Back Together

In My Head, In My Heart

Sehun was shaken awake sometime after midnight by Jonghyun. 

“Kai found Zitao,” Jonghyun told him.  “The scientists got him.  It was all a big plot; they found us, they have him and he’s not dead.”

For a moment Sehun couldn’t breathe; he just closed his eyes and let relief and fear sing through him.  Such relief that his… his friend? his other half?... was alive.  Fear at what had happened to him and whether they would be able to get him back.

Everyone was woken and clothed within the next ten minutes, and they headed out to the car.  Not for the first time, they were frustrated with the fact that it only had five seats.  No one wanted to be left behind, despite the fact that they all had varying degrees of terror at the prospect of seeing scientists again.  He ended up cramming Junmyeon, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun in the back with Sehun lying across their legs.  Kai teleported straight to the compound.

Kyungsoo pulled the car to a stop a few hundred feet from the buildings.  They had been able to get there quickly, thanks to Jonghyun looking up the location earlier in the day.  The group was high-strung; more than one of them shaking with fear or excitement.

Kai met them as they got out of the car, and conferred with Jonghyun.

“Here’s the plan,” he said after a few minutes.  “Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun – with me.  Kai can lead us and Sehun can sense if anyone is coming, and Baekhyun and I can go fight them off if they are.  We’ll distract the people outside of the building while Chanyeol sets fire to something near the front of it.  Junmyeon, go with him as a look-out.  Once you’ve finished the diversion, go back to the car and wait for us.  I don’t want to have to think about what’s going on with you guys.  Besides, maybe they’ll try to attack the car.  Everyone got it?”  Heads nodded.  “Come on then.”





As the boys snuck toward the building, they discovered three of the four guards were at the front now.  Jonghyun’s group went off to the side to make noise, attracting one of the guards.

They hid in the trees, but the guard and his gun advanced upon them.  Baekhyun and Sehun exchanged nervous glances.  How could they fight a gun?  But then Kai appeared behind the guard, striking him with the tire iron from the car, and he went down.

“You ,” he whispered at his friends.  “Making me do all the work.”

“Shut up and show us how to get in,” Jonghyun responded.  He hoped that the fourth guard, wherever he was, wouldn’t show up suddenly and cause them any trouble.

They snuck around toward a side door.  “Oh ,” Kai said, noticing.  “It’s a fire door – it’s alarmed.  They’ll hear if we open it.”

“Looks like they have something else to worry about right now anyway,” Baekhyun said, pointing.  There was an orange glow and smoke from the front.

“So maybe they wouldn’t find a fire alarm out of place,” Jonghyun said, but then Kyungsoo stepped forward and punched a hole in the glass, using his booted foot to clear the rest out of the way.

“Or we could do that,” Jonghyun said dryly.  “After you, Kai.”

They went into the building, which was dark.

"I don't think they come down this part," Kai said.  "Zitao is sort of near the middle of the building, so if we go this way..."  They followed him as he started down a hallway. 

They had tried a few rooms with no luck when Sehun hissed, "Someone is coming.  From the hallway on the right."  Jonghyun gestured at Baekhyun, and they took off, posting themselves against the wall, tensing to jump the man as he came near.  They heard him mumble something and the answering crackle of a two-way radio, and then his footsteps faded away as he went the other direction.  The five boys eyed each other nervously and took off again.

“I feel people moving around in the building,” Sehun said.  “But they are not too near.” 

After five or ten minutes of wandering, Baekhyun started getting jumpy, muttering that they should have found Zitao by now. 

"I don't remember this building being so damn big," Kai grumbled.  "I swear my sense of direction was better than this."

Suddenly Sehun tensed.  "Zitao," he whispered.  Jonghyun glanced at him.

"I can feel him," Sehun said urgently. "That way."

They took off, keeping an eye out for guards, although Sehun said he felt no one except Zitao.  He took off at a run in the direction he knew Zitao must be. 

"Sehun!" Jonghyun hissed, "wait, there could be guards!"  He, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo tore after him, Kai looking around nervously as he followed.

Sehun stopped at a door, shaking and whimpering.  He clutched at the doorknob, which was obviously locked.  Gently, Kyungsoo pushed Sehun aside.

"Zitao?  If you're in there, stand away from the door!"  He took a step back and drove his shoulder into the door, not only tearing it off the hinges but also tearing away part of the frame.

The boys rushed in.  Huddled in a corner under a blanket, alive, was Zitao.




He looked up at them muzzily, head swaying.  Sehun uttered a little cry and ran to him.  He clutched Zitao's arms, fingers digging in so hard he must have left bruises.  Zitao blinked and tried to focus.

"Heartwarming as this is, we need to get the hell out of here," Jonghyun said.  His heart thumped in relief - and in fear.  Getting in was one thing; now they had to get out.

Kyungsoo pushed Sehun aside again, picking up Zitao, who dangled limply.  Sehun hovered, anxious, hand on Zitao’s back.

“Zitao, can you hold on to my neck?” Kyungsoo asked him.  Zitao blinked at him and Kyungsoo repeated the question. 

“He’s still out,” Jonghyun said.  “Whatever they were drugging him with obviously-”

He was interrupted by a cry from Baekhyun.  Jonghyun spun around, taking in with horror the guard in the doorway.  Baekhyun clutched at a dart in his shoulder, slumping slowly to the ground.

Jonghyun sprang at him, kicking and hitting frenziedly.  Kyungsoo set Zitao down and came to help, and between the two of them they managed to knock the man unconscious.

,” Jonghyun said with feeling.  “Kyungsoo, grab those two; we need to run.  Sehun, pay attention!  We need to know when someone’s coming.”

Kyungsoo scooped up Baekhyun and Zitao, throwing a person over each shoulder, a hand on their waists holding them steady.

They dashed out of the room, only to see people coming at them from both directions.  Sehun cried out in terror.  Kyungsoo set down his cargo and he and Jonghyun sprang at the guards.  Even with Kyungsoo’s strength it seemed impossible that they could get out; there were too many people coming at them.  Sehun huddled against the wall, clutching Zitao close in attempt to protect him from the fight.  Suddenly he felt the prick of a needle in his shoulder, and everything went black.





Sehun drifted in a muddled stupor, waking up only occasionally to be fed by the scientists.  How long had he been trapped here?  A day?  Two?  But finally he woke and felt his head clear. 

He opened  his eyes to see a small room with no furniture, cream-colored wallpaper peeling around the edges.  He looked around and stood to his feet, feeling shaky, but not too bad.  He stood on his toes to peer out the tiny window.  All he could see was the old parking lot. By the quality of the sunlight, he could tell that was afternoon.

He didn’t know why the scientists had let the drug wear off, but he felt relatively normal.  He sat again, closing his eyes, and reached out with his mind.  He felt scientists, all right, but no family members.  They must still be drugged and asleep, or he would hear their minds.  He sighed, trying to ignore the panic coiling in his gut.  How would they get out?

But wait…  He could feel someone familiar awakening.  Jonghyun?

He focused.  He had never tried sending thoughts before.  But just maybe…  Jonghyun?  Jonghyun, can you hear me?

At first there was no response, but just before he gave up hope, he heard Jonghyun’s answering thought.

Sehun? he thought.  Is that you?  Can you communicate with me like this?

Yes, Sehun thought back, relief coursing through his veins.

We’ve got to get out of here, Jonghyun thought.  Is anyone else awake?


Sehun could feel Jonghyun sigh.  Then I’ll bust out of here by myself and drive the car to the UN. 

No, Sehun thought at him.  The scientists probably have the car.  Find a telephone and call the police.  That would be easiest.

Wait, what?  Can you repeat that?

Sehun repeated the message.

Sehun, I’m not understanding.  Listen.  I’m going to jump the first person that comes in here, and make my way to the UN.  Can you keep me informed of where people are?    

Sehun sat still, frustrated.  Obviously Jonghyun could only understand simple thoughts, not long sentences.  He would have to let Jonghyun do this his way.  Yes, he thought back.

If you feel someone coming near me, you just shout at me mentally, ok?


Sehun felt Jonghyun as he waited for someone to enter his room.  Before too long it happened, and Jonghyun jumped the man.  He latched onto the man’s throat, digging in his fingers, and succeeded in bringing him down into unconsciousness.  He slipped out of the room.

Sehun kept his mind open, listening for scientists or guards as Jonghyun crept down the hallway.  He felt someone approaching.  Jonghyun, watch out! 

He didn’t hear a response.


But it was too late.  A door behind Jonghyun opened and three men ran out, tackling him to the ground.

Jonghyun was too startled and horrified to make a noise.  No, no, NO!  Not again!  He struggled and thrashed, but they were too strong.  One barked an order for a tranquilizer to another, who took off down the hall.  Jonghyun shook, heart racing with fear and anger.  The door to the room nearby rattled on its hinges.  

NO!” Jonghyun screamed.  “I won’t go back!”  Doors down the whole hallway shook.  Pain suddenly spiked through Sehun’s head, and he clutched at it.  He could hear Jonghyun thinking.  I want all the scientists dead.  All of them!  He screamed again, a wordless howl of rage, frustration, and despair.  Then everything went black for both of them.




Sehun came to not long after, finding his door hanging loosely from its hinges, unlocked.  He located a phone and made a call, then found his way out and found Jonghyun, sprawled on the floor.

“Jonghyun, are you able to hear me?”

“Sehun,” he managed, thickly.

Sehun sat back in relief.  “Are you able to stand?”

“Yes,” Jonghyun replied immediately.  He told his legs to move.  They wouldn’t.  He lifted his head to look.  The world spun crazily and he dropped his head down again, thudding against the floor.  He winced.

“The UN is coming,” Sehun said.  “I got out of my room and located a telephone.”

“You know the UN’s number?” Jonghyun asked, immediately finding the question ridiculous under the circumstances.

“I dialed the police,” Sehun informed him.  “I came across several scientists in the building, but they were all unconscious.”

“How?  What happened?”

“You did.”

“What did I do?”

“I don’t understand it,” Sehun said.  “You did something with your mind.  I felt… pain.  It was like you were casting out severe pain.  I believe that caused the scientists to become unconscious.”

“Why didn’t that happen to you?”

“It did happen to me.  I recovered more quickly.  I am accustomed to severe mental pain.”  He spoke matter-of-factly.  “You also caused the doors to spring open.  I saw several torn off the hinges, or where the doorknob had fallen out.”

“Gosh, I had no idea I was so badass.”  Jonghyun tried lifting his head again, but it wasn’t any better than the first time.

“Go figure out where everyone else is being kept,” Jonghyun ordered.  “Don’t worry about me.  Once the UN gets here we can get everyone out in a hurry.”

Sehun got up.

“Oh, one thing though.  If you see Kai, lock his door and don’t tell anyone where he is.  He betrayed us.”  Jonghyun spit the last part out.

Sehun looked down at him, brows drawn together.

“He ing sold us out, Sehun.  I never want to see or hear about him again, and I definitely don’t ing want the UN rescuing him.  Got it?”

Sehun nodded, looking upset.  “Kai…”

“I know.  How could we be so wrong about him?”  

Sehun turned down the hallway, casting his mind out in case any of the others were waking up.

Police cars appeared within a few minutes.  Sehun showed them where he had found everyone, with the exception of Kai.  Ambulances appeared to take them to the hospital, despite Jonghyun's protest against it. Much to his frustration, he wasn’t able to do more than sit up and clutch the wall for support when the agents came in.  The world pitched crazily whenever he moved, and his head ached.

An emergency technician loaded Jonghyun into an ambulance, ignoring his complaints that they would be fine just going home.  Jonghyun glanced around for his family, trying not to move his head.  They were all there, though they seemed to be mostly unconscious.  He noticed Sehun hovering anxiously as Zitao was strapped onto a cot.  Freed of his temporary assignment, he seemed to have succumbed to his worry over his friend.  His face was drawn, pale, and he shook from time to time.  He kept a hand on Zitao at all times, despite the repeated attempts from the technicians to push him away.



Ta-da...  I couldn't leave Zitao dead, I love him too much and also Sehun literally can't live without him.  Although WOOPS we're not allowed to be completely happy, because now Kai is apparently evil?

Next chapter Zitao and Sehun are really effing cute and clingy.

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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 7: This is so good plz finish the story
claris88 #2
Chapter 7: geez!!need more taohun!!awesome story tho..pls update soon!!
kennocha #3
Chapter 7: aww, poor Kai... Had to go though so much just to help his friends out and they totally shut him out?! Oh well, I hope they get back together on good terms and believe the truth.
Lol, Tao has been sounding so useless throughout the entire story. I wish he could've been at least a little better than that =)
I love your story author nim! Update soon~^_^
Chapter 7: sehun and tao is disgustedly adorable, but i like it *u*
woop woop. kai isn't bad ;a; thats fortunate. He was helping and hurting himself ;a;
Andais #5
Chapter 7: This stowy is vewy good! Keep writing! How could they think Kai was a baddy? He's such a sweety... btw I really love his character, he's so funny haha and Taohun ith adorbth :3
platinumdrops #6
Chapter 7: Wow.
So Kai wasn't bad all this time!
I think its interesting how you have portrayed each character and the way they interact with each other.
Like how Sehun is physically the weakest of the lot, but mentally, he is very strong willed.
Also, I love how you have constructed the relationship of Sehun and Tao.
Chapter 7: khbfuiffhisrsibsfb WOAH SEKAI. XD I've actually never really checked out Sekai before...... but great plot! Update soon, fighting!
Chapter 6: OMG *totally awkward situation* OH LORD. XD Is this the final chapter? I'd really like it continued with a whole bunch of new adventures! C:
Chapter 5: OMFG DDUCBEFCBYNSJXXMOWCMJRECUVV //beingtotalllyyyyimmaturewiththiscomment
Zsznusbbubyucbuncnihfhby THIS.
Update soon, hwaiting!
Chapter 4: So sehun gna die too??????
I wish to see suhun suho/sehun :(