This Airplane is Getting Crowded

Our Turf

"I hate this!" Sooyun exclaimed, puling at her school uniform skirt. "Why is Unnie making us wear this?!"

Jin Ae frowned, "I don't know." She muttered and ran her fingers through her long hair. "But at least we're going to America!"

Sooyun rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know. But these are stupid!" She pouted. "We go to a daycare, not a school."

Jin Ae sighed, shaking her head. "Shh, yeobo," she whispered, patting her head. 

Sooyun frowned, looking over at TOP and G-Dragon who sat in the chairs on the other side of the room. They had bored expressions on their faces, and she smiled. Letting go of Jin Ae's hand, she walked over to the lady at the desk.

"Excuse me?" she asked, standing on her tippy toes to try and see over the desk but failed. 

The lady looked down at Sooyun, a smile on her face. "Hello there, sweetie."

Sooyun smiled back and pointed to TOP and GD. "See those boys?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"They can't sit near me and my unnie," Sooyun said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" The lady asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"The one with the glasses slapped me, so we split the whole world in half," Sooyun replied, making hand gestures. "So, they have to sit on the other side from us."

"The whole world?" 

"Ne," Sooyun said. "So make it happen." She reached up to the desk, dropping a penny and piece of melted chocolate on the desk. Smiling cheerfully, Sooyun skipped back to Jin Ae. 

"What were you doing?" Jin Ae asked, an eyebrow raised. 

"I just made some arrangements!" Sooyun replied, picking up her small suitcase off the floor and holding her stuffed panda close. "Let's go catch a plane!"

"What the heck?!" Sooyun exclaimed, pointing to TOP who was sitting in the seat right next to hers. "What is he doing here?!"

"This is his seat, sweetie!" The flight attendant said, rubbing her temples.

"It's not supposed to be!" She exclaimed, storming towards the door. "Where's that lady?! I want my penny and chocolate back!"

"Sit down, please!" The flight attendant exclaimed, frustrated.

"But I don't wanna sit by POOP!"

"Excuse me?" The lady said.

"P-O-O-P!" Sooyun spelled, and started to cry. "DON'T MAKE MEEE~"

Jin Ae sat in her chair, glancing around as the people walked by. She was looking for who would be her plane pal, and sighed. She looked out the window, and soon felt someone plop down next to her. 

"Hey there!" The voice said, and Jin Ae froze. 

"No," she muttered. "No, no, no, no!"

Turning around she saw GD next to her, and let out a shriek. 

"Not another one!" The flight attendant screamed. 

"This is stupid," Sooyun muttered, her arms crossed. "Stupid, stupid, stuuuuuuupid!"

The flight attendants had strapped her down with two seat belts, and threatened to tie her down if she got up.  TOP sat next to her, snickering quietly. "That's what you get fort be-"

"Shut up, POOP!" she interrupted and pouted. 

TOP shook his head, and there was an awkward silence. "Hey, Soo?" He suddenly said, and held up her hand. 

"Don't call me that," she said and he sighed. 

"I wanna say so-"

"NO!" She exclaimed. "No, no no!"  She took the headphones off the side of the seat and stuck them on. 

TOP rolled his eyes. "Nothing is playing Soo, you can still hear me."

Sooyun frowned. "No, I can't."

"Yeah, you can."









"SHUSH!" the flight attendant exclaimed, TOP glanced at Sooyun who was taking off her headphones.

"I'm sorry, s-"

"Excuse me!" Sooyun suddenly exclaimed, interrupting TOP. "Mrs. Lady?" 

The flight attendant sighed, looking over to her. "Yes?"

"I'm thirsty!" Sooyun said, looking up at her. "Do you have any apple juice?"

The lady nodded. "Yes, we do." 

Sooyun smiled. "Good. I'll have some."

"I'll have some orange juice!" Jin Ae exclaimed from behind, and Sooyun looked back.

"Hi, Unnie!" she exclaimed, waving excitedly. 

"Hi, Yeobo!" Jin Ae smiled, waving back. 

The flight attendant patted Sooyun's head. "Keep your voice down, please."

"Ne," Sooyun said, sitting straight. 

The lady smiled slightly. "Thank you."

Sooyun smiled back and the lady handed her a small carton of apple juice. Sooyun took a straw, stabbing her carton, and started to sip. The lady walked over to Jin Ae, handing her a small carton of orange juice. 

"Thank you~" Jin Ae exclaimed, opening her carton and stuck a straw in. 

"Give me some," G-Dragon muttered and Jin Ae glared at him. 


"Why not?"

"You made POOP slap Soo~" Jin Ae exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "Of course I won't let you have some."

"But I'm thiiiirsty," he whined, reaching for her drink, and Jin Ae slapped his hand. 


"Yes! Give me some!"

Jin Ae glared at him. "You want some?" GD nodded. "Fine," she smirked, raising the carton over his head. "Here."

"Sooyun," TOP said,  poking her arm. "Come on!"

"Leave me alone, POOP," she muttered.

"Sooyun, pleaseeee."

Sooyun stayed quiet, leaving an awkward silence. TOP sighed, closing his eyes and sinking into his chair. Sooyun glanced at him and raised her tiny fist. She bit her bottom lip, and punched TOP in the stomach. He jerked up, eyes wild. "SOO!" He exclaimed. "WHAT THE HECK!"

Sooyun started to giggle, but covered , and put on her best serious face. "What do you want, POOP?"

"Y-you punched me!" He exclaimed. 

She shook her head. "That's why you shouldn't mess with me, TOP." She said in a serious voice. "Because I'm tough, and I'll kick your ." She popped her shirt collar, trying to be cool.

TOP glared at her, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine," he murmured. 

GD let out a soft cry as orange juice dripped down his small face. 

"J-Jin Ae, how could you?!" He whined and she snorted. 

"You wanted orange juice," she replied, pulling a book our of her bag. 

"To DRINK," he exclaimed, glaring at her. "Not all over me."

Jin Ae shrugged, "Not my problem," she said. Opening her book. "Be more specific next time."

G-Dragon pouted. "Why do you hate me?" He whined again. "I did nothing to you!"

"Your friend did," she muttered, sighing. "He slapped my best friend because YOU told him to. So, therefore, I hate you."

"He wanted to be a cool kid! Can you blame me?"


GD sighed, sinking into his chair. This was gonna be one long plane ride. 

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update soon
thisveggielovesonew #2
Thank you~! :3
Yeobo... :3
thisveggielovesonew #4
Thank you~! ^^<br />
I'll update ASAP. <3
VipAplusInspirt21 #5
Aww this was so cute and funny. Can't wait for an update.
thisveggielovesonew #6
Unnie.. >_>
I know yeobo, I'm SUCH an inspiration<br />
8D<br />
thisveggielovesonew #8
Thank you! xD<br />
My unnie inspired me.<br />
This is not my unnie typing.
CUTE!!! I can so imagine mini GD and TOP!! Please update soon!! <3 <3