Back Up, Bro.

Our Turf

"Boys are stupid," Jin Ae growled, stomping across the playgroun, and dragging Sooyun along. "Stupid, stupid, stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid."

Sooyun continued to hold her cheek, a pout on her face. "I can't believe he did that." She muttered, and Jin Ae stopped walking.

"Soo," She started, chewing on her bottom lip. "We have to get revenge."



"Waeyo? Won't that just m-"

"Soo, they deserve it!"

"Unnie, I d-"

"No!" Jin Ae interrupted. "We have to get revenge, Soo, we have to!"

"Well, okay." Sooyun said, then looked up at her unnie. "But how?" She asked, letting go of Jin Ae's hand, and petting the head of her stuffed panda.

"Meet me by the sandbox at two tomorrow, we'll discuss it then." Jin Ae said, and looked over her shoulder. "I have to go now, my dad's here. Bye, yeobo!" She exclaimed, waving.

Sooyun watched as Jin Ae ran overt to her dad, and took his hand. Turning around, she saw TOP and G-Dragon across the playground. She glared at them, slowly walking backwards into the building, and shut the door.

"What the poop is her problem?" G-Dragon said, looking at TOP who shrugged.

"I dunno." He muttered, shaking his head. "But, to be honest, I'm kind of scared."

The Next Day.

"Unnie~!" Sooyun exclaimed, skipping over to Jin Ae. "I'm here~!"

Jin Ae nodded, looking at her dongsaeng. "Ready?"

"Ne!" Sooyun exclaimed excitedly, then paused. "Wait," she muttered, "what are we doing again?"

Jin Ae pulled out a piece of colored chalk from her jacket pocket, and smiled down at her yeobo. "Revenge, Soo~!" She exclaimed.

Sooyun stared at her, tilting her head. "On P.O.O.P?" She asked, and Jin Ae laughed.

"Ne." She replied, taking Sooyun's hand as they started to walk to the other side of the playground. "And on G-PoopyFace." She giggled.


"He's the official pimp, T.O.P.!" G-Dragon exclaimed in a sing song voice, dancing around, and pointing to TOP who followed him.

"It's GD in the flesh!" TOP exclaimed as well, laughing, and dancing with GD.

G-Dragon continued to walk, and stopped in front of a big white line that cut down the playground. "Hmph," he muttered, "this is new."

He stepped over it, and Jin Ae suddenly popped out from behind the tree.

"YO, YO YO." She exclaimed, waving her hand in his face. "Back up off our turf!"

G-Dragon stared at her, confused. "Turf?" He asked.

Jin Ae raised an eyebrow. "You don't know what turf is?"

"No," GD scoffed, rolling his eyes, and then snapped his fingers. "TOP, google it."

TOP whipped a phone out his pocket, and started to type into it. "On it." He replied as GD waddled over to him, peeking over his shoulder to see the screen.

"A territory.." TOP mumbled, and they both glanced at each other.

"Google territory!" GD exclaimed again, and TOP nodded, typing into his phone again.

"A place you own.." TOP mumbled again, and they looked at each other once more.

"Google place!" He exclaimed, and Jin Ae scoffed.

"Are you guys really that dumb!?" She exclaimed, and they shook their heads.

"No, I just like saying google." GD said, smiling goofily.

Jin Ae rolled her eyes. "Anyways," she started, "this is our turf. Stay out of it."

"Whoa, whoa!" TOP exclaimed, stepping forward. "Who said?"

"I did," Sooyun said, waddling out from behind the tree. "Deal with it."

TOP growled. "And what happens if we cross the line?"

"They die." Sooyun simply replied, pointing up to the branches that had TOP's Spiderman action figure, and GD's Hulk toy hanging from it.

Both boys let out shrieks, and glared at the girls.

"So, what happens if you come onto our turf!" TOP excliamed.

"Whoa," GD said, looking at TOP, "Don't say turf. That sounds lame. Use territory, it sounds more manly."

TOP rolled his eyes, ignoring him. "Well?"

"You slap us." Sooyun said, looking at TOP. "You didn't have a problem with it before."

Jin Ae grabbed Sooyun's hand, and started to drag her away.

"Rules are rules!" She yelled, and they skipped over to the swings.

GD and TOP stood there, scowls on their faces.

"Girls are stupid." GD muttered, and TOP nodded.

"Very stupid." He said, and they waddled back to the building.

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update soon
thisveggielovesonew #2
Thank you~! :3
Yeobo... :3
thisveggielovesonew #4
Thank you~! ^^<br />
I'll update ASAP. <3
VipAplusInspirt21 #5
Aww this was so cute and funny. Can't wait for an update.
thisveggielovesonew #6
Unnie.. >_>
I know yeobo, I'm SUCH an inspiration<br />
8D<br />
thisveggielovesonew #8
Thank you! xD<br />
My unnie inspired me.<br />
This is not my unnie typing.
CUTE!!! I can so imagine mini GD and TOP!! Please update soon!! <3 <3