What Is This Place..?

Our Turf

Sooyun squirmed in her seat, excited that the plane had finally landed. After sitting on a plane next to some freak named TOP for two days, she was finally ready to get off. The light on the ceiling had signaled that it was okay to unbuckle their seatbelts, gather their things, and get off. Sooyun squealed in delight, quickly unbuckling her seatbelt as she jumped out her seat. Holding her stuffed panda close to her side, she waddled off. Jin Ae quickly followed, and walked next to Sooyun as Sooyun on her thumb.

Rolling his eyes, TOP took off his seatbelt, and got up from his seat. G-Dragon soom came to his side, his hat tilted to the side, and a small bruise on his cheek. TOP's eyes grew wide as he pointed to his friend's cheek.

Sighing, G-Dragon shook his head. "She hits hard."

"Ah," TOP said, nodding once, " fo-"

"Shut up." GD quickly said, turning away. "Let's just get off this stupid plane."

TOP nodded in agreement, and followed after G-Dragon who started to walk.


"Whoa," Sooyun muttered as soon as she entered the airport, her jaw dropping, "this place is huge!"

Jin Ae nodded, showing up by her side. "I know." She muttered, and they looked around. They spotted a small girl who sat on one of the chairs to the right of them. She had glasses, and held a small picture book, studying it carefully. Sooyun quickly started to waddle over to her, and plopped down on one side of her.

"Annyeong!" She exclaimed, and the girl looked at her, silent.

"W-What?" She asked in a shy, quiet voice.

"Annyeong?" Sooyun said again, and the girl stared at her cluelessly.

Jin Ae soon came over, plopping down on the other side of the small girl. Sooyun pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. Looking away, she rolled her eyes.

"Pabo," she scoffed, and Jin Ae snapped her fingers, making Sooyun look at her.

"Don't be rude." She said in a low voice, and then looked at the girl. "Can you speak korean?" She asked in perfect english.

"Uh-Uhm, korean?"


"N-No, I can't." The girl replied, fidgeting around in her seat.

Jin Ae nodded at her, and then looked at Sooyun.

"See?" She said, rolling her eyes. "She can only speak american."

"You mean English." The girl said, and Jin Ae rolled her eyes again.

"Yeah, that."

Sooyun nodded slowly, looking up at the girl. "Hi." She said, and the girl waved.

"Oh!" Sooyun exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands. "It worked!"

"Well, duh." Jin Ae scoffed, and looked over at where the passangers on the plane were getting off. She spotted G-Dragon and TOP walking out, looking around, and smirked to herself. "Hey," she said, looking at the girl, "what's your name?"

"U-Uhm, Hana." The girl stuttered, and Jin Ae nodded. She glanced at Sooyun, and nodded her head towards the two boys. Glancing over, she spotted them, and looked back at Jin Ae, nodding.

"Well, Hana," Jin Ae said, putting an arm around her shoulders, "you want to best friends?"

"Sure?" Hana said in a weirded out voice, setting her book down.

"Good, good." She said, and stood up, pulling Hana up with her. Sooyun stood up as well, and Jin Ae pointed at G-Dragon and TOP on the other side of the room. They were attempting to break dance, but kept falling down, and letting out cries of pain. "Now, you see those boys, Hana?"

"Yeah, I do. I have glasses. I'm not blind, you know?"

Jin Ae chuckled to herself. "Cute." She muttered. "Anyways, I want you to do something."


Smirking, Jin Ae leaned down, and started to whisper into her ear.

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update soon
thisveggielovesonew #2
Thank you~! :3
Yeobo... :3
thisveggielovesonew #4
Thank you~! ^^<br />
I'll update ASAP. <3
VipAplusInspirt21 #5
Aww this was so cute and funny. Can't wait for an update.
thisveggielovesonew #6
Unnie.. >_>
I know yeobo, I'm SUCH an inspiration<br />
8D<br />
thisveggielovesonew #8
Thank you! xD<br />
My unnie inspired me.<br />
This is not my unnie typing.
CUTE!!! I can so imagine mini GD and TOP!! Please update soon!! <3 <3