Alone Again, Naturally

You're Funny

"Baby! You know I'd walk them miles, climb mountains, switch up styles, all I wanna do is be with you ain't no matter what where and how," TOP rapped into his microphone.

"Right here and now," Daesung, Seungri, and Taeyang sang. 

"This song is a little awkward," Sooyun muttered, rolling her chair so she could have her back to them, her cheek coloring.

"Ne," Jin Ae sighed. "Specially when they're staring straight at you."

"Gonna take on a joy ride today, me and you stay true never hesitate to make love, make love," G-Dragon sang.

Jin Ae quickly set the controls and spun her back to them as well. 

"No thank you," she mumbled.

"Hm," Sooyun giggled. "I bet GD wou-"

"Stop," Jin Ae said. "We're not going there!"

"Forever more~" Daesung sang. 

"Hes an angel," Sooyun muttered, glancing down at her notebook. She bit her lip and began to write again. 

"Can I read it now, yeobo?" Jin Ae asked her sweetly.

"Aniyo," Sooyun shook her head, the pencil flowing across the page quickly.

"YO!" G-Dragon said from behind them. "We're done! Can we come out now?"

Jin Ae waved her hand, listening as the door opened silently, their feet slid across the floor. 

"Please, yeobo?"

"Please what?" G-Dragon came up behind her. "You gotta look at me when you're talking to me though." 

Jin Ae narrowed her eyes.

Daesung and Seungri giggled from the side, TOP plopped down in front of Sooyun and tried to peek at the notebook. Taeyang was chewing loudly on some chips, watching from the corner.

"What was that?" Jin Ae asked, looking back at G-Dragon.

"You did say yeobo," G-Dragon smiled. "I'm your yeobo."

"What?" Sooyun looked over at Jin Ae. "U-unnie? What is he talking about?"

"Nothing, yeobo," Jin Ae said.

"Nothing what?" G-Dragon asked.

"Stop that!" Jin Ae growled.

"Unnie," Sooyun's bottom lip trembled. 


"Yes?" G-Dragon asked.

"I'm killing you."

"You said you loved me last night, though," G-Dragon sighed.

"I wasn't even home last night!"

"Oh...right. Which reminds me," Daesung muttered. "We have to go now."



Taeyang ran out of the door with TOP and Seungri. "GD can stay here," Daesung yelled, running after them as well.

"But I forgot the plan," G-Dragon mumbled to himself.

"Wasn't that suspicious?" Sooyun asked, raising her eyebrow,

"Honey!" G-Dragon sat on Jin Ae's lap.

"UNNIE~" Sooyun closed her notebook and smacked G-Dragon with it a few times. "Get off! She's mine!"

Jin Ae pushed G-Dragon off her lap and grinned at Sooyun. "You tell him, yeobo!"

Sooyun pushed G-Dragon into the booth and shut the door.

"Oh~" Jin Ae nodded. "Get over there to the microphone. Heartbreaker time!"

"You're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker~" Sooyun and Jin Ae sang along with G-Dragon.

Stopping in mid NOWAAAAY~ Jin Ae looked over at Sooyun.

"Wait..." Jin Ae mumbled. "Didn't you say something was suspicious earlier?"

"Huh?" Sooyun stopped jumping.

"What was suspicious?"

"Oh, everyone leaving and letting GD stay behind."

"Oh no..." Jin Ae muttered, grabbing Sooyun's bag and arm. "Let's go!"

They ran out the door, leaving G-Dragon behind inside the booth, turning off the lights and locking the door from outside.

"Omo," G-Dragon said to himself. "I'm trapped here... and it's dark."

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Super cute and funny :)
thisveggielovesonew #5
He..he..he...<br />
My mysterious notebook. <3 c:
awww poor GD being stuck in the booth in the dark
I will! <3
funny and cute....update soon...*^^*
Awesome haha <br />
I loved the "turf" part<br />
and continious "why"'s are always entertaining :P<br />
keep it up :))
Lol<br />
its seems cute and funny do far<br />
cant wait for more :P