Chapter 5 (I hate all of you)

Long Time Lover


Doojoon POV

“Gikwang, where’s Junhyung?” I ask him.

“I don’t know. Maybe he went out to buy some coke,” he answered.

“I think I want to take revenge on the girls. Do you want to join?” I ask Gikwang.

“Hmm. Okay, I’ll join. Let’s see how they will reflect to that,” Gikwang said.

So, I tell him about the plans. I’ve asked Hyunseung about things that the girls hate so much. He did know almost everything about them. Actually, everyone knows everything about them.

“Okay! So, we’ll get our revenge in few days. Oh, Junhyung, you’re back! Hey, we’ve a plan to take a revenge on the girls. Do you want to join us?” I asked Junhyung.

“The girls? Did you mean our neighbor? I don’t think it’s great idea,” Junhyung replied.

“Why? You don’t like them right? I mean all of us don’t like them and they’ve embarrassed us to all the student in the school, so…” suddenly Junhyung cut my words.

“Yes, I know that. But, believe me, we just can’t attack them. You’ll know the reasons later on,” Junhyung said.

“Don’t say that you’re in love with one of them?” Gikwang .

“Huh? No, no! If we attack them, they can make an even worst revenge to us back. They’re quite dangerous, don’t you think?” Junhyung said. He seems to be hiding something from us.

“Never mind, if you don’t want to join us, we’ll attack them without you. By the way, in case that you change your mind, the revenge will start on the next two days,” I said then I walk into my room.

Junhyung POV

How should I stop them from attacking the girls? I can’t tell them the truth yet. Then, I talk about this once again with Doojoon and Gikwang.

“Guys, can’t you guys just forget about what they’ve done? We don’t really need to make a revenge on them. Besides, they are girls. It’s not nice for boys to have a fight with girls,” I said to them.

“So, do you expect us to just let them go while they had completely embarrassed us with our bad pictures? Do you think its fun when people who don’t even know us suddenly distributing a picture of me crying, Gikwang with his iron-burned t-shirts and even worst, a picture of you with a torn boxer? I don’t even find something good for you to backup them,” Doojoon said with a mad tone voice.

“Did they threaten you so that’ why you are afraid of them?” Gikwang asked.

“No, that’s not the reason. Aigo. Never mind, just pretend like I’ve never said that you both of you,” I said and then I walk into my room.

The next 2 days

I think I’d better tell them early so I went to their house. Gratefully, Haeyo was sweeping the hall way of their apartment.

“Psst… Haeyo-ah, let’s go to the park? Bring Yoorim along. I have something to tell you. It’s an emergency,” I speak to her with a whisper-like tone.

“Oh, okay. Wait a minute,” she said.

I go to the park first. Then, they appear in front of me. So, I start to tell them what Doojoon and Gikwang would do today.

“Girls, I think you’d better watch out. Today, Doojoon and Gikwang have a plan to get on you. I don’t know the exact time.  I’ve tried to stop them but I failed. They keep asking why I’m trying to help all of you. I don’t know what to say so I just let them do it,” I said to them.

“Never mind, we know what to do. By the way, thanks for the information. Don’t forget, next week we’ll be going to Busan,” Haeyo said to me.

On the other side (Doojoon Gikwang and Chaeril)

Gikwang POV

“Doojoon, let’s go. It’s time for us to enjoy our day,” I said to Doojoon.

“Okay. Wait, I’ll get the spider,” Doojoon said.

Then, we silently make the trap for them. The spider would fall onto one of them. Once the door is open, the container which has two spiders in it will fall onto the person. So, the spider will be on their body.

“Okay, I’m done. Gikwang, get ready to ring the bell, on count of three one, two, and three….” Doojoon said and then I ring the bell.

Then, the door is open and the spiders fell onto her. When one of the spiders walks on her face, she starts to scream. Both I and Doojoon laughs so hard while looking at the frightened girl. Then suddenly Chaeril’s face appears in my head. The way she acts resembles Chaeril but they weren’t the same and they wouldn’t be the same!

“Ya!!!!!!! Get these aliens off my body!” she shouted. Then, Doojoon walk into the house without even care about her. When I’m about to run away, she grabs my hand. She did have a great grip.

“Where the hell are you think you’re going?! If I’m in hell, that’s mean you’ll be in hell too! Take the spiders away!!” she shouts and hitting me. I can see that tears are filling up her eyes. I don’t know what to do. She looks so pity but if I help her, Doojoon will never forgive me.

Suddenly her friends appear out of nowhere.

“What did you do to her?! Go away!” one of them pushes me. I admit that they are so strong. Junhyung was here to. He came just few minutes after they come to save that girl. Junhyung doesn’t seem to bother much about what happens. I run into the house and shut the door. I don’t even want to peek on them, afraid that they will do something to me.

Chaeril POV

Yoorim and Haeyo help me with the spiders but I still mad at them because they left me without even telling me.

“Chaeril, we’re sorry. We didn’t know that they will…” I walk in the house without even bother to let Haeyo finish up her words.

Since the incident, I keep myself away from them. I didn’t even want to give any reply or reaction to them.

“Chaeril, are you still mad at us? It’s not like we’re the one who did that to you,” Yoorim said. But I just ignore it and go to sleep.

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hehe..i'm trying..sorry for being hiatus for so loooonnnggg. :/
i'll try my best to update it asap.. ^_^
can u update asap??this story making me want to read it again and again
sorry for a late update..i'm very busy these days.. :/<br />'s a bit odd..but, that's what my friend asked me to write..<br />
since i don't have any idea at that time.. :)<br />
jihyun is one of the richest.. :P<br />
<br />
-sometimes it's a bit hard to make some sentences because my vocab can easily vanish from my brain..kekeke..:P
#4 girls took photos of the guys in pj's and showed the whole school(s)??? <br />
thts....odd ><<br />
<br />
and i thought jihyun was the richest girl in the whole school....><<br />
<br />
nice update tho and it wasn't a bit boring~~~<br />
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@previous reply: hahaha i was just wondering ^^ it seemed like some of ur sentences weren't tht fluent but comparing u to other non-english speakers, ur MUCH betterr ^^ xx
Yup, english is not my first language..:)<br />
sorry if my english is bad..keke.. ^^
thts so cuteeee~~~~<br />
<br />
and i dont think english is ur first language yes??? ^^
update..kekeke.. ;))<br />
thanks for reading and comment.. ^^<br />
lovelyjho #8
thts hella cuteee~~~<br />
and both parties sure are bold ^^