Just Friends


Author's POV



Kevin and Eli just laid there looking into eacth others eyes. The eyes both of them thought they would never see again.. They were both so happy to see the other again and the never wanted to let go of each other. Eli however let go of Kevin and stood up, he didn't want Kevin to catch a cold so he held out his hand for him to get up as well. Kevin took his hand and used Eli's support to get up as well. They both looked into each other's eyes again not wanting to look away. Eli felt like he was the happiest man in the world. The person he loved with all his being is standing in front of him. Eli slowly raised his hand to touch Kevin's soft cheek.

"I missed you so much Kevin, I thought I would never see you again" 

"I missed you too Eli" Kevin really did miss Eli at times but he was usually mad at him for breaking his heart "But I also hated the fact that you broke my heart" Kevin said turning his gaze to the floor.

"I know, I'm sorry Kevin. This time I wont mess up, this time I wont let you go, and this time I'll stay true to my feelings and love you forever. Well if you let me" Eli said. Kevin's gaze was still on the floor. He didn't know if he was ready to get back with Eli. Eli noticed his silence and held Kevin by his chin, turning his head so Kevin was looking at Eli.

"Will you let me?"

"I don't know..." Eli was sad with the answer Kevin has given him but he understood. 

"It's okay Kevin, you don't have to make up your mind right now. I just ask that you stay in my life.......please" Kevin just wrapped his arms around Eli, pulling him into his embrace. Eli did the same. Kevin rested his head on Eli's chest and listened to his steady heart beat. They were both warm in each other's arms, they felt so peaceful. Kevin looked up at Eli again.

"Eli, I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship with you but I would love to still be friends with you" Eli was a bit sad but knew it was better to have him as a friend then not at all.

"I would love that too Kevin"

Kevin rested his head back on Eli's chest and Eli rested his chin on top of Kevin's head. They both felt so warm and peaceful in each other's arms. They never wanted to let go of each other but soon had to because Eli's phone started to ring.

"You should get that" Kevin said against Eli's chest

"Yeah....." Eli sighed. He slowly let go of Kevin and answered his phone


"ELI WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, IT'S ALMOST DINNER TIME AND YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HOME ALL DAY!!!! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!" Hoon was screaming right into the phone nearly making Eli go deaf.

"I'm sorry Hoon. I caught up with a friend and lost track of time" Eli heard Hoon sigh.

"Well come home soon"

"I understand. I'm sorry for worrying you Hoon" Eli said with an apologetic voice.

"It's fine, have fun with your friend but come home quickly. Bye"

"Ok Hoon, bye" with that, Eli hung up and looked back at Kevin.

"I think I should be going, I need to catch the bus back to my friends house" Eli said, now speaking to Kevin.

"The bus? No you're not" Eli looked at Kevin confused

"Well how am I going to get back to my friend's house?" Eli asked still confused

"I'm going to give you a ride there" Kevin said

"No, that's o..." Kevin didn't let Eli finish. He grabbed hold of Eli's hand and led them in the direction of his car. Eli looked down at his hand in Kevin's and smiled. They reached Kevin's car and they both got in.

"Thanks for the ride Kevinn, really" Eli said while putting on his seat belt

"Oh shut up, that's what friends are for" Kevin said while giggling. Eli smiled at Kevin. Kevin pulled out of the parking lot.

"So, where does your friend live?" Eli thought for a moment and turned red.

"I don't know"

"What, how do you not know? How did you get to the mall then? Did you get lost?" Eli looked out of the window in embarrasement.

"No, I asked random people how to get to the mall. I'm not familiar with this area, I'm only staying here for the week" Eli said

"Oh well then ask your friend for his addroess" Eli nodded and texted Hoon for his address. He quickly got a reply and told Kevin.

"Oh that's not too far from here" Kevin said. The car ride turned silent. A little to silent for their liking. Just before Kevin was about to speak his phone started to ring in his pocket.

"Oh Eli, can you get that for me? I'm driving" Eli looked at Kevin with wide eyes. Fishing into Kevin's pants for his phone would be extremely awkward. Eli slowly nodded and reached into Kevin's pocket. Eli felt his blood rush to his lower region. The thought of accidently touching Kevin's ding dong made Eli nervous. He grabbed Kevin's phone, relieved he didn't touch anything he didn't have to and answered Kevin's phone

"Hello Kevin's phone, this is Eli" the other line turned silent for a moment

"Hello?" Eli repeated

"Eli? What the hell are you doing with Kevin's phone and where the hell is Kevin?" the person on the other line sounded angry

"Dongho? Kevin is fine. He is drving the car right now so he can't talk on the phone" Eli heard Dongho let out an irritated sigh. He knew Dongho hated him

"Put me on speaker so Kevin can hear me" Dongho demanded. Eli did what he was told

"Okay, you're on speaker now"


"I'm sorry Dongho, I saw Eli at the mall today and we sort of patched everything up. I'm dropping him off now and then I'll head back home" 

"You are giving him a ride home? Does he not have legs? Does he not know how to take the bus or a taxi?" Dongho said in an irritated voice

"Dongho, stop beeing mean!" Kevin said with a voice that sounded like a 3 year old's. It was soooo cute.

Dongho sighed on the other line

"Just get home soon please"

"I will, love you Dongho!" Kevin said with a smile

"Yeah yeah" Kevin giggled and Dongho hung up.

The car ride went silent again and they finally made it to Hoon's place. Eli looked over at Kevin

"Thanks for the ride Kevin, I really appreciate it" Eli said

"Dont mention it"

"Hey Kevin, can I see you again sometime?"  Eli said with a pleading exppression. He reaally didn't want this to be the last time meeting Kevin, after all he is only staying here for a week andhe has no idea where he lived. Kevin giggled and nodded

"Of course Eli, here's my number" Kevin wrote his number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Eli. Eli took the paper and smiled. He was happy he was going to see Kevin again in the future.

"Well bye Kevin, thanks again for the ride" Eli said getting out of the car but before he could Kevin pushed him back and hugged him. Eli was surprised by the sudden act and started to blush.

"Goodnight Eli" Kevin said into Eli's ear sending a jolt through Eli's body

"Goodnight Kevin" They both let go of each other and smiled. Eli got out of the car and headed for the entrance to Hoon's house. He looked over at Hoon one last time and smiled happily. He was really happy he saw Kevin today.





A/N Hi everyone, I know it's been a while but I finally updated. Please comment and subscribe. Buh-bye <3 

P.S Sorry for any spelling errors. My spell check is being a weirdo and not working so please forgive me if there are any spelling errors.


I don't know why I wrote in caps ^

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elvin_obsession #1
Chapter 10: I must admit i wasnt satisfied.. ~sniff but it did make me cry, it was beautiful :,)
elvin_obsession #2
Chapter 9: U should so make it it into a fic! Id be the first to subscribe lol. Please update soon! I completely love this story <3 :)
Chapter 9: Of course we subscribers would read it! :D
Another magnificient fic to add to the ElVin collection author! :3
syirahkissme1339 #4
Chapter 8: update soon!! Your fic is great! Cute to read :3
EmoAxRxNxS #5
Chapter 8: Good luck! I know you will pass.;)
Chapter 8: Good luck on your finals ^^ mine arent for a while haha
CLJongin #7
Chapter 8: I really like this story. :)
I love this story! It made me cry at the start>: -sobs-
99618894 #9
Chapter 8: Understandable (:
good luck in finals!
Mine was thee end of last year XD
and good luck with the auditions (: