Visiting a Friend Pt 1


Dongho POV



Hoon you're such a dork I thought as I watched him spazz. Soohyun thinks he's cute and has feelings for him. Hoon obviously feels the same way but they both can't see it. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Can't school be over already? The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. I lazily walked over to my locker and grabbed the books I would need for my next class. I shut my locker and locked it. I turned in a curve in the hallway and accidently walked into somebody causing my to drop my books. All the papers in the books flew out and scattered on the floor. Great.

"Miahne" I bowed and reached for my things

"No its my fault. I didn't watch where I was going. Here let me help you" Damm right it's your fault! I thought as I nodded letting the boy help. When we picked up everything I was going to thank him

"Thank you....AJ?" AJ was an old friend. I hadn't seen him in a long time since he moved to America.

"Oh hi Dongho! Don't mention it" he patted me on the shoulder

"Do you go to school here now?" 

"Yup, I just got a little lost looking for my next class."

"Oh really, what do you have? I can help you find it" I said with a smile. He smiled back and handed me his schedule

"Hmmm let's see, oh you have biochemistry with me"

"Cool, now I have at least one friend in that class" I smiled and led him to our class which we barely made it to. 

"Oh Dongho, it seems you have already met the new student. AJ come here and introduce yourself to the class" AJ walked to the front of the class and introduced himself.

"Hello everyone my name is AJ, please treat me well" and with that he bowed. I heard some girls saying how he was cute and everything

"Alright AJ, you may take the seat next to Dongho" he bowed to the teacher and took his seat beside mine. Class soon started and the teacher started the lesson. I took notes but I wasn't completely paying attention. Every now and then I would get lost in thought and anticipation for after school. I can't wait to see him, it's been so long. It's been three whole years since I last saw him.....

AJ must have noticed me lost in my thought.

"Dongho, are you okay? You seem a bit out of it" I popped my head up being a little startled by the sudden voice.

" it's nothing......I was just thinking what I would get my mother for Christmas" That was a lie ofcourse. I had to keep my visit today top secret!.

"Oh ok, well if you miss any notes I can let you borrow mine ^^"

"Thanks" he nodded and we both went back to writing notes. Class was finally over and there was one left to go but unfortunately I have that class with Eli. I slowly walked to class like I always did not wanting to be in the same room as the guy that made my best friend leave me. I slowly made my way to that class. I sat in my seat and dozed off into another train of thought. I was thinking about they day I received a letter from him 2 weeks ago.



"Yah Dongho! will you hurry? I want to get home already!" Soohyun yelled. Why is he in such a rush for? We don't even live far from school

"Calm your tots okay." He gave me a death glare and smacked the back of my head


"Yah, don't talk to your hyung like that!"

"Fine jeez" We finally got home after like 5 minutes? We could have gotten here in 3 but I walked slow just to get on my hyung's nerves hehe. I went up to my room to start on my homework. I opened my blinds a little to get some light and I saw Eli walking down the road

"Why the hell is he walking through here again?" I said to myself. Sometimes I see Eli walk down the street. I thought he lived far from here. Oh well I don't care. I went back to my boring homework. # hours passed and I finally finished. I headed downstairs to get something to eat. I was pretty hungry. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down on the couch next to Soohyun.

"Dongho sweetie, you have a letter" my mom said from my dad's study. A letter? I never get mail. I excitedly jumped from the couch and headed to where my mom was.

"Really? From who?"

"Well read it and you will see" I took the letter and ran up to my room. I wonder who it's from I thought. I read the address and it said the letter came from someplace in Busan. There is only one person I know who lives in Busan but I haven't seen or heard from him in 3 years. I opened the letter and read what it said.


Hi Dongho! Long time no talk right?

How is my best friend doing? I miss you so much. I'm sorry for barely contacting you and not telling you about my whereabouts. Please forgive. Life is good for me here. I'm finally happy. I wish you were here with me.

How's Eli? I still never thanked you for covering up for me so he wouldn't try and look for me. Well I miss you alot and I hope you are doing well! So Christmas is coming up soon and I was wondering if you would like to spend it with me and my dad. My mom is also coming o she can give you a ride here. My mom will being staying here for a week. Just let her know if you want to go. She already knows I invited you. My dad is also okay with it. Well I hope you can make it Dongho. I really want to seem best friend again. Well love you Dongho and hope to see you soon. Oh by the way, I'm sorry for not visiting you for Christmas or any other vacations I have. I would but I'm just not ready to face Eli. Besides he thinks I'm dead and I want to keep it that way.

 From your's truly, Kevin Woo <3


My eyes began to get watery when I finished reading the letter. I looked in the envelope and found a picture of me and Kevin and on the back it said Merry Christmas. I missed Kevin so much and I get to see him for Christmas! I was so happy. It made me think back to the time I last saw him 3 years ago.


~Flashback within a flashback haha if that makes sense~

I heard a soft knock on the door and I went to go see who it was. I was surprised to see it was Kevin. He was on the floor When he looked up at me, his eyes looked dead.

"KEVIN!" I screamed. I gently lifted him up and carried him into my house. He screamed out in pain and passed out. I quickly laid him down on the couch

"HYUNG GET THE CAR! WE NEED TO GET KEVIN TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" Soohyun ran down the stairs with a worried look on his face. He saw Kevin passed out on the couch breathing hard. He grabbed the keys and........Dongho. Dongho!. DONGHO!


"DONGHO!"my friend Alexander was tugging on my shirt

"Did you not ear the bell? School is over" as soon as I heard that I shot up, grabbed my things and ran out. Yes, finally I get to see Kevin!




A/N Hey guys, I tried not to reveal too much but now you know Kevin isn't really dead! Yay, happy life. Well I hope you guys have a great Christmas tomorrow, for some it may be today. I hope you guys get lots and lots of gifts and have fun with your family and friends!

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elvin_obsession #1
Chapter 10: I must admit i wasnt satisfied.. ~sniff but it did make me cry, it was beautiful :,)
elvin_obsession #2
Chapter 9: U should so make it it into a fic! Id be the first to subscribe lol. Please update soon! I completely love this story <3 :)
Chapter 9: Of course we subscribers would read it! :D
Another magnificient fic to add to the ElVin collection author! :3
syirahkissme1339 #4
Chapter 8: update soon!! Your fic is great! Cute to read :3
EmoAxRxNxS #5
Chapter 8: Good luck! I know you will pass.;)
Chapter 8: Good luck on your finals ^^ mine arent for a while haha
CLJongin #7
Chapter 8: I really like this story. :)
I love this story! It made me cry at the start>: -sobs-
99618894 #9
Chapter 8: Understandable (:
good luck in finals!
Mine was thee end of last year XD
and good luck with the auditions (: