spark, and played with his fingers. "Well, that was an excellent performance. Miss Minnie, I am pleased. You were flawless." I bowed my head at him. "Well! Up next is Jung Daehyun."

I clapped and complimented her, saying she was amazing. Her cheeks pinked and she grabbed my hand. I felt a spark. She started playing with my fingers. I smiled, looking at her. She bowed her head at Mr. Lee's words. "Well! Up next is Jung Daehyun." I felt Minnie squeeze my hand and fist pumped. I grinned and got up. I strode to the middle of the room. "What song would you like?" he asked. "Wedding Dress, please."  



Taeyang - Wedding Dress MV.HQ [Dance Version]



Jung Daehyun. Why must you be so perfect. He's so good at dancing!  I could watch him dance all day. I took the chance to study his features. His dirty blonde hair was spiked up. His dark brown eyes were bright. His skin was a bit tanned. His lips looked soft and very kissable. I shook my head. No, Minnie. I bit my lip. 

I struck the ending pose. I bowed and walked quickly to Minnie. The class started clapping. I sat down on the left of her. She turned and clapped. She gave me an eyesmile and mouthed a 'excellent!' I smiled and thanked her. This time, I took her hand and traced random words on her palm. I looked up at her and she blushed. I bowed my head at Mr. Lee's compliment. *Ring* Class was over. I turned to Minnie. "What class do we have next?" She took my hand and we walked to the lockers. "What's the passcode?" She turned the lock for me to see. She opened it and grabbed our jackets and drinks. I took my stuff from her and shut the locker. We walked out, sipping our drinks. I asked her which class was next. She shook her head. We walked back to the dorm. I saw workers moving the bunk bed. "Eh?" I asked myself. She giggled.

I ran into my studio and came out with a notepad and pencil. I wrote him a note and gave it to him. 

I changed our bunk to two queen sized beds... Hehehe..... I hope you don't mind, Daehyun. The bunk was getting old.

I read the note. Oh. "Ok I don't mind." I replied. The workers left shortly. Minnie walked ahead when I grabbed her wrist. "Minnie ah, can I have your number? It'll be easier to talk to you." I asked.

I felt a pang of guilt. He couldn't converse normally just because I don't talk. I gave him my number and walked into the kitchen. I lightly pushed Daehyun onto a chair. I started to bake a cheesecake. 

-time skip-

My cheesecake is done! Hope Daehyun will like it...

Minnie put a blindfold over my eyes. I heard a plate coming into contact with the table. Footsteps started coming near me. Minnie undid the blindfold. I looked down. CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A/N: I'm going to make my chapters longer from now on. And if you didn't get the hand holding thing, well:

They are really close friends now and they both like each other but they don't know it yet. So they're sort of at the flirting level LOL

ok bye <3








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Chapter 4: Im lovein it (: lol
please update soon ^_^
And yes is super duper cute (^_^) hehe
This is so cute and good! Update soon^^
UwinLe #4
Chapter 3: That was really cute! :3
simpleblueghurl #5
Chapter 2: Wow.. I love it.. <3
Chapter 2: How can nobody comment yet?!I love this FF!And I'm being hypocritical when I type this but 1st comment,yay!I usually hate comments like that,but this is a one-time-deal thing! LOVE,LOVE ,LOVE THE FF!!So packed with awesomeness!!!Leaves me drooling (okay,maybe not drooling,but mouth open-hanging) for more!!!Oh,and sorry for taking up some (alot) of the comment space.