
i love you for who you are


you looked at your watch that showed 8.15 , *i guess he had dinner with his friends* you looked aroung the house, it was quiet, you blew your fringe. his food left untouched, you decided to just threw it away since you already eaten your food. 
the clock that hung in your room now showing 11.00 .
you made a face realising how late is it, before you cover your self with the blanket you heard footstepd in the living room. you walked slowly, since you were tired and sleepy. 
you stood there still, not knowing what to do. the living room was dark you could only see a man's silhouette walking towards you unsteadily. you swicthed on the light just to see kris grabbing anything that near to him to help him walking. *is he hurt?* 
you  were worried yet your body told you to not move an inch, until he accidently kick a table. he groaned in pain while facing the cieling, from there you could see a lipstick mrak and some hickeys on his neck.
*what did...? who ..?? kris ?*  you mouth was opened , not knowing what to say. a single tear flow to your right cheeks as you cover your mouth. he came closer shile you kept on walking backwards. when your back hit the wall he quickly put both of his arms beside you shoulders trapping you. 
you could smell strong alcohol as he exhale and looked at your eyes deeply. you swallowed your saliva trying to speak " kris.. you.. this is not the kris that i want to see." you frowned and tried to push him away.
you walked to the kitchen to get some water since the smell of the alcohol from kris making you feel sick. he followed you from behind.
"this is not working out, let's break up" he said casually.
*what ?!! no ! he is drunk .. he doesn't mean it*
"why are you saying this all of sudden?" you walked closer to him begging for a reason. you knew he won't even remember anything the next day because he was drunk.
"i already told you why" he said while taking a knive you used this afternoon to cut the vegetables.
"kris i-" you were cut off when he lifted the knive in the air
*you already did kris*
you held his arm down trying to take the knive away from him.
"kris put the knife down ! don't pplay with it! it's dangerous" he lifted the knife higher so you cant take it from him.
"why ? can't i play like last time?" you stopped and look at him. he had turn into the old kris. where is the kris that had become an angel that you always love?
"if you love someone you should make them happy, and you tried to stop me from having fun" his face move closer to your face. you could feel two things at the same time now, his forehead on yours and the cold knive rested on your neck.
you looked up to see his face "i do love you, for who you are. And i hate you for who you WERE" you emphesise the last word.
he press the knive harder making a small cut on your neck. *if i die, i beg you kris to please appreciate all those efforts that i make just to make you being accepted and treated like equally by everyone*you closed your eyes waiting for the knive to cut deeper and making the blood leave your body so as your soul. all of sudden you don't feel anything leaning towards you. you opened your eyes to see kris on the floor leaning to the wall and dropped the knive beside him.
he squeezed his head with his own hands. he pulled his hair screaming like a  mad person. he face the floor holding the pain in his head. you instantly kneel in front of him holding his shoulder.
"kris.. kris !! what happen?" he didn't respond and kept on screaming he hit the floor few times before squeezing his head again.
"eerrgh !! ~~~ah !! make it stop !! my head hurts !! make ... THE.. PAIN !! GO AWAY !!" you were confused the only thing that you could do now is just hugged him tightly.
"aaarghh !!!!" he looked like a beast. he couldn'r bare the pain anymore *the knive! i'll make it stop* he thought while reaching the knive on the floor. he started stabbing him self with the knive he wanted to kill him self so he couldn't feel the pain anymore. 
he could see blood on the floor but he doesn't feel the pain. his felt like there was someone stabbing him with lots of needles on his head. he grew tired of stabbing and slowly the pain fade away. 
what he didn't realise that you were on his arms emotionless with your eyes closed. he looked at the knive full of.... your blood.
he widen his eyes and starts screaming "what have i done ??!!! ~~~ah !! wake up !! i'm sorry !!" he kept on shaking your body hoping that you will open your eyes, but you won't.
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Chapter 4: i really loved this~ it was refreshing reading a story that was creative. you did good author-nim ^__^.
That's so beautiful~
I really like it
Chapter 3: oh my gosh.. update real soon please.
I really wanna know what's gonna happen next
Fighting! XD
Fighting! XD